Game Private Server

Game Private Server


Game Private Server
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* server version: season 6 episode 3
* server rates: x100
* master level rating: x10
* max master level: 400

easy ...

Votes 3057

Base & job 1,000,000x
item drop 100%
equipment drop 100%
card drop 100%
miniboss card drop 30%
mvp card drop 30%...

Votes 135

Blade&soul 2020 private server eu/na
- multiple events;
- active players;
- qol changes
- easy progression
- custom...

Votes 130

fresh new server, auto hunt system, stable dedicated host, eu based, original 4 classes, helpful community, no p2w all ...

Votes 109

Server @item - npc level up - max level: 250/50 - episode (npcs): 17.2 - episode (@item): 19 - 4th job - 1 free hour per...

Votes 109

english - arabic - spanish, fixed all bugs, version 7311, here to stay, forged in myth, storm of arrow, new almighty wa...

Votes 106

Opening 18 december, new season 17 , exp 999999x , opening 18 december, high rates, 1000+ online players, 2 new characte...

Votes 105

Ce serveur a était créé suite a la fermeture des serveurs officiels, pour permettre a la communauté française de po...

Votes 104

Fastmu season17 / new character lemuria, new character kundun mephis / new mount ryan, mastery pentagram, mastery ertell...

Votes 104

Hello everyone. wanted to introduce you with our server - baltic sro. let’s be honest, we do not offer any impossible ...

Votes 104

Cap 110 ch-eu mastery 440/220 balanced ,mid rates exp 60x, party exp 70x, item 10x, sox rate 10x , fgw / battle arena / ...

Votes 103

Drizzlero is a 99/70 pre-renewal server that aims to stay close to the official version of the game while providing bala...

Votes 103

255 level cap, tier 1 to tier 20, 1v1 arena, all classes for all races, 80000+ custom items, amazing custom and scr...

Votes 100

classic, instant 60, pvp tokens, 2v2 arena, gurubashi arena gold-per-kill, bg weekends, crossfaction bg, mall, hardcode...

Votes 100

Strife tera is a new journey into the exiled realm of arborea, where everyone will have the opportunity to rise as new h...

Votes 100

resro beta 24/6, coming soon _ cap 110 old school, all unique drop coins, uniqes system, rates 200x, pc limit 4 , b...

Votes 100

Opening 13 november season 16 part 2-2 exp 99999x play to win easy international server high rates great economy daily i...

Votes 100

Tera starscape is a free to play mmorpg with the only true action combat. test your skills in sky cruiser endeavor, corr...

Votes 100

Tera is at the forefront of a new breed of mmo. with true action combat - aim, dodge, and time your attacks for intense ...

Votes 100

Low experience x50 server with season17 and max 5 resets, newest version, play with lemuria amp kundun mephis, use ryan ...

Votes 100

new server, version 7253, 24/7 online, forever will be, here to stay, storm of arrow, new almighty warrior, high ra...

Votes 100

Guncrusher season 16 x1000 14may fun gameplay, reset/gr rewards top maps drop sh, manticore items, bosses drops ruud/wco...

Votes 100

Brand new private world of warcraft server opening on may, international - fast growing community, nice modules and feat...

Votes 15

10 years of uptime, blizzlike server, 1-15x xp rate set by in-game command, scripted instances, outdoor pvp, working pat...

Votes 14

Northrendgg is a wotlk server with instant 80, mythic+ dungeons, soloable content, scaled raids, scaled instances and a ...

Votes 13

Djinns - aden castle siege - pvp is fast again - forlorn ruins world - new quests, lots to do - own guild icons...

Votes 13

The first english renewal server with zero edition max level: 130/70 - transcendent jobs and kagerou/oboro - rates: 20x2...

Votes 12

Elyardmu season 16 ep 1-3dynamic expall events enabled...

Votes 12

New server now last v7231, old map hosteu, -us, new,drop random 50-200 cps,there it is:new war myths, relics, fixed att...

Votes 11

That is when our long journey begins together, when our community will start being built we want to create a community w...

Votes 11

Private aion server, ideal quality and maximum gameplay comfort, participate in the pvp events of the server and get i...

Votes 11

Season 6 custom - wings 4lvl / new wings s15 / ghost horse, exp: 800x, / grand opening 22 may time 5pm / 32k stats / b...

Votes 11

Cabal anubis na based server, fg and gl no bugs fully balanced, mshield protected, ap/dp, auto retarget, cancel bm right...

Votes 11

125 cap,125 skills,14dg items,silk/coin system,play2win,new job system,new uniques,wanted system,daily quest,auto events...

