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Ганджубас Осло

A British man was sentenced to indefinite detention, according to the BBC , after having been caught on camera attempting to burn down a synagogue and instead burning down himself. When police arrested him at his Alexander Terrace home he had burns to his hands, forehead and hair and was carrying two lock knives and two lighters. As he was put in a police van, Morgan said: 'Please tell me that synagogue is burning to the ground. The court heard the attack on the building coincided with a Jewish feast day commemorating disasters, including the Holocaust. The repairs totalled more than lb23, Judge Anthony Leonard QC handed Morgan a hospital order without limit of time, saying most people would feel 'anger and revulsion' for what he did. President of the synagogue, Mr Richard Halsey, thanked the police for their 'brilliant response' and 'support'. The video is like a Looney Tunes cartoon, a true 'Instant Karma' classic. Read the rest. From the Los Angeles Times :. Deputies with the Victor Valley substation spotted the Nazi symbols spray-painted on three vehicles, a garage door and a stop sign in the mountainous area of Snowbird and Evergreen roads. Officials are not currently calling the act a hate crime, referring to it instead as an act of vandalism and tagging. According to the latest Census numbers, Wrightwood has a population of more than 4, The area is near Mountain High, a nearby ski and snow-activity destinatio. Swastikas spray-painted on cars, homes in San Bernardino mountains \\\\\\\\\\\[latimes. We could have a trial before Christmas. This country could be in civil war at Christmastime. Members of the U. They are going to have to decide: are you fighting for the North or the South? People are going to be forced, possibly by this Christmas, to take a stand because of this Jew coup in the United States. You have been taken over by a Jewish cabal. Get it through your head! There will be a purge. Thanks, Robbo! Посмотрите в это прекрасное яврейское лицо этой красотули. Все в ней есть и характерный шнобель и зубы ржунимагу. А вот с мозгами видать ей не повезло, когда Господь их раздавал , она за другим в очереди стояла. Это дитя богоизбранных попалась в апреле месяце с 9 граммами каннабиса, которые везла из Индии в свой родной исраиль видать забористый ганджубас, у них там такого нет. И вот сегодня Химкинский городской суд приговорил к 7,5 годам колонии гражданку Израиля и США Нааму Иссахар, которую обвиняли в контрабанде п. И тут понеслось, яврейский МИД сразу же выступил с сообщением: 'Израиль осуждает решение российских юристов в отношении гражданки Израиля Наамы Иссахар. Речь идет о тяжелом и непропорциональном наказании для молодой девушки без уголовного прошлого, которая остановилась в Москве транзитным рейсом по дороге в Израиль. К сожалению, российские власти никак не отреагировали на наши увещевания рассматривать это дело в соответствии с действительными обстоятельствами ее ареста' Вот жиж, волки мы позорные, ахтунги подзаборные посмели будущее исраиля. Вот у них там в исраиле видишь за такое в попку целуют и пальчиком грозят. Schrage is now leaving Facebook, and claims that the decision to do so pre-dated the scandal. Definers researched this using public information. Audience members told a reporter they believed they were about to die in a mass shooting. In the video below taken by a theater audience member, the audience reacts after the unidentified man interrupts the 'Fiddler on the Roof' performance at the Hippodrome Theatre. Sick, sad world. From the Baltimore Sun :. Audience member Rich Scherr said the outburst happened during intermission. The man was escorted out a few minutes later and the show continued. But Scherr, 49, said it was hard to focus on the play after that. Regardless, it should not have appeared as a trend. To Twitter these are PR issues, and its solutions are oriented to media coverage. This is why nothing ever really changes, least of all its enthusiasm for product features that might accomplish more. Much that is human is alien to them. A gunman opened fire at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh Saturday, killing at least 11 people while shouting 'All Jews must die'. Bowers, who is white, was then taken into custody. