Game Of Thrones Sex Moments

Game Of Thrones Sex Moments


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Top 5 Steamiest Game of Thrones Sex Scenes
WHILE Game of Thrones is now in its seventh season, it only took one episode to know that they were never going to shy away from even the most shocking of sexual encounters.
Over the course of the fantasy epic, we’ve found out that pretty much anything goes in Westeros; incest, threesomes, orgies, bloodsucking, cave sex, you name it. There’s truly nothing the show is afraid to touch, and we’ve consistently been left with a slew of steamy scenes that are impossible to forget (or maybe there are so many that they all blend into one massive skin-fest).
Many of our favourite, sex-having characters have met their tragic (or well-deserved) ends, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stop and enjoy their erotic endeavours in Wild, Wild Westeros. Whether Stark, Lannister, Martell, Sand, Snow, Targaryen, or even Bolton (ugh), pretty much every character on this series has experienced some kind of sexy time over the course of the past seven seasons.
In celebration of the recently-consummated relationship of fan-favourites Missandei and Grey Worm, we’ve compiled some of the steamiest scenes in the history of Game of Thrones. These encounters have occurred across climates, genders, age-groups, marriages, and more — the intercourse on this show truly knows no bounds. While we stop thinking about all the Thrones-related sex puns there are to make, take some time to look back at the steamiest sex had on this insane show.
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 1, Winter Is Coming
The Game: As a brothel superstar, Ros has many a partner during her Game of Thrones tenure, but our introduction to Tyrion (and their endearing, sexy chemistry) paints the perfect picture of what’s to come.
Another episode 1 scene.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 1, Winter Is Coming
The Players: Jaime & Cersei Lannister
The Game: The first time we find out just how close the Lannister siblings are, they’re getting it on in an empty tower. Unfortunately for young Bran Stark, accidentally bearing witness to this icky encounter evidently gets him pushed out of said tower and permanently paralysed, an action Jaime attributes to “love”.
Daenerys & Khal Drogo get it on.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 2, The Kingsroad
The Game: Things get off to a rocky (rapey) start for this arranged couple, but Dany seeks the counsel of some particularly talented friends and winds up finding out that sex can be fun for her, too. In a move that surprises her new husband, she takes control and gets on top, and the two share something a lot more passionate than their first encounters. Talk about a Mother of Dragons, amiright?
‘Do I have something on my face?’Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 1, Episode 5, The Wolf and the Lion
The Game: You might remember Theon better now as a sad, psychologically-damaged puppy, but in the early day of Thrones, he was a complete and total misogynist man whore. In one of many sexy times he spent with Ros, the two played rough and tested each others’ boundaries — in more way than one.
... and that’s how demon shadow babies are made.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 2, Episode 2, The Night Lands
The Game: Stannis is so desperate for power he’ll do just about anything, including succumbing to his lust for this fiery lady and creating a demon shadow baby on top of the table that holds all of their plans for conquering Westeros. We can’t help but wonder how the Lord of Light felt about this one.
Loras & Renly have a pash.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 2, Episode 3, What Is Dead May Never Die
The Game: While they get into too big of a tiff to actually go through and have sex in this particular encounter, the forbidden duo’s chemistry is totally electric. Here, Loras loses his temper with Renly and ditches him for the evening, but they clearly get off on this game of push and pull.
A rare non-weird Game of Thrones sex scene.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 2, Episode 8, The Prince of Winterfell
The Game: It’s pretty obvious from their first meeting that Robb and Talisa seriously want to get it on, so it comes as no surprise when they finally frantically strip down and have sex on the floor of Robb’s tent. It’s one of the rare sexual encounters on Thrones that features actual love and sweetness rather than rage-driven lust, making their future grisly fate even more difficult to deal with.
We had to crop this picture close, there was a LOT going on in the rest of the frame.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 3, Walk of Punishment
The Game: Say what you want about Tyrion, but the man takes care of his friends. When poor young Podrick’s lack of sexual experience becomes obvious, he sets him up with some of his favourite ladies in the brothel, leaving him with three very eager, experienced friends ready to help gain him some real-world knowledge.
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 5, Kissed by Fire
The Game: Jon Snow proved he knew a little more than nothing in this long-anticipated indulgence of these two characters’ fieriest desires, and it does not disappoint. After being led into this sexy cave by spunky redhead Ygritte, this future King in the North also proves to be a King of the South, much to Ygritte’s surprise. While cave sex can’t be super hygienic, it’s always nice to see some characters on this godforsaken show have brief moments of happiness.
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 7, The Bear and the Maiden Fair
The Players: Theon, Myranda, and Violet