Votes 11

free gear, active gms, manual events, dual fairy, automated events, 350 level cap, 5 aps/instant cast, unique ga...

Votes 11

European server in 2.7 rates x10. really good community friendly staff. event ingame all weeks. ! pvpve server, max leve...

Votes 10

Server pvm easy nivel maxim 120 cu 3 reborn-uri 4 evolutii la arme si armuri harti noi sisteme noi...

Votes 10

New update custom mobs, bosses, zones, items vendors unique content features high rates create your own weapon cataclysm...

Votes 10

Server multiskill custom hard h5 exp:4 sp:4 drop:1 armors custom weapon custom quest custom instance custom pvp reward 3...

Votes 9

Elitemu online - we are big and popular private server with 4 different servers unique with our hard economy system, nic...

Votes 9

Elitemu online - we are big and popular private server with 4 different servers unique with our hard economy system, nic...

Votes 9

us, classic, 6 years online, red/black names drop gear, no: nobility, potency, talismans, ninja, mentors, item lock, cp...

Votes 9

x3000, alpha mu season 6 episode 16 working events, balanced and smooth gameplay and pvp, max stat: 32767, ppl:5/7/...

Votes 9

season 3 ep1 oldschool, exp 9999999x, no-lag, free credits, free items, sellback system, many events, balanced pvp sys...

Votes 9

High rates server
10000x base experience
10000x job experience
1000x drops rates
gold room
quest room
vote shop

Votes 9

classic conquer 1,0, max 130/1st rebirth, active community, pvp events, seasonal events, exceptional performance, low ...

Votes 9

Hi, i would like to introduce to you a private server which has been active for 7 months, a lot of players are on the se...

Votes 9

L2toxic - the best elite servers since 2009 join to our guild of royal players be the best and the strongest...

Votes 9

exp 9999x, drop 100, season 4 episode 6, freebies for newbies, achievement system, fo shops, max stats 32767, da...

Votes 9

Legendary classic 1.3.6 x1 | 3 races 6 classes | max lvl 105 | no pay to win | anti-cheat | in-game optimization | profe...

Votes 9

dekaron private servers, wow private, lineage 2, mu online private, new world private, perfect world private, silkroad, bleck desert, forsaken world private server, blade and soul private server 2022

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Durga Prasad Acharya on August 20, 2022

Durga Prasad Acharya on August 9, 2022
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The gaming world is evolving, and it requires more computing power than ever!
The good news is – computing is cheap!
It is no longer restricted in your home with a gaming console or computer. You don’t have to play alone or invite friends to your house practically for a multiplayer game.
Today, video gaming has become a social activity where people worldwide can meet online, form teams, and start playing. You can actually be a part of a large global community of gamers with shared interests.  Not to mention, multiplayer games with role-playing are also becoming massively popular, which explains why people love Counter-Strike, Minecraft, Rust , Starbound, Ark, Space Engineers, and more.
These games come in various styles, content, and genres where different kinds of people play together, be it men, women, teens, professionals, etc., and not limited to just game nerds.
And to host these games, you need a specialized game server.
If you are a game enthusiast wanting to explore the greater depths of the gaming realm and play with anyone in the world, anytime without frequent lags and interruptions, renting a server makes sense.
If you do it all by yourself, game performance and speed deteriorate in addition to sudden crashes and downtimes. It’s because there would be many players using the same server and utilizing the same resources.
But these high-end video games require a powerful server so you can experience smoother gameplay.
Apart from this, computer and network issues can happen at any time. It spoils your gaming mood and welcomes a lot of background stuff for you to manage like:
All of these require good knowledge and skills that you may not possess, let alone time consumption.
Hence, you need a specialized game server platform to prevent yourself from all these troubles, save your gaming time, and avoid frustrations.
A dedicated server consists of a cluster of powerful servers that allow users to customize their game to a great extent, play different versions of their favorite game, and invite your gaming circle from other places.
More advantages of dedicated game server hosting are:
To avail of all these benefits, find a decent gaming server hosting solution to host your games to take care of your gaming requirements.
For this, we have curated the following list to make your decisions as to which one of them has the best combination of features and pricing, and go for that.
A famous name in the arena of game server hosting, ScalaCube is an excellent option for you. It rents servers for games – Minecraft, Minecraft PE, ARK, Rust, and Hytale. ScalaCube offers unlimited and free traffic with no throttling.
The traffic will always remain with optimum bandwidth regardless of its volume downstream or upstream. You can choose between HDD or SSD storage for your gaming server. But the latter is preferred due to 10x more speed and convenience if you need to access your server data
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