Games Like Yareel

Games Like Yareel


Games Like Yareel
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It’s something no one is usually willing to talk about, especially crowdfunding platforms . Still, the harsh reality is only a tiny percentage of campaigns ever manage to wrangle enough backers to get off the ground.
But this is why when one does, and more than that continues to thrive, it is worth talking about. Especially an Indiegogo-begun project that’s described by their developers as a “ Free multiplayer 3D adult game .”
So let’s take a look at Yareel 3d: where it came from, what it is now, what plans it has for the future.
What was to become Yareel 3d first appeared as an Indiegogo campaign back in 2014, the brainchild of a team of software designers and game developers who had the vision to create the sex game to end all sex games: a place where users could create customized avatars and use them to get up to all sorts of erotic encounters with either artificially intelligent partners or their fellow human beings.
After their backing success, the group went on to expand Yareel 3d by making it available on a variety of platforms, eventually getting it where it is today with browser-based (PC or Apple) computer compatibility in addition to a version for Android smartphones.
They’ve also routinely added interesting new features, graphical upgrades, and giving players regular bonus packs of season-inspired clothing, and offer new sexual positions for user-created characters to use.
Unlike your typical erotic game, Yareel 3d bucks the trend of trying to make itself as realistic as possible and instead chose to go with a more cartoonish art style .
Which works perfectly, as the major stumbling block in taking the former approach is having to avoid the uncanny valley, where a realistic character reaches a point where it looks less lifelike and more disturbing , you might say.
Plus, by reducing the game’s detail, Yareel 3d can run on less computing power. This is why Android owners can play it —and iPhone users probably could do so as well if Apple weren’t so puritanical when it comes to sex-related apps.
Yareel 3d is basically free, though following the lead set by other online games, if you want extra perks, you’ll have to purchase some of their unique, in-game currency.
Running on the Unity engine —a well-established platform for all kinds of games, and not just sexy ones—after launching the version of your choice, you begin by creating a character: a choice limited to male or female, followed by adding basic information like your orientation, etc.
Adhering to that age-old maxim of “you get what you pay for” without spending money, your options are limited, including how big you want to make your character’s “equipment,” the clothes they’ll be able to wear, and what sexual positions and activities you can put them into.
About that, if it’s your thing, you can take advantage of Yareel 3d’s extremely active community to play with another person or persons. A community that, as I write this, is over 300,000 strong.
Again, what you look like and the sexual stuff your avatar can do depends on how much you’re willing to spend—or not.
If you are in a social mood, you can use the game’s “Find Friends” feature that allows you to ask around for a willing partner. Or, if that doesn’t sound appealing, there’s the option to step into Yareel 3d’s virtual bar to chat, flirt, and get to know other users instead of immediately jumping into any bumping and grinding.
The developers recently added a new feature that they hope will prevent players from agreeing to play with someone else only to back out at the last minute, leaving everyone else hanging high and dry. I didn’t have that bad behavior happen to me while I was trying to hook up with someone, but from all accounts, this behavior has been a pretty big problem.
In addition to having an avatar, you’ll also have a space to put them in. This virtual bedroom is also customizable , and for it, users can buy all kinds of kinky accessories including a Sybian riding-style vibrator and other sextoys .
What your characters can sexually do is just a matter of selecting any of a series of pre-set position buttons located at the bottom of the screen. Though until you pay with in-game currency , you’re going to be stuck with the basics.
Suppose you’re looking for sexual variety, and by this, I’m referring to things like BDSM, gender fluidity, trans representation, and a variety of body types. In that case, as another old saying goes, you’re pretty much “ shoot out of luck.”
What’s worse is that adding diversity to Yareel 3d wouldn’t be all that hard. After all, we’re not talking about an entire redo of the game, just a better range of options so more people could have fun playing it.
Aside from requiring in-game currency to unlock its more pleasurable features, which is a far from rare game mechanic these days, this lack of gender and sexual diversity is what I consider to be the game’s most significant drawback.
I just hope the development team realizes this and makes the upcoming Yareel 2.0 a game that everyone will be able to see themselves and their desires reflected in.
As I mentioned, what sets Yareel 3d apart from other sexy games is its ability to be practically played on anything, as in browser-based on a PC or Apple computer, as an app on Android, or a downloaded program for PC or Apple .
During my time with it, I chose the browser version (on my MacBook Air) since I’m always somewhat nervous about installing software on the machine I use to make a living.
Admitting that the downloaded version no doubt performs better, as the online option depends mainly on your connection speed, it didn’t run as well as I’d hoped it would, including a sizable and frustrating delay between selecting an action and it happening in the game.
To provide context, despite my computer’s now five years old, it’s never shown any signs of notably slowing down. Yareel 3d, however, ran so sluggishly that when I finally managed to find someone to get busy with, the fun was all but entirely drained out of the experience due to performance issues.
Still, I persisted and tried fiddling around with my machine’s various settings. But despite spending far too long turning on and off extensions, testing the game on Safari instead of Chrome, and rebooting my computer more than a few times, the best I was able to achieve was getting Yareel 3d to perform poorly—though a bit less so than before.
