Game Of Thrones Sexscene | Svensk Porr

Game Of Thrones Sexscene | Svensk Porr


Game Of Thrones Sexscene | Svensk Porr

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TheWrap takes a mostly-clothed, SFW look at some of the steamiest moments from the HBO series across the last seven seasons
There have been plenty of times when characters got down and dirty during the last six seasons of "Game of Thrones," although it hasn't always been pleasant. Here's your fully safe for work look at some of the most memorable sex scenes in the show, including at least one that involved leeches. (Note: Spoilers ahead!)
This scene set the tone for much of the show when the twins were caught committing incest by Bran Stark. From its setting in abandoned broken tower to its ending with attempted murder, the whole thing is pretty gross.
We got introduced to the Imp in memorable fashion during this brothel scene. The lovable sex worker Ros was also a part of the moment, before she went on to bigger and better things in King's Landing.
A key turning point in Daenerys taking control of her situation is when she takes control in bed with Khal Drogo. This scene also marks a turning point in their relationship, from arranged marriage to actual love affair.
Long before he became Reek, Theon snuck the ever-present sex worker Ros into Winterfell for this steamy encounter. The stories that Theon was a pretty great lover were part of what led Ramsay to take his "favorite toy" away from him.
The secret lovers faced some turmoil when they argued over Renly's marriage to Loras' sister, Margaery. But it's clear they care for each other, which makes everything that follows so much harder for Loras to bear.
Stannis & Melisandre: Season 2, Ep. 2
The blood magic the Red Woman, Melisandre, utilizes often has some gross but sexy requirements. The tryst between her and Stannis is necessary to create a ghostly shadow that murders his brother Renly, adding a whole extra level of creepy.
Robb Stark's downfall began when he broke his engagement to the daughter of Walder Frey in favor of Volantis-born nurse, Talisa. The pair's love isn't enough to save them from betrayal at the Red Wedding, unfortunately.
Podrick and various sex workers: Season 3, Ep. 3
Podrick proved to be quite the ladies' man when several sex workers refused to take his money -- apparently because he was so good in bed. Bronn and Tyrion demanded details but whatever tips Pod had, they were revealed offscreen.
The tender moment in the cave, in which Jon Snow breaks his vows to the Night's Watch, shows real feelings between Jon and Ygritte, despite him being a Crow and her being a Wildling. This is the one moment of happiness the two share before their different worlds tear them apart, with tragic consequences.
Theon, Myranda & Violet: Season 3, Ep. 7
In this torturous scene, Myranda, Ramsay Bolton's girlfriend, and a second woman, Violet, come to Theon in the torture chamber. He has just enough time to feel like a person again, and for the scene to get hot, before the horrible truth is revealed about Ramsay's plans for Theon.
Melisandre & Gendry (and leeches): Season 3, Ep. 8
More sexy blood magic times with Melisandre, this time with her seducing the bastard son of Robert Baratheon, Gendry. After the act, she puts leeches on him -- the King's Blood they suck out of Gendry allows Melisandre to see the future. Creepy though that may be, it wasn't a wholly bad deal for Gendry.
Oberyn and Ellaria not only had each other but several other women and men at the same time at Littlefinger's brothel. The Dornish have fewer hangups than the rest of Westeros, that's for sure.
Daenerys took her first lover since Drogo when she slept with sexy sellsword Daario Naharis. The pair had something of a relationship from then on, but Daenerys broke it off when she sailed for Westeros -- and was surprised that doing so didn't really bother her.
Ramsay was creepy enough on his own. But then you add in Myranda, his girlfriend and the daughter of his kennelmaster. Myranda's just as sick as Ramsay when it comes to sadism, and their sexy moment oscillates between pleasure and pain pretty easily.
Missandei & Grey Worm: Season 7, Ep. 2
The tension between Daenerys' former slaves turned trusted advisers has been ramping up for what seems like forever. Finally, Missandei and Grey Worm had their moment together. The Unsullied are famously eunuchs, but Grey Worm and Missandei found ways to be intimate that got around his limitation.
Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, Season 7, Ep. 7
After teasing romance between Jon and Dany all through the season, it finally happened on the boat from Dragonstone to White Harbor. It wasn't the most ridiculous sex scene of the show, but it was one fans have been waiting for throughout Season 7 -- and for fans who predicted this might happen long ago, years .
If you liked this gallery, check out our list of "Game of Thrones" power rankings.
And refresh yourself on important characters who are no more with our gallery of dead supporting characters you've forgotten .
Photograph by Irvin Rivera for TheWrap
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Where does one even begin with Game of Thrones ? HBO’s famous TV show is remembered for its astounding world-building, slow-burn storytelling, rewarding character developments, and horrific violence. But perhaps, above all else, it’s intemperate amount of sex. From the 2011 pilot, all the way to the largely disappointing 2019 finale , GOT never shied away from the visually explicit act. Orgies, oral, gay, lesbian, straight; no matter the configuration, the show has all the bases covered. Truthfully, game of thrones nudes are almost as popular as the show itself.
When the sex wasn’t cringe-inducing, Game of Thrones nude scenes were usually an excellent way to break up all that gratuitous violence that circled Westeros. We’re only going to be including the sauciest, most memorable scenes, devoid of moral ambiguity. Just the hottest of characters in consent, going at it hammer and tongs. Here is our ranking of the 10 best Game of Thrones sex scenes – and why.
Perhaps a controversial choice due to the fact that Bran’s voiceover reminds the audience that Daenerys is indeed Jon’s aunt. Awkward? Absolutely. However, we still have to give this game of throne porn a spot, as this sex scene was the most highly anticipated of them all, with audiences all over desperately waiting to see Kit Harrington and Emilia Clark in the same bed. Well, you got what you wanted. But at what cost? Moving swiftly on.
Now here’s a surprisingly cute, wholesome sex scene. Sam isn’t exactly known for his looks; however, he has a heart of gold and manages to win the precious Gilly over. Via the ‘tending to your sexual interest’s wounds’ trope, Gilly lets Sam know that he’s a little more than a friend with a kiss, and things escalate from there. During the heat of the act, Sam lets out a hilarious “Oh my!” – earning them a spot on this list as one of the hottest sex scenes from got.
The passion these two have for each other is almost unparalleled throughout the show’s eight seasons. Robb discards previous commitments (and his dignity) when his eyes fall upon Talisa in Season 2, and his love for her never appears to wither.
In this particular scene, Talisa reveals she is pregnant, and Robb shoots her a look of utter adoration straight out of a fairytale. They both excitedly proceed to get it on, but with their chemistry, you can’t blame them. “You are my queen” is also probably the smoothest line in the entire show.
Daenerys took a painful amount of time to get over her previous husband Khal Drogo, but once she does, she finds herself a handsome hookup. Being the queen of topless game of thrones scenes that she is, Daenerys playfully commands Daario to strip in front of her, and Daario happily obliges – because let’s be honest, if Emilia Clarke pours herself a glass of wine, slowly sits on her bed, makes severe eye contact, and tells you to “take off your clothes”… you do exactly that. When it comes to game of thrones pussy, Daenerys’ is elite.
Game of Thrones gets the green tick for sexual inclusiveness, with Loras and Renly giving gay male viewers a raunchy scene to enjoy. The semi-secretive couple sadly stops short of going all the way due to some plot complications we won’t waste your time with. However, audiences are still treated to kissing, undressing, and some hand-on-arse-action, all from a canopy bed that has certainly hosted many steamy nights like this one.
The Lannister gents are no strangers to sex, but no one stole the heart of Tyrian quite like Shae (before the horrific betrayal, that is). In their more promiscuous age, Tyrian and Shae excelled in sweet adoration: “I am yours, and you are mine” . Bless you, Tyrion.