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect, and he was crawling and injured. Others had been shot but the extent of their injuries in unknown at this time. Police have requested that residents stay inside their home as they exchanged gun fire with a suspected gunman. Social media profiles associated with Bowers and archived by Laura Rozen before their deactivation show a Neo-Nazi Qanon true believer ranting about 'invaders', 'globalists', and the Jews: 'there is no MAGA as long as there is a kike infestation. Anti-Semitic attacks rose faster in than any time in the past 40 years, The Anti-Defamation League today said. But what stuck out most was towards the end of the interview, when she asked Wolff if he thought Trump was sexist, racist, xenophobic, and anti-semitic. And then Tur, who did a fine job with the interview up until now, quickly moves on to another topic! Our community standards strictly prohibit attacking people based on their protected characteristics, including religion, and we prohibit advertisers from discriminating against people based on religion and other attributes. However, there are times where content is surfaced on our platform that violates our standards. Facebook removed several antisemitic ad categories after ProPublica asked about them and 'promised to improve monitoring. Want to market Nazi memorabilia, or recruit marchers for a far-right rally? Surely what Facebook means by 'monitoring' is monitoring what Facebook exposes about itself, not what Facebook itself monitors. ProPublica having bought ads targeted at the antisemitic categories and verified their fulfillment offers this tobesure about how it all works:. Fr'uh about your inquiry. You told me a lot previously, but I need more specific details. I thought you had heard something from Mr. Fr'uh that could be useful to me. Please be so kind and tell me everything, even the smallest details. The matter is indeed starting to take shape. Kugler also seems to know nothing. People here keep speculating about everything and are becoming suspicious of each other. Things in Germany are looking up thanks to our F'uhrer and the cleansing of the population from the Jews Those exploiters who are the misfortune of humanity. If one of them even dares nowadays, even if they just insult a girl, they will be put in prison straightaway --those rapists. In addition, German citizenship was revoked for all of them, they are not Germans -- foreign to the German race, and should be sent to Palestine where a lot already ran off to, those bastards. The winter relief fund was a great success and even a lot of foreigners took part. A lot still needs to be done, because countless people have lost their belongings due to the war and the government run by Jews afterwards. I also lost , Reichsmark and could therefore make good use of the inheritance. Well then, I look forward to hearing from you and I wish you and your family a good new year from the bottom of my heart, and hope we resolve the issue soon. Ernst, Shaughnessy added, is probably the same man as an Ernst Ries who died Sept. Ironically named Whitefish, Montana seems to be a hotbed of American anti-Semitism. The ADL has this to say:. Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who runs The Daily Stormer, a blatantly racist and anti-Semitic website, has ratcheted up his campaign of harassment against the Jewish community in and around Whitefish, Montana, including announcing an armed march in the town by white supremacists that he has scheduled for January. Whitefish is the part-time home of Richard Spencer, a prominent spokesperson within the white supremacist alt right, and his parents. Since the release of the emails, the realtor and her family have reportedly received numerous threats, as have other Jews in the town. On December 21, Anglin wrote an article for his site in which he threatened to post a list of business associates for the realtor and her family, as well as others associated with an anti-hate group in town. He encouraged his followers to demand that these associates cut their business ties with the realtor and those associated with the anti-hate group. Anglin also encouraged his supporters to troll a Jewish journalist who wrote an article about the situation and a Jewish rabbi who encouraged people to send notes of sympathy to the harassment victims in Whitefish. The rabbi asked people to put a menorah in their window to show solidarity with the Jews of Whitefish. In response, Anglin told his followers to put Nazi flags in their windows and to put the Nazi swastika on their cars, homes and businesses, though he has no real base of support in Whitefish. Not only is Anglin harassing the Jewish community of Whitefish, he is at the same time exploiting the situation there to promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish power and control. He alleges that Jews have targeted white supremacists and anti-Semites but now he