The Game: Poor, poor Theon/Reek. After being tortured by Ramsay, he is surprised to find himself in the middle of some sort of relief — a sexy threesome. Little does he know, however, that this ill-fated encounter is part of the torture too, and is the last time he’ll ever get to get it on.
Again, we had to crop this photo quite tight. Sorry, filth lovers.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 3, Episode 8, Second Sons
The Players: Melisandre, Gendry, and some leeches
The Game: Another man subjected to the wicked workings of another, Gendry finds himself in what he thinks is a very, very hot situation with our Red Priestess after she seduces him and ties him up in bed. Unsuspecting Gendry has no idea that his blood is needed for some very specific dark magic, so when she pulls out some leeches and sics them on him, he understandably freaks out. This is not the kink he bargained for.
It’s like a Spencer Tunick photo up in hereSource:Supplied
The Episode: Season 4, Episode 3, Breaker of Chains
The Players: Oberyn, Ellaria & Company
The Game: It’s no secret that the Dornish are pretty much down for anything, and they prove this early on during a visit to the infamous King’s Landing brothel, where they get a gang together for their erotic exploits. While Oberyn might have only really had eyes for Ellaria no matter how many genitalia were flying around him, in the end, we know he ends up with no eyes at all.
Standing up? How EuropeanSource:Supplied
The Episode: Season 5, Episode 5, Kill the Boy
The Game: Ramsay is a monster on many, many levels, including with the poor (and slightly evil) Myranda, who is unhealthily obsessed with him. Despite her jealousy of Sansa and sass with Ramsay, she totally gives into playing rough with him, indulging his grossest, most sadistic fantasies.
‘Relatively normal intercourse’. Groundbreaking ...Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 5, Episode 7, The Gift
The Game: It’s so nice when sex is not death-related, or forced, or creepy on this show. This sweet, relatively normal intercourse between the super hot, bearded Daario and our Khaleesi makes our hearts a little warm and fuzzy, mainly because she deserves a nice guy after everything she’s been through. While their conversation turns to strategy (and sees her reveal that she is not down to get married), the build-up is incredibly passionate.
Lucky last on our list.Source:Supplied
The Episode: Season 7, Episode 2, Stormborn
The Game: Ugh, it’s ABOUT TIME! These two adorable, loyal followers of Dany have been making eyes at each other for longer than we can remember, and finally getting to see them strip down and explore each other was so satisfying. While this brief moment of bliss will probably be quickly forgotten in all the violence to come, it’s totally appropriate to treasure this passionate, sexy scene as long as we can.
This story originally appeared on Decider and is republished here with permission.
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Even though it's over, if there's one thing Game of Thrones remains notorious for—aside from that divisive and disappointing ending, of course—it's the sex scenes that littered the series. From season one, episode one, Game of Thrones proved that it was a show that was not afraid to show plenty of sex scenes, from young hotties Daenerys and Jon Snow to the incestuous pairing that were Cersei and Jamie. Yes, there was plenty of death in Game of Thrones (some would say a depressing and unnecessary amount of death), including many of the people above—it's been over for a while, guys, I'm not going to apologize for the spoiler—but those heartbreaking death scenes were far outweighed by a long list of scorching hot (and, okay, if we're being totally honest here, some not as hot) sex scenes.
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Game of Thrones wasn't shy about exploring sex in many different forms and between many different characters. Some of the show's love scenes were hard to watch (but some real-life sex is not the greatest either, so who are we to judge), but many of them were flaming hot like dragon fire. That's why we think it's appropriate that we've utilized a very scientific, very official fire emoji (🔥)-based system to rank the best Game of Thrones sex scenes. Below, we count down Game of Thrones' best and most iconic sexy time moments, from the not-at-all sexy to the ones that might as well have had characters literally screaming "DRACARYS" in ecstasy.
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Trigger warning: rape, violence. Joffrey was the absolute worst and his masochistic sex scene with Ros and Daisy was nightmare-worthy, even though the show (thankfully) cut away before we actually had to witness the implied acts.
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Trigger warning: rape. When it comes to hard-to-watch Game of Thrones scenes, Daenerys and Khal Drogo's wedding night is up there. The couple gained a devoted following of shippers over the years, but their wedding night scene is...horrible.
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Margaery Tyrell was in it to win it when it came to her rightful spot as the future queen of Westeros. Before she married Joffrey and dodged a bullet when he died before their wedding night, she was with Renly Baratheon, another early hopeful for the Iron Throne. Unfortunately, even the unadulterated hotness of Natalie Dormer couldn't save this sex scene, since Renly was gay and not into even the objectively sexiest of ladies.
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Do not @ me. This might not be the *hottest* sex scene ever, but we challenge you to find a sweeter moment of intimacy in all of Game of Thrones.
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Did Melisandre ultimately seduce Gendry with the goal of surprising him by bringing leeches into the bedroom to suck out some of his blood for some ritual? Yes. Was it hot in a BDSM-y way? Yes.