With these two on-screen, there was always flirtatious banter, talk of looking after the young Sansa, an unfortunate class divide, and the inability for either to keep their hands to themselves. In this particular instance, all of this culminated into the tried and true act of fellatio. What else, right?
Game of Thrones sex scenes rarely get more beautiful than this. After four seasons of heated stares, Missandei comes into Grey Worm’s room the night before he gets shipped off for battle for a night to remember. Grey Worm is castrated, but that doesn’t stop the two gorgeous lookers from getting intimate with each other – proving that genitalia isn’t essential for sexual pleasure.
Fans are also treated to some vulnerable confessions that reveal how much these two really trust each other. “You are my weakness” got more than a few fans in the feels.
Grey Worm basically just told Missandae that getting the chance meet her was worth getting castrated…. and if that ain't love I don't even know
— Lauren-A.B. (@urLABness) January 27, 2019
Daenerys arguably has the largest character arc of anyone in the TV show, but this is where it started. In the previous episode, Daenerys was forcefully subjected to sex with Khal Drogo, but this time, Daenerys asserts her dominance – beginning her journey to becoming a high-status badass. She takes charge in the bedroom, putting her husband on the bottom, making for a fiery sex scene that ultimately serves as a rewarding shift in power.
The Battle of Winterfell had finally ended. There was wine, there was celebrating, but most importantly, a hookup that even die-hard Jamienne fans were beginning to give up on. This adored pairing had been in the making for quite some time. Over six seasons, Jaime and Brienne became close, at the same time growing respect for each other, and participating in, for lack of a better term, eye-fucking.
Their lovemaking felt like the start of a fresh chapter for Jaime, but in classic Game of Thrones fashion, things aren’t cheery for long. In the same episode, Jaime departs from Brienne in favour of his sister Cersei, telling the knight “She’s hateful, and so am I”. It makes their only sexual encounter a brutal glimpse into what could have been.
Lo and behold, here’s the sexiest game of thrones nude scene. Man, the showrunners really got the tension and release right on this one. From their initial meeting in Season 2, Jon and Ygritte yielded undeniable sexual chemistry. From spooning together in the snow “for warmth” to Ygritte calling Jon out for his lack of sexual experience ( “you know nothing Jon Snow”) , it was only a matter of time before these real-life darlings got to it. And get to it they did, in a delightfully scenic cave. The act is romantic, entirely relevant to the plot, and gets an A+ for steaminess AND game of thrones nudity, making it our number 1 GOT sex scene.
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GAME of Thrones is in its seventh season, yet it only took one episode to know that they were never going to shy away from shocking sexual encounters.
WHILE Game of Thrones is now in its seventh season, it only took one episode to know that they were never going to shy away from even the most shocking of sexual encounters.
Over the course of the fantasy epic, we’ve found out that pretty much anything goes in Westeros; incest, threesomes, orgies, bloodsucking, cave sex, you name it. There’s truly nothing the show is afraid to touch, and we’ve consistently been left with a slew of steamy scenes that are impossible to forget (or maybe there are so many that they all blend into one massive skin-fest).
Many of our favourite, sex-having characters have met their tragic (or well-deserved) ends, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stop and enjoy their erotic endeavours in Wild, Wild Westeros. Whether Stark, Lannister, Martell, Sand, Snow, Targaryen, or even Bolton (ugh), pretty much every character on this series has experienced some kind of sexy time over the course of the past seven seasons.
In celebration of the recently-consummated relationship of fan-favourites Missandei and Grey Worm, we’ve compiled some of the steamiest scenes in the history of Game of Thrones . These encounters have occurred across climates, genders, age-groups, marriages, and more — the intercourse on this show truly knows no bounds. While we stop thinking about all the Thrones-related sex puns there are to make, take some time to look back at the steamiest sex had on this insane show.
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 1, Winter Is Coming
The Game: As a brothel superstar, Ros has many a partner during her Game of Thrones tenure, but our introduction to Tyrion (and their endearing, sexy chemistry) paints the perfect picture of what’s to come.