When it comes to in-game currency, users can buy set amounts of Yareel 3d tokens . Or they can also become a Patron receive tokens in addition to perks like exclusive clothing, unique sexual positions, and more.
This option also further demonstrates the development team’s commitment to their project and how loyal and passionate Yareel 3d’s fanbase is, as the game has managed to go from a crowdfunding success story to an ongoing, customer-supported enterprise utilizing Patreon to fund and therefore and improve itself.
I said somewhat , as in my final verdict, I’ll get to why, for me, Yareel 3d comes off as a fundamentally flawed game .
Considering its crowdfunding success, and the same as a Patreon-based title, Yareel 3d genuinely feels like it’s moving forward —and could easily become the top erotic game in the world.
Though, as you’ve no doubt deduced from my comments, I feel there’s a long way to go before it gets there.
Just to be clear, I’m not saying this to dish the development team as it’s obvious they’re committed to what they’re doing—and precisely because of this passion and drive that I sincerely think Yareel 3d will eventually achieve legendary status .
Though it’s going to take quite a bit of work in the meantime, and perhaps some overall rethinking of Yareel 3d is and what it could be.
Starting by opening up the gaming experience in regards to gender expression, sexual orientation, and kink. Agreed, my perspective on Yareel 3d might be a tad skewed as diversity and inclusivity are a few of my hot button issues when looking at anything coming from the adult entertainment industry.
Even so, I’m far from alone in thinking this way, which is why I think Yareel 3d’s devs should try to move in this direction. Besides, not only could the game appeal to a broader audience, one that could also bring the game even more financial support, it’d also allow Yareel 3d’s current community to try out new ways to get busy.
Despite its current faults, I do think the current state of Yareel 3d is worth your time as it’s a delightfully steamy experience chocked full of things to do and courtesy of a vibrant community of fellow players to do them with.
And because it’s the very definition of a passion project: something that always worth our support and encouragement.
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Creating Free multiplayer 3D adult game
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You've donated to us working on Yareel 2.0!
Early access to the beta version of Yareel 2.0 Upcoming content voting (1 vote) Access to posts detailing development Participate in the discussion of new chips Unique Discord role (Yareel Patron) Our thanks for supporting
You've donated to us working on Yareel 2.0! Early access to the beta version of Yareel 2.0 Upcoming content voting (2 vote) Unique Discord role (Yareel Big Patron) Access to posts detailing development Participate in the discussion of new chips Our thanks for supporting
You've donated to us working on Yareel 2.0! Exclusive Yareel T-shirt for 3 mo. patrons Early access to the beta version of Yareel 2.0 Upcoming content voting (4 vote) Unique Discord role (Yareel VIP Patron) Access to a special channel in Discord, where you will receive more information of the development progress. Access to posts detailing development Participate in the discussion of new chips Our thanks for supporting
Yareel3D on a Mug! Designed exclusively for our Patrons!
You've donated to us working on Yareel 2.0! Exclusive Yareel T-shirt for 3 mo. patrons Early access to the beta version of Yareel 2.0 Upcoming content voting (5 vote) Unique Discord role (Yareel VIP Patron) Access to a special channel in Discord, where you will receive more information of the development progress. Access to posts detailing development Participate in the discussion of new chips Our thanks for supporting
Yareel3D on a T-shirt! Designed exclusively for our Patrons!
You've donated to us working on Yareel 2.0! Exclusive Yareel Hoodie for 3 mo. patrons Early access to the beta version of Yareel 2.0 Upcoming content voting (5 vote) Unique Discord role (Yareel VIP Patron) Access to a special channel in Discord, where you will receive more information of the development progress. Access to posts detailing development Participate in the discussion of new chips Our thanks for supporting
Yareel3D on a Hoodie! Designed exclusively for our Patrons!
Anyone can find our game on
This is the amount we spend on the Yareel servers monthly. If we can collect this goal, then the released money will go to the development of Yareel 2.0.
600 Townsend Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (833) 972-8766
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Jake is passionate about everything tech, film, and gaming related. If he's not writing you can probably catch him at a local sporting event or coffee shop.
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Second Life is an online multiplayer game, where users create an avatar who will literally carry out their second life. They have fully customizable names, occupations, and appearance. You’re able to explore the virtual world that you live in and socialize, play games, create, and shop. (The primary currency in the game is the Linden Dollar, which costs real life money to obtain.) Creation is a pretty large part of Second Life’s “gameplay”, with sophisticated 3D modeling and scripting tools integrated into the game. This enables users to really tap into their creative side and make something that can be appreciated by the entire community.
The game is primarily aimed at an older user, from late teens forward. That isn’t to say that there aren’t younger players, but you are going to be predominantly encountering users between the ages of 16 and 30. Second Life has always been a fairly popular game, attaining a lot of recognition for being a more mature 3D chatroom-style game, enabling users to forge meaningful relationships with people around the world. Still, maybe you’re looking for another game. Maybe you’re bored with Second Life, or you’re just looking for something a little different. In this article, I’ll talk about the top five best games that are similar to Second Life. Let’s jump right into it.