is somehow turning the tables on them. Anglin has carried out anti-Semitic harassment campaigns before. In the spring of , he encouraged people to troll Jewish journalists who were critical of Donald Trump during the Republican primary campaign. He also launched a harassment campaign in October against Jewish politician Luciana Berger, a British MP, after a white supremacist was arrested for harassing her. Since Anglin launched his harassment campaign, ADL has been in regular contact with the victim families, as well as relevant law enforcement authorities and other public officials. We are helping community members in their efforts to have offensive photos removed and following up with our own law enforcement contacts at the FBI and the Department of Justice. We have also offered to provide guidance on online security. The pretense of 'Alt-Right' is pretty damn thin when you are calling on supporters to fly the swastika. If you install 'Coincidence Detector,' a Chrome plugin from Altrightmedia, then every time a Jewish-seeming name appears in your browser, it will be surrounded in triple parentheses the extension also uses a crowdsourced list of known Jews to enfold their names in parenthetical hugs where they appear. I tend to find Pat Condell very agreeable, as always. Что здесь есть? From the Los Angeles Times : Deputies with the Victor Valley substation spotted the Nazi symbols spray-painted on three vehicles, a garage door and a stop sign in the mountainous area of Snowbird and Evergreen roads. The area is near Mountain High, a nearby ski and snow-activity destinatio Swastikas spray-painted on cars, homes in San Bernardino mountains \\\\\\\\\\\[latimes. Topbot Исраиль в ярости. Только бы наши не включили заднюю Понедельник, 14 Октября г. Did we ask them to do work on George Soros? Heil Trump! The classic play is about Jewish themes. The company called it an act of 'vandalism' and said it was working with its partner Mapbox to 'get this fixed immediately'. In a statement, Snap said the defacement was 'deeply offensive'. Screenshots on social media appeared to show other apps had also been affected. The problem with outsourcing content to third parties is that it pins your reputation to their reliability and trustworthiness. And here there appears to be a chain: Snapchat etc pulling data from Mapbox pulling data from OpenStreetMap pulling data from antisemitic users. Wolff: Um, yes. Tur: Xenophobic? ProPublica having bought ads targeted at the antisemitic categories and verified their fulfillment offers this tobesure about how it all works: 'In all likelihood, the ad categories that we spotted were automatically generated January 6, Dear Wilhelm and Family! The ADL has this to say: Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who runs The Daily Stormer, a blatantly racist and anti-Semitic website, has ratcheted up his campaign of harassment against the Jewish community in and around Whitefish, Montana, including announcing an armed march in the town by white supremacists that he has scheduled for January. JaguarFiend Well spoken Понедельник, 06 Июня г. Картина 'Выбор немецкого народа'. Не бейте. Найдено 27 сообщений Cообщения с меткой. Метки: Post antisemitism mistakes nazis. Комментарии 0 Комментировать В цитатник или сообщество. Метки: Post anti-semitism antisemitism hate nazis picks racism us news. Метки: Video antisemitism impeachment religion rick wiles. Метки: antisemitism. Метки: Post deletefacebook antisemitism conspiracy theories Elliot Schrage facebook lugenfacebook soros. Метки: Post anti-semitism antisemitism baltimore Culture donald trump Entertainment hate crimes maga politics racism trump. Метки: Post antisemitism twitter. Метки: Post antisemitism violence. Метки: Post antisemitism maps mistakes. Метки: Post anti-semitism antisemitism gop hate nazi nazis News picks racism trump. Метки: Video antisemitism. Метки: Post antisemitism nobody expects the russian inquisition russia russian orthodox church russian revolution the protocols of the elders of zion theocratic tyranny. Метки: Post antisemitism facebook mistakes racism. Метки: Post antisemitism facebook racism. Метки: Post antisemitism germany History. Метки: Post alt-right antisemitism gop michigan romance this is not normal v-day. Метки: Post antisemitism kkk neo-nazism. Метки: Post altright antisemitism chrome google politics race usausausa. Метки: jewish jew jews semite semitic antisemitism pat condell. Метки: antisemitism европа israel community. Метки: pink floyd rush roger waters geddy lee nazis gasenwagen antisemitism. Комментарии 11 Комментировать В цитатник или сообщество.