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Look, we know this scene was 50 shades of weird. But it makes the list because there has been so much hype surrounding Jon and Dany's relationship, *and* because Jon Snow's butt went viral, *and* because it single-handedly convinced most of the internet that incest between aunts and nephews is just fine. Help! What is life!
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You would think Theon would know when and how to keep it in his pants, but it seems that day will never come. The idea of hooking up on a horse is what makes this scene so steamy, just not the part about finding out it was with his sister.
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Daenerys' asshole older brother Viserys doesn't last long in the series (you don't just keep crossing a beloved Khaleesi and live to tell about it), but he managed to sneak in a bathtub sex scene with Daenerys' handmaid, Doreah, before he bowed out under weight of his golden crown.
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Theon is a boy, but also a dangerous one. Still Ros handles him with a kind of fearlessness you have to respect.
Ros is great. Theon is meh. Their sex is...hotter than Theon sex should really be.
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In Season 4, Cersei decided to reveal her inappropriately close twin-ly relationship with Jaime to their super uptight dad, Tywin, and then proceeded to have twincestous monkey sex with her brother on a table. As you do?
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Jaime and Cersei have several intimate moments over the course of the series, but by Season 7, Cersei is on the Iron Throne no longer gives any f*cks about people knowing that she and her brother are a ~thing~. There's something kind of hot about the brazen confidence in this later-era GOT twincest moment.
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It's the night before the Battle of Winterfell, and Arya wants to get down for the first time before she could potentially die as she faces the White Walkers. Was it the most comfortable scene to watch? Not necessarily, but Arya and Gendry were reunited after many years of separation, and that is worth celebrating.
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We're including Cersei and Jaime's debut incestual sex scene on this list because it's completely insane, broke a million taboos, and—to be honest—was kinda steamy. Let's just forget about the fact that they're siblings, mmmkay?
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This one isn't the steamiest in GOT history by a long shot, but Tyrion getting it on with Ros at a Winterfell brothel in season one was probably the most perfect introduction we could have had to both characters.
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Game of Thrones definitely knows how to make a weird sex scene weirdly hot and Stannis and Melisandre hooking up on a battle map to make a smoke monster baby definitely qualifies—on both counts.

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So, two wrong things (people in this case) shouldn't make a right, but the lip biting, to the point of bleeding, in this scene is superb. It's such an intense amount of passion from two equally crazy people.
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If you don't remember this one, you're not to be blamed. This loved up moment went down between Bronn and one of the prostitutes in Littlefinger's brothel way back in Season 3, but it was pretty damn hot.
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Before seeking out mutual respect in her sexual relationship with Khal Drogo, Daenerys got lessons in lovemaking (sorry) from one of her handmaids, who taught her to make eye contact and encouraged her to be on top. To quote: "You will make him like it, Khaleesi. Men want what they've never had."
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Pod is one of the least assuming characters in all of Westeros, so it was beyond perfect when Tyrion hired an entire brothel of ladies to take his virginity and—twist alert—it turned out that Pod was such an incredible and natural lover that the prostitutes insisted on givi
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Game Of Thrones Sex Moments

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