Gandhi Jayanti Special—2nd October 2019

Gandhi Jayanti Special—2nd October 2019

Gandhi Jayanti is observed in India, every year on the 2nd day of October to commemorate the Birth of Rashtrapita Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2nd October 1869-30th January 1948) or Mahatma Gandhi, as he is popularly known. This year, India is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Shri Mahatma Gandhiji. He is remembered by all as one of the most powerful mass leaders and a great freedom fighter of India. He has been bestowed with the honour of being called ‘The Father of the nation’ on account of his outstanding contribution to the country and the freedom fight movement. This day is also observed as the 3rd national holiday of India and is celebrated with a view of paying respect to this legend by avoiding all malpractices. Mahatma Gandhi shares his birthday with the second prime minister of India- Pt. Lal Bahadur Shastri Ji.

Another significance of 2nd of October is that this day has been declared as the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’ by the United Nations General Assembly on 15th June in 2007. Gandhi Ji was an adamant follower and preacher of non-violence who also practised it throughout his fight for freedom.

Freedom Movement

Gandhi Ji termed his non-violent campaign against British Rule as “Satyagraha Movement”. Just as the Satyagrah movement, several other peaceful protests were initiated and led by Mahatma Gandhi, some of that being- the “Dandi March” in 1930 and the “Quit India Movement” or “India August Movement” in 1942. The latter was the major strategy of Gandhi Ji in order to make India free of British rule. Due to his active participation in the freedom fight, he got arrested many-a-times. Finally, on 15 august in 1947, India gained freedom from British Rule.

Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations

Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday, so all the schools, colleges, academies, and government, as well as private organizations, remain closed for the day. Celebrations on this day are marked by including some significant activities such as prayer programmes, tributes by the government officials at Raj Ghat, Gandhi Ji’s memorial in New Delhi (cremation place). Many social activities such as commemorative ceremonies, prayer meetings, speech recitation on different themes like non-violence, peace, and Gandhiji’s effort in Indian Freedom Struggle, poem recitation, essay writing, quiz competition, etc are conducted throughout the country. His favourite Bhajan ‘Raghupati Raghav Rajaram’ is sung with great devotion during these programmes all over the nation.

On behalf of the BJP Chief of Maharashtra- Honourable Mr Chandrakant Patil, we would like to pay tribute to our Rashtra-Pita Shri Mahatma Gandhi Ji through this platform. The Revenue Minister of Maharashtra- Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil has been a great follower of Mahatma Gandhiji’s thought process and principles that respect non-violence, peace, and patriotic thoughts.

We wish that Honourable Mr Chandrakant Dada Patil receives success in creating and imbibing the culture in Maharashtra that respects and adores all the valuable thoughts and principles of Mahatma Gandhiji.

Jai Hind!

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