Games With Sex In Them

Games With Sex In Them


Games With Sex In Them

David Meikleham

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David Meikleham

published August 11, 2010

Because everything benefits from boobs, right?
Some games need sex to get their message across. After all, what would Leisure Suit Larry be without its sperm rhythm action games or the bits where you have to get into the undergarments of college students? Some titles, though, just stick in some irrational intercourse for the hell of it.
Whether its taking time out on a bloody quest for vengeance to get saucy with a god or shagging an alien sidekick because he’s been romantic enough to buy a cheap bottle of hooch, all the games inside seemingly thought they’d benefit from a bit of shoehorned sexy time.
Warning: The following videos obviously all contain scenes showing intimate, sweaty acts. If you're not old enough to view them you should promptly navigate away from this page (opens in new tab) .
Turns out, no one in ancient Greece could afford enough clothing to cover their shame (i.e. their mythological lady bumps). Well, that’s if God of War’s take on history is anything to go by. Not only do most of the wenches Kratos encounters flash him at every turn, they’re also happy to drop their loincloths at a moment’s notice so our baldy murderer can earn a few extra orbs via sex mini games.
After his sexual escapades in God of War (opens in new tab) and its sequel (opens in new tab) , the Ghost of Sparta is such an able performer in the sack he’s able to perform the horizontal mumbo with Aphrodite (aka the friggin’ goddess of love) in the third game. And what does all this add to Kratos' tale of brutal revenge and paternal murder you ask? Eh, well it could be argued... aww screw it. Here’s some Sackboy-censored boobs for you to look at…
Sheesh, we get it already, Hana. You’re a sex-obsessed mercenary for hire who thinks the solution to all of life’s problems is to unzip your slinky cocktail dress. C’mon, though, do you really have to take your bloody clothes off every time the going gets tough? On the other hand, Hana and her lover do make a good point...
Sorry, were we saying something? Ah, that’s right, Fear Effect 2’s got loads of needlessly sexy bits. If it’s not the heroes being imprisoned in traps that act like giant sex machines or indulging in a bit of softcore in an elevator, well it’s basically irrelevant. Honestly can anyone remember anything about Retro Helix other than the picture below?
Above: You totally respect me for my personality, right?
Here’s a few things that should appear on any aspiring dictator’s to do list. 1) Wipe out all strands of democracy 2) Enslave every man, woman and child within 2000 miles 3) Have a really evil foursome whenever the hell you want.
And here we were thinking our overlord should have been planning complex military strategies to conquer nearby towns and vanquishing his enemies. Clearly, all it takes to rule a kingdom is to send out a bunch of things that look like Gremlin rejects to do your bidding while you get your sexy on with your mistresses. It’s hard to argue Overlord II’s sex references haven’t just been thrown in as a bit of last minute titillation. Mind you, when one of the game’s missions revolves around clubbing baby seals to death (opens in new tab) , we probably shouldn’t be surprised.
Above: Man,mass-murdering dictators really have it hard
Seeing as we wrote a whole guide on how to bump uglies with almost every member of Shepard's crew (opens in new tab) , we figured this deserved a place on here. But words are such clumsy creatures, so we’ll let pictures fully convey the horror of Mass Effect 2’s optional, completely unnecessary interspecies relations…
Above: Then again, what do we know?
But lets forget all that extra martial ET unpleasantness that feels completely tacked onto the game's plot. Now, did someone say “getting a borderline striptease from a subordinate”?
David has worked for Future under many guises, including for GamesRadar+ and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too. 
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Six of the Best Free Games About Sex
Rummaging through the internet's intimates in search of the best, most interesting games about doin' it.
Neon White is available now on Nintendo Switch and Steam. Watch the launch trailer for another look at this single-player speedrunning FPS game.In Neon White, you can sacrifice your guns for godlike parkour moves. You are White, an assassin handpicked from Hell to compete with other demon slayers for a chance to live permanently in Heaven. The other assassins seem familiar, though...did you know them in a past life?
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1h ago - $143 million was earned in North America and another $159 million was brought in internationally.
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2d ago - The God of Thunder is about to meet the Prince of Power.
EDITOR'S NOTE: As is hopefully obvious from the title, this article contains some words about sexytimes, though nothing explicit. If you're too young to be reading such things or you're likely to be offended by them, avert thy eyes!
You know what is weird, IGN? How few big videogames are about sex. Everyone’s always going on about how oh, we’re all thirty years old now, all grown up, and we’re making games about fatherhood like in Papo & Yo and The Walking Dead and all that jazz, and you can honestly murder anything in games these days, like you can make the witches in Left 4 Dead into Whitney Houston , have her sing to you, and then gun her down. I mean you can even make the likeness of Hitler and Stalin as Miis and then have them play tennis against each other, but still games are all like: NO HUMPING. STRICTLY: NO HUMPING. Hitler: okay. Stalin: okay. But YOU KEEP YOUR BITS TO YOURSELVES, DICTATORS OF THE PAST.
In an attempt to sex up the interactive neonhighway like a British secret dossier, I put on a large trenchcoat and a mask and looked dashing as I rummaged through the internet’s intimates in search of the best, most interesting free games about doin’ it. Here are six of them.
