Gang Rape Fantasy Stories

Gang Rape Fantasy Stories


Gang Rape Fantasy Stories

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Acquaintance Rape
Campus Rape
Childhood Trauma
Date Rape
Domestic Rape
Other Languages
Rape with the Use of Drugs
Sexual Assault
Stranger Rape
Workplace Rape

I have a past of sexual abuse but for the most part I’ve put it behind me though I get flashbacks every so often when watching a triggering show or something. My problem currently is my fiancé. This isn’t a new development in our relationship this started since we started...

My unfortunate store started when i was 8 yrs old. My mother had just married a man she had only known a very short time (5 months). He started molesting me within days of the wedding and slowly progressed to rape. I was to scared to tell anyone until i...

Two years ago I was a sophomore in high school. It was the last day of school and some guy I saw of as my brother asked me if I was going to go to the same class we have. I said yes. On my way to class I decided...

Hi, .y name is Jet. I was 13 at the time, and it was a bit after my birthday. I was with my boyfriend at the time, and he was acting normal the first few month. I remember Halloween came along and I went with him and a friend I...

When I was around 11 years old my parents and I moved to a new house. It was a lovely time. A neighbour of ours who was very friendly with the rest of our neighbourhood as first was kind. People always said he was very charming. Walking home from school...

I don’t really know where to begin I don’t really know if some days I belive in myself. Somedays I suppress all the feeling away that in order for me to breath in order for me to stay alive. This is the first time Im telling my story and I...

וואו אני לא יודעת מאיפה להתחיל עברתי 3 מקרים וזה עדיין מציק אני בת 31 אמא ל2 ילדי מקסימים כשהייתי בת בערך 15 ליוויתי את חברה שלי הבייתה דרך איזו סימטה מוארת לפתע שמענו שמישהו הולך אחרינו הגברנו את קצב ההליכה וגם הוא הגביר ומכיוון שאני הייתי הכי קרובה אליו...

My friend was throwing a party for me and two other friends. We all shared birthdays around the same time, so we celebrated them together. A lot of people I didn’t even speak to showed up. I was turning 15 and it was my first time drinking. Apparently I drank...

hola tengo 38 años mi historia comienza cuando tenia 8 años mi padre murió y quedamos con mi madre en ese en toses vivíamos en el campo mi familia es numerosa somos 8 hermanos entre mujeres y hombre yo soy la numero 7 y mi hermana la numero 8 ella...

was raped 29 years ago. I was Party Raped, Gang Raped, whatever you want to call it. 1989 I was 14, and raped by my ex boyfriend and 2 of his friends (who I had never spoke to). I will save all the details. I was Drunk, beyond drunk, and...

he guy who raped me was a 17 year football player & I was a 15 year virgin. I newly had been dating another boy but had kissed this football player a few times in the previous months at parties. On this night, he led me to his truck during...

Sometimes I wonder if it was my fault…Did I say yes? I must of, right? I was studying in Rome for the academic year, what was meant to be the best year of my life. I had been at a party and obviously was drinking, a friend and I decided...

I am 15 years old like a teenager doing my own thing, drama and stuff. one day i was on my snapchat doing SFS which means “shout out for shout out” it’s like you ask someone to post you and say “go add her” sum like that. That’s how you...

I was drugged and raped by three men one of those men was charged with the rape of me. I didn’t know them nor did I go away with them. I was drugged in a pub and they followed me when my friend and I parted ways. I have 3/4...

5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...

היי אני מקווה שאכן תקראי אותי. גם אני עברתי חוויות דומות, כאלה ואחרות בחיי מ 8 אנשים מהמשפחה. זה הבלוג שלי אם תרצי לעיין אשמח אם תצרי איתי קשר במייל את חזקה! כל הכבוד לך *חיבוק*

When I was 5 years old, I was sexually assaulted by many men. The next day I tried to kill myself. At the age of 10, I was raped and again tried to end it by ending my life. I also am a survivor of FASD and there for not...