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 1, Winter Is Coming
The Players: Jaime & Cersei Lannister
The Game: The first time we find out just how close the Lannister siblings are, they’re getting it on in an empty tower. Unfortunately for young Bran Stark, accidentally bearing witness to this icky encounter evidently gets him pushed out of said tower and permanently paralysed, an action Jaime attributes to “love”.
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 2, The Kingsroad
The Game: Things get off to a rocky (rapey) start for this arranged couple, but Dany seeks the counsel of some particularly talented friends and winds up finding out that sex can be fun for her, too. In a move that surprises her new husband, she takes control and gets on top, and the two share something a lot more passionate than their first encounters. Talk about a Mother of Dragons, amiright?
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 5, The Wolf and the Lion
The Game: You might remember Theon better now as a sad, psychologically-damaged puppy, but in the early day of Thrones , he was a complete and total misogynist man whore. In one of many sexy times he spent with Ros, the two played rough and tested each others’ boundaries — in more way than one.
The Episode: Season 2, Episode 2, The Night Lands
The Game : Stannis is so desperate for power he’ll do just about anything, including succumbing to his lust for this fiery lady and creating a demon shadow baby on top of the table that holds all of their plans for conquering Westeros. We can’t help but wonder how the Lord of Light felt about this one.
The Episode: Season 2, Episode 3, What Is Dead May Never Die
The Game: While they get into too big of a tiff to actually go through and have sex in this particular encounter, the forbidden duo’s chemistry is totally electric. Here, Loras loses his temper with Renly and ditches him for the evening, but they clearly get off on this game of push and pull.
The Episode: Season 2, Episode 8, The Prince of Winterfell
The Game: It’s pretty obvious from their first meeting that Robb and Talisa seriously want to get it on, so it comes as no surprise when they finally frantically strip down and have sex on the floor of Robb’s tent. It’s one of the rare sexual encounters on Thrones that features actual love and sweetness rather than rage-driven lust, making their future grisly fate even more difficult to deal with.
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 3, Walk of Punishment
The Game: Say what you want about Tyrion, but the man takes care of his friends. When poor young Podrick’s lack of sexual experience becomes obvious, he sets him up with some of his favourite ladies in the brothel, leaving him with three very eager, experienced friends ready to help gain him some real-world knowledge.
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 5, Kissed by Fire
The Game: Jon Snow proved he knew a little more than nothing in this long-anticipated indulgence of these two characters’ fieriest desires, and it does not disappoint. After being led into this sexy cave by spunky redhead Ygritte, this future King in the North also proves to be a King of the South, much to Ygritte’s surprise. While cave sex can’t be super hygienic, it’s always nice to see some characters on this godforsaken show have brief moments of happiness.
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 7, The Bear and the Maiden Fair
The Players: Theon, Myranda, and Violet
The Game: Poor, poor Theon/Reek. After being tortured by Ramsay, he is surprised to find himself in the middle of some sort of relief — a sexy threesome. Little does he know, however, that this ill-fated encounter is part of the torture too, and is the last time he’ll ever get to get it on.
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 8, Second Sons
The Players: Melisandre, Gendry, and some leeches
The Game: Another man subjected to the wicked workings of another, Gendry finds himself in what he thinks is a very, very hot situation with our Red Priestess after she seduces him and ties him up in bed. Unsuspecting Gendry has no idea that his blood is needed for some very specific dark magic, so when she pulls out some leeches and sics them on him, he understandably freaks out. This is not the kink he bargained for.
The Episode: Season 4, Episode 3, Breaker of Chains
The Players: Oberyn, Ellaria & Company
The Game: It’s no secret that the Dornish are pretty much down for anything, and they prove this early on during a visit to the infamous King’s Landing brothel, where they get a gang together for their erotic exploits. While Oberyn might have only really had eyes for Ellaria no matter how many genitalia were flying around him, in the end, we k
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