I like Bind Her because it really conveys the absurdity of body parts and sex well. Like Pietro Righi Riva, who is making a game called Awkward Sex about how hard (hah! I said hard) it is to position two bodies intimately, Leon is concerned with presenting us with a tricky bodily problem. The problem in question here is a squirmy lady: sex is all elbows and knees at the best of times, and what if your lover is particularly wriggly? What if you’ve agreed you’re gonna play a little tie-up and she’s decided to be silly? Well, here’s a game about strategically placing ties on the bed to separate her body parts out so you can at least kiss her without being kicked in the face.
This game is very difficult. I do not think I am a very good lover.
Of course, the danger here could have been that Leon might have made a game that tacitly condones violence against women, but Leon is the master of context: as we look upon our lady, she is always smiling, and as she kicks a rope out of your hand she winks at you conspiratorially. Consent is the hottest dang thing.
5. Cuddlefish by Ms. Tea (SFW, not if you are a cuttlefish though)
“You have: eight arms, colour-changing skin, lust.”
Okay so my main reason for including a game about lusty cuttlefish having sex is that a) it is like a way funnier National Geographic narrated by a drunk teen David Attenborough and b) it is so well written that I laugh with delight every time I play it. Cuddlefish is short, actually teaches you something about cuttlefish, and there is something sort of poignant about the way you solve the ‘getting laid’ puzzle. Cuttlefish gonna cuttlesex.
In any case, I am along for this cuttlefish ‘ride’ because of lines like, “There are FISH here but they are not TASTY fish and are therefore BORING.” All the single fish, all the single fish, all the single fish, all the single fish - Put ya tentacles up!
If you like the educational slant, try Privates by Size Five Games or Positive Space by Merritt Kopas, an edutainment piece about the practice known as “muffing”. Both worthy entries, neither very good for work unless you work at Marie Stopes.
The best thing about being internet denizens is that we are open, at any time, to stumbling over the most vibrant of emotional objects: it’s difficult to understand why we sit there most of the time clicking on trailers and posting on forums when there’s a wealth of free, really interesting interactive experiences out there.
Tapes by Marras is about disability and sex, or, the intersection of the two. It’s one of those things that takes the image of sex being clothes-off straight-to-bed and smashes it on the floor. Tapes invites you into an intimate process: a process that is necessary, but is also erotic, and therein lies many revelations. It made me think about how many people think of a disability as a flaw, as being something that must be overcome. There is nothing in Marras’ game that the main character wants to overcome: rather, the main character values the process of the ‘tapes’ with her new naked-partner. Watching and reading the process unfold is a touching, gentle experience, and though no sex acts per se are embarked upon, you know those two are at it like rabbits when we’re not around. The tapes are the sex act. The tapes are the thing. The tapes are hot.
I know it’s sort of unfair to include more than one game by someone, but at the time of writing I wanted to include Stephen’s game Striptease and it kept crashing on startup on my rubbish MacBook. So what I really want to say is: Stephen has made more than one game about sexuality, and they are all quite bloody interesting. Stephen has a wonderful way of having you feel emotions through mechanical means, having his otherwise stark or abstract images provoke a reaction in you. A recent discovery, trawling through his games, has been sub/conscious , which is a game that messes with your computer like it is a simulation of your filthy mind, playing with your sex-obsessed brainpipes and generally having the power to really freak you out. Do not click on sub/conscious if you are at work. It will definitely, definitely get you fired.
2. Mind F*** by Anna Anthropy (SFW, however it requires a partner to play with and I’m not sure Dave from accounts will play it with you)
This list would be totally incomplete without Anna’s work. Aside from the fact that Anna has made so many games that explore the, ahem, ins and outs, of human sexuality, particularly queer sexuality, she’s been a fantastic catalyst for a whole host of people making more games about their own sexual experiences. You can play any number of her games for free, ranging from Sex Cops of Tickle City all the way to Triad , her game about how to share a bed when you’re polyamorous and have exhausted your sexual appetite for the night.
Anna’s concern with the physical space outside our computer peripherals is present in her masterpiece of sexual tension, Mind F***. Although you might have to download this baby to play it and have a sexy partner to play it with, Mind F*** is just that: you stare down your partner with the f***-me eyes until one of you hits the button. It’s all about how long you can hang on before tipping over the edge: a tantric sex sim. The physical presence of someone else is the thing here: your fun is predicated on the desire between you, the tension before you give in.
A shout out to the mysterious ‘Dildos Inc’, who did the music for this. (Heh. Dildos Inc.)
I put this game at number one simply because I can’t think of the last time someone combined these three things into one beautiful game: sex, System Shock, and the written word. System Shock and Dishonored developer Harvey Smith said it was one of his favourite games of 2012 . Porpentine ’s Twine games are the gentry in terms of sophistication. Cyberqueen has a retro computer vibe resonant of Mother’s displays on board the Nostromo in Alien. The text blinks and moves, out of your control, and you are often rendered useless for a while whilst the text does what it likes. Of course, you are the submissive in this equation: the cyberqueen will do with your body as she chooses, and the timed text is just one way of conveying that. Clever, intimidating, overbearing, atmospheric writing and a black/green stylesheet do the rest. Violence, fluids ensue. A pleasure. A real pleasure.
If you want more of these beautiful sexy things, have a look at some of the results of the Pulse Pounding, Heart Stopping Dating Sim Jam here and here . Until next time, Lao Che.
Cara Ellison is the games journalist people call when they have run out of ideas. The red phone rings; she answers hungover. Later they regret ever asking. She writes for The Guardian, Rock, Paper, Shotgun and PC Gamer, and produces games for Littleloud. You can find her on Twitter .