I was 16 when I had my first kiss, 17 when I met my first boyfriend and lost my virginity. I was a shy girl, the one who blended into the background amongst her more attractive friends. Dennis was tall, blonde and exotic- All of us were drawn to him....

Just writing this brings tears to my eyes. It’s still so raw to me even if it was two years ago. I was 18 and I started dating this cop I had make at my gas station job after he’d contacted me on Facebook. I’d liked him for so long...

I wasn’t old. Maybe… 14-16? I remember I went to a camp. A school one, other schools were there too, it’s was an end of the year thing. On the first night I needed to use the restroom, so I left the cabin and walked towards the restrooms. I was...

I was taken away from my mother and father at 6 years old. I lived in three different family members’ homes. The last home I moved to, terrible things happened. I was abused physically, from slapping to being punched in the face. Emotionally, from being told my parents were pieces...

I was raped was by my ex boyfriend. We were living together at the time and he had a really big drug problem. I didn’t want to believe that a person I trusted would ever hurt me. After it happened several times and I started to be afraid to go...

Victim. As I live through this new vocabulary, which I had somehow managed to never befriend in all these years of pain, trouble, disappointment, heartbreak, disenchantment, depression even… I struggle to accept, this truth, this world view, this reality which has smacked me right across my face, my soul, my...

I am 67 now. In 1984 my younger sister met a man and he drugged her with a date rape drug. Her story was like so many I have heard. She woke up naked and didn’t know how she had gotten there. She was horrified. She knew she had been...

At the time he was my boyfriend of about 6 months. my first boyfriend in high school had cheated on me with my best friend, that relationship doesn’t hold much meaning to me because first loves to me can be first mistakes I was very young and should have seen...

I was barely 17. Living on my own and fairly naive. Had a job at chicfila in Clayton Georgia USA. He was 36. Ex con. Jehovah’s witness and my boss. He raped me repeatedly over the course of two years. Forced anal when I said no. Choked me unconscious and...

I woke up next to this guy. I don’t know what we did. I didn’t stay to find his name. I am in pain. I am not a virgin. I left him a post-it with my contact info. I need a call to discuss this. I want to back up...

במשך 3 שנים עברתי התעללות מינית מצד בן דוד, הוא היה נוגע בי ואונס אותי יום אחרי יום ואני לא התנגדתי ולא אמרתי כלום… פשוט נתתי לי לו לעשות הכל… אף אחד לא ראה.. הוא איים עליי לא לספר ותמיד אמר שהוא אוהב אותי ושזה משחק רק של שנינו… כל...

Let me start my story as my experience is a little non typical, and I feel for those who had a harder fate, as I got very lucky. Most who I tell this to take it well, it was a learning experience! I made an incredible mistake! I walked to...

I was 17. A virgin. Very naive. In college away from home for the first time. Grieving terribly for my mom who had passed away 2 months earlier. I was living in a coed dorm. A group of us – male and female – hung out together. I went to...

It is really hard for me to write this but I feel empowered by this website and All the stories I have read here. It took me a while to realize what happened but I think I was raped when I was 17. I met Jon and he was a...

i haven’t had a good upbringing. my mum left when i was 2 and left with me my step sister dad who isn’t related to me. (at this point i never knew) when i was about 7 he started to do stuff, touching me and my friends and making me...

My story starts out as someone who moved almost 3,000 miles away from home to start their lives in Miami. I was very young and moved with my very best gay male friends. We found a great place right on the water. We were living the dream at 23. I...

I was 14 when I was raped. I went out with my friends to a party where i met these guys there were 3 or 4 of them. They looked at me and complimented on my beauty. Saying “You are a really pretty girl” and “what’s your secret?” I said...

I was 20 when I moved into my first apartment in college, I was date raped by my down stairs neighbor. I went to better myself with big thoughts of changing the world. I was drugged and raped by my down stairs neighbor. I tried to tell my best friend...

My foster dad raped me when I was 13. I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden he grabbed me and threw me on the bed. I thought he was joking around. He ripped of my pants and started grabbing my butt hard. I screamed “stop,” but...