As I mentioned before, one of the coolest components of Second Life is the ability to create things in such a rich way. Whether you want to design your own furniture or script your own mini-game, there is a world of possibilities available to the player. Not to mention, the majority of the time that you spend playing Second Life will be spent in a user-created environment. In that right, Garry’s Mod is very similar. Pretty much the entirety of Garry’s Mod consists of user-created servers and games. This game gives you all of the tools that you may need, and they let you run wild with them. In fact, I think that this game lets you create much more comprehensive creations than Second Life does.
The primary distinction between Garry’s Mod and Second Life, however, is that Garry’s Mod doesn’t place as much of an emphasis on socialization. Although the games are multiplayer, and you can really easily find some roleplaying servers, the primary emphasis is placed on playing games. In Second Life, people will spend a lot of time creating a nightclub that’s meant to just be a nightclub. You go to it, and you stand around and talk with people. That isn’t really what people do in Garry’s Mod. People play this particular game to play , which is a little different from what you might find in Second Life. Still, if you enjoy the creating aspects of Second Life, then you’ll probably really enjoy this game.
Twinity is sort of like a Second Life clone, but I think that it has seen a bit of an evolution over the years. Initially, the game separated itself with a simple gimmick: players were able to explore recreations of actual real-life locations. It was an interesting idea, and it allowed an entirely different level of roleplaying that hadn’t really been seen in other games before. The recreations were pretty accurate, and they were fun to play around in. It was interesting to be able to just walk around an actual city, in a virtual world. However, Twinity decided to ditch this feature and opt for a more traditional social multiplayer experience, instead deciding to focus traffic on user-created environments.
So, you basically are dealing with a game that I would equate to a poor man’s Second Life, honestly. Everything that Twinity does, Second Life does slightly better. However, it’s still a solid game, and if you enjoy Second Life, you’ll have a good experience. They’re very similar, allowing users to create avatars, furnish rooms, and meet all different kinds of friends. The game isn’t quite as populated as the other games on this list, but it’s still relatively busy at most times of the day. It may be the closest to a true alternative on this list, since it’s so similar. If you’re looking for a near-identical, but slightly different experience, then this is probably the best bet for you on this list.
Gaia Online is a game that started from humble beginnings, as an anime-related message board. Over time, however, the game was built upon, and it has become a highly popular over the years. In Gaia Online, you’re able to create an avatar, chat with others, and play all different kinds of games. In my opinion, it’s very close in popularity to Second Life, and that doesn’t look to be changing any time soon. The game is updated with new items and events pretty often, which means that there’s always something new to come back to. This game has been out for a really long time, but it doesn’t ever really feel stale.
The largest difference between this game and Second Life comes down to style. Second Life is more of a realistic game — it’s meant to literally represent someone’s second life. However, Gaia Online is a little more anime-inspired, which means that avatars, rooms, and games are more cartoonish in nature. This may be a deal breaker for some people, so I thought I would at least bring it up. Plus, this game doesn’t put as much of an emphasis on user-created rooms. Although they exist, they’re not usually as popular as other Gaia-created hangout spots, or the message boards. The demographic for this game also doesn’t trend as old as Second Life’s, with the mass majority of users being in high school or college. Still, Gaia Online is a really great social platform, and it’s perfect for someone who is looking for something that’s a little stylistically out there.
I like to think of Habbo Hotel as the happy medium between Gaia Online and Second Life. It has the same cartoon-ish style, while still retaining some of Second Life’s core features. In Habbo Hotel, you create an avatar who explores a hotel. This hotel consists primarily of user-created rooms. (There are a few “official” rooms, but user-created rooms are much, much more popular.) These rooms can serve a variety of different purposes — some of them are games, some of them are for roleplaying, some of them are for making friends. This is really, really similar to the kind of thing that you’ll find in Second Life.
It’s really fascinating, because Habbo Hotel sort of has its own culture. The game has been around for ages, and it’s cultivated its own different game and room types, as well as its own social norms. It’s a very rich community that I think someone coming from Second Life would really appreciate. Like pretty much every other game on this list, it’s not quite as busy as it was during its peak, but it still is regularly pulling in several thousand active users at once. The only reason why I decided not to give Habbo Hotel the top spot on this list is because I think that you can find a similar community, level of popularity, and overall similarity to Second Life on the next game on this list. However, this is probably my personal favorite game on this list, and I think it definitely deserves some kind of nod.
In my opinion, IMVU and Second Life are two birds of a feather. They look similar, they feel similar, they attract a similar userbase, and they are pretty close in concept. IMVU stands for Instant Messaging Virtual Universe, which basically means that it’s meant to be a standard chat room that is set in a 3D world. Second Life is built upon a pretty similar idea. All of the emphasis in this game is placed on socialization, and there isn’t much in the way of actual gameplay. You’re going to spend the majority of your time in this game talking with others, and making friends.
Pretty much anything that you can do in Second Life can be done in IMVU. Players create an avatar, create rooms, and interact with others in their own rooms. Although it doesn’t have creation tools that are quite as comprehensive as Second Life’s, I personally don’t think that many games do . This game is pretty much the best that you’re going to get. Not to mention, the massive ongoing marketing campaign that this game has had over the years means that it’s pre
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