Home » 20 Best Porn Games, Adult Sex Games, and Hentai Games to Play Online in 2022

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June 24, 2022 June 24, 2022

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Have you wondered what the best porn games are? Or, more specifically, the best free porn games? This can be daunting, given the sheer number of adult games that are being developed all the time.
Well, that’s where we come in! We’re taking a comprehensive look at 20 of the best porn games in 2021 so you know which games fit what you’re looking for, and which ones will just waste your time.
This article will provide a “best of” list, comprehensive reviews, an overview of our ranking criteria, and an FAQ section. (If you’re completely new to porn games, you might want to skip to the FAQ section first.) All right, let’s get right into it, shall we?
After much careful consideration, here’s our “best of” list:
Pros Awesome interface Smooth gameplay Mobile-friendly Zero ads
Nutaku is head and shoulders above the rest of the porn game sites out there. There are more games than you could probably ever have time to play (no, that’s not a challenge), including many that are free.
If you’re a hentai fan, you’ll most likely love Nutaku as that’s their primary niche. If you’re not really into hentai, though, you’re probably better off going elsewhere.
If you do in fact appreciate hentai, Nutaku is an incredible site with a smooth layout, no annoying ads, and gameplay that remains blissfully uninterrupted by bugs, lag, or glitches.
Pros Fun, addictive gameplay Top-rated browser game Perfect for RPG adventure fans
Cons Freemium (tries to sell in-game currency) Not the best graphics Hentai-only focus
Hentai Heroes is another game to check out if you’re a hentai fan. You’ll especially appreciate it if you like RPG/adventure games and don’t mind less-than-stellar graphics.
The gameplay, which consists of building your own harem, is quite addictive, but be aware that the game will try hard to sell you in-game currency, which means you might want to avoid Hentai Heroes if you have poor self-control and shouldn’t be breaking the bank on a porn game.
Ultimately, Hentai Heroes is fun and solid for a browser-based game, but lacks some of the higher-quality graphics and gameplay of regular PC games or porn games that carry an up-front cost.
Pros Quality you can expect from a Nutaku title Hybrid game (click, RPG, and harem) Extensive storyline Top-quality design
Cons Mobile-focused, so not as good for PC
Project QT is a Nutaku title, which means that it will adhere to a basic quality standard that is much higher than much of what you can find for free online.
This is another game that follows a hentai design style—you can see that there’s a strong trend in porn games toward hentai. If that’s not an issue for you, Project QT is definitely a game to keep on your radar, as there’s fun gameplay, a massive storyline, beautiful art, and really sexy characters.
The main downside with Project QT is that it’s not all that suitable for PC play, as it was designed with mobile gameplay in mind. This does make it a good option for when you’re on the go, though.
Pros Nice artwork Easy clicker gameplay Interesting dialogue
Cons Can get expensive quickly Hentai-only content
Fap CEO is yet another hentai-focused Nutaku offering. As such, you’re guaranteed to have an overall solid game.
On the plus side, Fap CEO offers an easy clicker game that will make you feel like a boss as you make money and hook up with your employees. It has above-average graphics and gameplay that’s pretty compelling compared to most porn games.
On the downside, Fap CEO has limited free gameplay and its microtransactions add up quickly. This is another game you might want to avoid if you have poor self-control and a limited budget.
Pros POV/CYOA style Reasonable pricing Super interactive Tons of models and categories
Cons Not much available for free Not super user-friendly
LifeSelector is a cool site because it offers a unique blend of porn and gaming. It leverages a “Choose Your Own Adventure” concept with real porn stars to make you feel like you’re right there calling the shots.
If you’re not really into hentai or other animated stuff, this could be the perfect option for you. The only issue is that there’s not much you can get out of LifeSelector for free.
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