I was married a long time and am now divorced, so therefore I’m not very experienced with dating. Recently I went on a date with a guy I knew about ten years and who was getting a divorce. We had a fantastic time. We talked often for another week and...

November 18th Thirteen years ago, that date changed everything, even though I didn’t realize it until months later. At 24 year-old, I was a virgin. My best friend’s husband had a childhood best friend, who had been talking on the phone with me for a few months, when everyone pitched...

He was my roommate. Someone I barely knew, an acquaintance. I had moved back to campus after living about a year 20 minutes out from school. I was desperate to be around people my own age again and get out of my current living situation. I took on random roommates...

I was about…6 I think. The first time it happened. My uncle was living with us after he came back from the islands. The first time he molested me was in our living room. It was in the middle of the night and I was watching a show, everyone were...

This year I started my first year of uni and there was this guy in one of my classes he was an exchange student, and we became study partners, and I was helping him understand Aussie culture. After the mid-tri break second day back he asked to come over to...

I seen him today. The exe who thought he had the right to just take what he wanted. It’s like you need you moved on. That your okay. Then ask if takes is to see him and can’t breathe. I froze. I just turned around and wanted to run. I...

My story started with sexual abuse from a girlfriend when I was 5 (I am also female). I assume that she was sexually abused from her brothers or her father at a young age considering she knew what “going down on someone” was at the age of 5. What proceeded...

It’s been six years since it happened. I only recently started to deal with it, before I just felt like it was all a big mistake. Because I denied it, I never went to the hospital or police and I regret never reporting it. One reason why I don’t want...

I wasn’t raped or sexually assaulted, and I’m not sure if this belongs here, but I’m going to say something anyways. My friend was abused, physically and mentally, by his parents. They would lock him out of the house for long periods of time and do other things. He told...

t was my freshman year of college and I had just broken up with an emotionally abusive boyfriend from back home. I was upset and angry and also feeling liberated because I could finally do what I wanted. So I went to a party with a couple friends. While I...

I was walking home from school one afternoon when two guys stopped a car and forced me in. They drove me to a wooded area then started flipping a quarter to see which one got to go first. I kept trying to get away, but they would not let me....

It always seemed like a joke to me, rape. Having a lot of guys as friends I felt so close to guys and felt I could trust then more, until one came along he was like a brother to me but he always told me he loved me and I...

I was 23 and it was our 3rd “date.” We went to his house to watch movies and have pizza. I was okay with that because he lived with his mom and she was home. We ate and then went to his room. On the way up the stairs he...

I had never been to a bar before. Sure, I’d gone out to Applebees with other coworkers where they’d serve me drinks. But I was 19, and had to drive home. I had never been drunk before, and didn’t push my limits. I went to the bar to see him...

George set up a night out. We left in the evening for a nice date night out at the movies. On the way there, he picked up Pete, for a ride he needed. While we drove, Pete put a gun to my head, and we pulled over. I had no...

I couldn’t sleep tonight, and all I could think about was making a difference in the world. Somehow I stumbled across this forum in my quest to find away to make the world a better place. I read a few of the stories and sobbed the whole time. I had...

I was in class and I thought I was safe. It was my freshman year of high school and it was the week of finals. We didn’t have a final in that class so all of us got to play games. I sat next to him bc my friend was...

I am always screaming inside. What is Normal. I forgot who I was before I was raped. What is it like to be Happy. I never really sleep. I am always mad. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my Rapist(s). Why I never told anyone. I...

My story happened 20 years ago, but I do not talk about it and only my friends that new me back then know my story. I met my first husband when I was 18 years old. Shortly after that I got pregnant and we married. The abuse started while I...

I stumbled on this site via Google last night while trying to find a place i could talk without been judged. I must say this place is full of strong women and men , reading their stories all night made my heart break countless number of time. I hope to...

You remind of my dad a little, the way you like to fly airplanes and because you like to build things. That made me feel comfortable with you, I felt safe and warm, I trusted you. I believed you would listen to me, really listen to me but you didn’t...