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A British man was sentenced to indefinite detention, according to the BBC , after having been caught on camera attempting to burn down a synagogue and instead burning down himself. When police arrested him at his Alexander Terrace home he had burns to his hands, forehead and hair and was carrying two lock knives and two lighters. As he was put in a police van, Morgan said: 'Please tell me that synagogue is burning to the ground. The court heard the attack on the building coincided with a Jewish feast day commemorating disasters, including the Holocaust. The repairs totalled more than lb23, Judge Anthony Leonard QC handed Morgan a hospital order without limit of time, saying most people would feel 'anger and revulsion' for what he did. President of the synagogue, Mr Richard Halsey, thanked the police for their 'brilliant response' and 'support'. The video is like a Looney Tunes cartoon, a true 'Instant Karma' classic. Read the rest. From the Los Angeles Times :. Deputies with the Victor Valley substation spotted the Nazi symbols spray-painted on three vehicles, a garage door and a stop sign in the mountainous area of Snowbird and Evergreen roads. Officials are not currently calling the act a hate crime, referring to it instead as an act of vandalism and tagging. According to the latest Census numbers, Wrightwood has a population of more than 4, The area is near Mountain High, a nearby ski and snow-activity destinatio. Swastikas spray-painted on cars, homes in San Bernardino mountains \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[latimes. We could have a trial before Christmas. This country could be in civil war at Christmastime. Members of the U. They are going to have to decide: are you fighting for the North or the South? People are going to be forced, possibly by this Christmas, to take a stand because of this Jew coup in the United States. You have been taken over by a Jewish cabal. Get it through your head! There will be a purge. Thanks, Robbo! Посмотрите в это прекрасное яврейское лицо этой красотули. Все в ней есть и характерный шнобель и зубы ржунимагу. А вот с мозгами видать ей не повезло, когда Господь их раздавал , она за другим в очереди стояла. Это дитя богоизбранных попалась в апреле месяце с 9 граммами каннабиса, которые везла из Индии в свой родной исраиль видать забористый ганджубас, у них там такого нет. И вот сегодня Химкинский городской суд приговорил к 7,5 годам колонии гражданку Израиля и США Нааму Иссахар, которую обвиняли в контрабанде п. И тут понеслось, яврейский МИД сразу же выступил с сообщением: 'Израиль осуждает решение российских юристов в отношении гражданки Израиля Наамы Иссахар. Речь идет о тяжелом и непропорциональном наказании для молодой девушки без уголовного прошлого, которая остановилась в Москве транзитным рейсом по дороге в Израиль. К сожалению, российские власти никак не отреагировали на наши увещевания рассматривать это дело в соответствии с действительными обстоятельствами ее ареста' Вот жиж, волки мы позорные, ахтунги подзаборные посмели будущее исраиля. Вот у них там в исраиле видишь за такое в попку целуют и пальчиком грозят. Schrage is now leaving Facebook, and claims that the decision to do so pre-dated the scandal. Definers researched this using public information. Audience members told a reporter they believed they were about to die in a mass shooting. In the video below taken by a theater audience member, the audience reacts after the unidentified man interrupts the 'Fiddler on the Roof' performance at the Hippodrome Theatre. Sick, sad world. From the Baltimore Sun :. Audience member Rich Scherr said the outburst happened during intermission. The man was escorted out a few minutes later and the show continued. But Scherr, 49, said it was hard to focus on the play after that. Regardless, it should not have appeared as a trend. To Twitter these are PR issues, and its solutions are oriented to media coverage. This is why nothing ever really changes, least of all its enthusiasm for product features that might accomplish more. Much that is human is alien to them. A gunman opened fire at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh Saturday, killing at least 11 people while shouting 'All Jews must die'. Bowers, who is white, was then taken into custody. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect, and he was crawling and injured. Others had been shot but the extent of their injuries in unknown at this time. Police have requested that residents stay inside their home as they exchanged gun fire with a suspected gunman. Social media profiles associated with Bowers and archived by Laura Rozen before their deactivation show a Neo-Nazi Qanon true believer ranting about 'invaders', 'globalists', and the Jews: 'there is no MAGA as long as there is a kike infestation. Anti-Semitic attacks rose faster in than any time in the past 40 years, The Anti-Defamation League today said. But what stuck out most was towards the end of the interview, when she asked Wolff if he thought Trump was sexist, racist, xenophobic, and anti-semitic. And then Tur, who did a fine job with the interview up until now, quickly moves on to another topic! Our community standards strictly prohibit attacking people based on their protected characteristics, including religion, and we prohibit advertisers from discriminating against people based on religion and other attributes. However, there are times where content is surfaced on our platform that violates our standards. Facebook removed several antisemitic ad categories after ProPublica asked about them and 'promised to improve monitoring. Want to market Nazi memorabilia, or recruit marchers for a far-right rally? Surely what Facebook means by 'monitoring' is monitoring what Facebook exposes about itself, not what Facebook itself monitors. ProPublica having bought ads targeted at the antisemitic categories and verified their fulfillment offers this tobesure about how it all works:. Fr'uh about your inquiry. You told me a lot previously, but I need more specific details. I thought you had heard something from Mr. Fr'uh that could be useful to me. Please be so kind and tell me everything, even the smallest details. The matter is indeed starting to take shape. Kugler also seems to know nothing. People here keep speculating about everything and are becoming suspicious of each other. Things in Germany are looking up thanks to our F'uhrer and the cleansing of the population from the Jews Those exploiters who are the misfortune of humanity. If one of them even dares nowadays, even if they just insult a girl, they will be put in prison straightaway --those rapists. In addition, German citizenship was revoked for all of them, they are not Germans -- foreign to the German race, and should be sent to Palestine where a lot already ran off to, those bastards. The winter relief fund was a great success and even a lot of foreigners took part. A lot still needs to be done, because countless people have lost their belongings due to the war and the government run by Jews afterwards. I also lost , Reichsmark and could therefore make good use of the inheritance. Well then, I look forward to hearing from you and I wish you and your family a good new year from the bottom of my heart, and hope we resolve the issue soon. Ernst, Shaughnessy added, is probably the same man as an Ernst Ries who died Sept. Ironically named Whitefish, Montana seems to be a hotbed of American anti-Semitism. The ADL has this to say:. Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who runs The Daily Stormer, a blatantly racist and anti-Semitic website, has ratcheted up his campaign of harassment against the Jewish community in and around Whitefish, Montana, including announcing an armed march in the town by white supremacists that he has scheduled for January. Whitefish is the part-time home of Richard Spencer, a prominent spokesperson within the white supremacist alt right, and his parents. Since the release of the emails, the realtor and her family have reportedly received numerous threats, as have other Jews in the town. On December 21, Anglin wrote an article for his site in which he threatened to post a list of business associates for the realtor and her family, as well as others associated with an anti-hate group in town. He encouraged his followers to demand that these associates cut their business ties with the realtor and those associated with the anti-hate group. Anglin also encouraged his supporters to troll a Jewish journalist who wrote an article about the situation and a Jewish rabbi who encouraged people to send notes of sympathy to the harassment victims in Whitefish. The rabbi asked people to put a menorah in their window to show solidarity with the Jews of Whitefish. In response, Anglin told his followers to put Nazi flags in their windows and to put the Nazi swastika on their cars, homes and businesses, though he has no real base of support in Whitefish. Not only is Anglin harassing the Jewish community of Whitefish, he is at the same time exploiting the situation there to promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish power and control. He alleges that Jews have targeted white supremacists and anti-Semites but now he is somehow turning the tables on them. Anglin has carried