I met him at a party on New Years. He was handsome, a great dancer, a pre-law student, worked while putting himself through school, had a new car, played in a jazz band, father was a minister. We went to different schools so he called me when he came home...

I just don’t know how to start. It feels weird and I am ashamed, I feel dirty and I don’t have any self-esteem left. I am having a great boyfriend. We both are having a strong relationship and we are dating since five years and a half, I met him...

I was raped by a co-worker when I was in my mid-20’s. We were at a work function, we were all drinking, then about 10 of us went to his place to continue the party. He grabbed me on my way out of the washroom and dragged me into his...

This is my first time sharing my story and revealing how I really feel about it. I am 24 years old now and I have lost both parents before the age of 10. We were 7 girls and one boy, but now we left only 3 girls and the boy...

I really don’t know how to write this but I do want to try. I’ve been reading these stories for a while and have wanted to write my own but every time I try it’s too hard to actually put words down… I don’t know why this keeps happening. Every...

Born A Girl When I was 10, I noticed men looking at me differently When I was 10 to 12 men and boys of all ages honked their horns, whistled and yelled profanities at me When I was 13 my friend and I were walking home in the daylight, when...

I am not gonna say my age. When I was 7, I was taking a nap from playing with my toys. Ya know like with the Barbies & Bratz dolls. My cousin was there with me watching me and it was just me and him. In the house. Alone. I...

I have come to realize the extent of the damage, to me, to my soul, to my brain, because of childhood sexual abuse. Repeated sexual assaults. On me, on my child that I was, then. I can recall an assault when I was 2 yrs old. A repressed memory that...

This all started when I was in the 8th grade, I met my now ex boyfriend Matt C. who I dated for about four years leading up to my junior year in high school. I’ve know Matt since we were very little, we went to the same elementary so I...

I was sexually abused and raped as a child by my adopted brother who was 9 years older than me. I have only one memory, but there is ‘evidence’ from my healing work of earlier attacks which I suppressed the memories of. It has made married life very difficult and...

To my best friend who raped me, I am so torn between feeling love for you and feeling hate for what you have done; what you have taken away from me is irreplaceable. On the first of May, I lost hope for all living things to live and breathe and...

I had the same boyfriend through most of high school. We went to the games. We went to dances. We went to the movies. We ate pizza. The basics, you know? Of course, I had a vagina, and he needed one. So we went to the backseat. We went there....

One week ago at a Halloween party, I blacked out and woke up with a woman from the party. I was with her for eight hours, but remember less than 10 seconds. The last thing I remember is feeling somewhat drunk, but still alert and having fun with a big...

So I decided that I will be getting a new tattoo, it’s my tattoo that tells the story of my rape, and that i am a survivor and not a victim anymore. I changed my major in college from nursing to social work because I want to make a change...

Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...

My father had abandoned my family when I was 8 years old. From then on until now I thought I needed the love of a man to fill the emptiness he left behind. When I was 11 my mother worked at in a small Latin shop where she was a...

I am the only girl at a job of 4 men. I am also 20 while these men are 40+. One worker would grab me from behind when I would walk in the back to the bathroom. This would happen often. One day all my coworkers had to go outside...

I’m in my 30’s now and am not all there any more but I try to be a good and happy person. The thing is I don’t remember much of what happened to me. People exclaim that if you go through trauma you’ll remember every detail but that isn’t true....

Although I was not raped until the age of 23 I need to start my story much earlier. When I was about 7 or 8, my older cousin, who was only one year older than me began touching me. At that age I don’t think I really understood what was...

This happened fourteen years ago but I am just now realizing that I was raped. I can look back and see how it affected me but at the time I thought it was my fault. Back in high school I had a large group of friends that was composed of...

When I was 4 I was sexually molested by one of my cousins. I didn’t tell anyone because when I did tell someone they laughed at me calling me a lair. When
Sinn Sage Strapon
Young Incest Taboo Stories
Alessandra Ribeiro Shemale

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