out anti-Semitic harassment campaigns before. In the spring of , he encouraged people to troll Jewish journalists who were critical of Donald Trump during the Republican primary campaign. He also launched a harassment campaign in October against Jewish politician Luciana Berger, a British MP, after a white supremacist was arrested for harassing her. Since Anglin launched his harassment campaign, ADL has been in regular contact with the victim families, as well as relevant law enforcement authorities and other public officials. We are helping community members in their efforts to have offensive photos removed and following up with our own law enforcement contacts at the FBI and the Department of Justice. We have also offered to provide guidance on online security. The pretense of 'Alt-Right' is pretty damn thin when you are calling on supporters to fly the swastika. If you install 'Coincidence Detector,' a Chrome plugin from Altrightmedia, then every time a Jewish-seeming name appears in your browser, it will be surrounded in triple parentheses the extension also uses a crowdsourced list of known Jews to enfold their names in parenthetical hugs where they appear. I tend to find Pat Condell very agreeable, as always. Что здесь есть? From the Los Angeles Times : Deputies with the Victor Valley substation spotted the Nazi symbols spray-painted on three vehicles, a garage door and a stop sign in the mountainous area of Snowbird and Evergreen roads. The area is near Mountain High, a nearby ski and snow-activity destinatio Swastikas spray-painted on cars, homes in San Bernardino mountains \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[latimes. Topbot Исраиль в ярости. Только бы наши не включили заднюю Понедельник, 14 Октября г. Did we ask them to do work on George Soros? Heil Trump! The classic play is about Jewish themes. The company called it an act of 'vandalism' and said it was working with its partner Mapbox to 'get this fixed immediately'. In a statement, Snap said the defacement was 'deeply offensive'. Screenshots on social media appeared to show other apps had also been affected. The problem with outsourcing content to third parties is that it pins your reputation to their reliability and trustworthiness. And here there appears to be a chain: Snapchat etc pulling data from Mapbox pulling data from OpenStreetMap pulling data from antisemitic users. Wolff: Um, yes. Tur: Xenophobic? ProPublica having bought ads targeted at the antisemitic categories and verified their fulfillment offers this tobesure about how it all works: 'In all likelihood, the ad categories that we spotted were automatically generated January 6, Dear Wilhelm and Family! The ADL has this to say: Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who runs The Daily Stormer, a blatantly racist and anti-Semitic website, has ratcheted up his campaign of harassment against the Jewish community in and around Whitefish, Montana, including announcing an armed march in the town by white supremacists that he has scheduled for January. JaguarFiend Well spoken Понедельник, 06 Июня г. Картина 'Выбор немецкого народа'. Не бейте. Найдено 27 сообщений Cообщения с меткой. Метки: Post antisemitism mistakes nazis. Комментарии 0 Комментировать В цитатник или сообщество. Метки: Post anti-semitism antisemitism hate nazis picks racism us news. Метки: Video antisemitism impeachment religion rick wiles. Метки: antisemitism. Метки: Post deletefacebook antisemitism conspiracy theories Elliot Schrage facebook lugenfacebook soros. Метки: Post anti-semitism antisemitism baltimore Culture donald trump Entertainment hate crimes maga politics racism trump. Метки: Post antisemitism twitter. Метки: Post antisemitism violence. Метки: Post antisemitism maps mistakes. Метки: Post anti-semitism antisemitism gop hate nazi nazis News picks racism trump. Метки: Video antisemitism. Метки: Post antisemitism nobody expects the russian inquisition russia russian orthodox church russian revolution the protocols of the elders of zion theocratic tyranny. Метки: Post antisemitism facebook mistakes racism. Метки: Post antisemitism facebook racism. Метки: Post antisemitism germany History. Метки: Post alt-right antisemitism gop michigan romance this is not normal v-day. Метки: Post antisemitism kkk neo-nazism. Метки: Post altright antisemitism chrome google politics race usausausa. Метки: jewish jew jews semite semitic antisemitism pat condell. Метки: antisemitism европа israel community. Метки: pink floyd rush roger waters geddy lee nazis gasenwagen antisemitism. Комментарии 11 Комментировать В цитатник или сообщество.

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