Game Of Thrones Incest Porn

Game Of Thrones Incest Porn


Game Of Thrones Incest Porn
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Joe Otterson and Phil Hornshaw | August 28, 2017 @ 9:55 AM
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TheWrap takes a mostly-clothed, SFW look at some of the steamiest moments from the HBO series across the last seven seasons
There have been plenty of times when characters got down and dirty during the last six seasons of "Game of Thrones," although it hasn't always been pleasant. Here's your fully safe for work look at some of the most memorable sex scenes in the show, including at least one that involved leeches. (Note: Spoilers ahead!)
This scene set the tone for much of the show when the twins were caught committing incest by Bran Stark. From its setting in abandoned broken tower to its ending with attempted murder, the whole thing is pretty gross.
We got introduced to the Imp in memorable fashion during this brothel scene. The lovable sex worker Ros was also a part of the moment, before she went on to bigger and better things in King's Landing.
A key turning point in Daenerys taking control of her situation is when she takes control in bed with Khal Drogo. This scene also marks a turning point in their relationship, from arranged marriage to actual love affair.
Long before he became Reek, Theon snuck the ever-present sex worker Ros into Winterfell for this steamy encounter. The stories that Theon was a pretty great lover were part of what led Ramsay to take his "favorite toy" away from him.
The secret lovers faced some turmoil when they argued over Renly's marriage to Loras' sister, Margaery. But it's clear they care for each other, which makes everything that follows so much harder for Loras to bear.
Stannis & Melisandre: Season 2, Ep. 2
The blood magic the Red Woman, Melisandre, utilizes often has some gross but sexy requirements. The tryst between her and Stannis is necessary to create a ghostly shadow that murders his brother Renly, adding a whole extra level of creepy.
Robb Stark's downfall began when he broke his engagement to the daughter of Walder Frey in favor of Volantis-born nurse, Talisa. The pair's love isn't enough to save them from betrayal at the Red Wedding, unfortunately.
Podrick and various sex workers: Season 3, Ep. 3
Podrick proved to be quite the ladies' man when several sex workers refused to take his money -- apparently because he was so good in bed. Bronn and Tyrion demanded details but whatever tips Pod had, they were revealed offscreen.
The tender moment in the cave, in which Jon Snow breaks his vows to the Night's Watch, shows real feelings between Jon and Ygritte, despite him being a Crow and her being a Wildling. This is the one moment of happiness the two share before their different worlds tear them apart, with tragic consequences.
Theon, Myranda & Violet: Season 3, Ep. 7
In this torturous scene, Myranda, Ramsay Bolton's girlfriend, and a second woman, Violet, come to Theon in the torture chamber. He has just enough time to feel like a person again, and for the scene to get hot, before the horrible truth is revealed about Ramsay's plans for Theon.
Melisandre & Gendry (and leeches): Season 3, Ep. 8
More sexy blood magic times with Melisandre, this time with her seducing the bastard son of Robert Baratheon, Gendry. After the act, she puts leeches on him -- the King's Blood they suck out of Gendry allows Melisandre to see the future. Creepy though that may be, it wasn't a wholly bad deal for Gendry.
Oberyn and Ellaria not only had each other but several other women and men at the same time at Littlefinger's brothel. The Dornish have fewer hangups than the rest of Westeros, that's for sure.
Daenerys took her first lover since Drogo when she slept with sexy sellsword Daario Naharis. The pair had something of a relationship from then on, but Daenerys broke it off when she sailed for Westeros -- and was surprised that doing so didn't really bother her.
Ramsay was creepy enough on his own. But then you add in Myranda, his girlfriend and the daughter of his kennelmaster. Myranda's just as sick as Ramsay when it comes to sadism, and their sexy moment oscillates between pleasure and pain pretty easily.
Missandei & Grey Worm: Season 7, Ep. 2
The tension between Daenerys' former slaves turned trusted advisers has been ramping up for what seems like forever. Finally, Missandei and Grey Worm had their moment together. The Unsullied are famously eunuchs, but Grey Worm and Missandei found ways to be intimate that got around his limitation.
Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, Season 7, Ep. 7
After teasing romance between Jon and Dany all through the season, it finally happened on the boat from Dragonstone to White Harbor. It wasn't the most ridiculous sex scene of the show, but it was one fans have been waiting for throughout Season 7 -- and for fans who predicted this might happen long ago, years .
If you liked this gallery, check out our list of "Game of Thrones" power rankings.
And refresh yourself on important characters who are no more with our gallery of dead supporting characters you've forgotten .
Photograph by Irvin Rivera for TheWrap
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GAME OF THRONES is So Graphic, Porn Websites Are Stealing the Content

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GAME OF THRONES is So Graphic, Porn Websites Are Stealing the Content
The HBO series GAME OF THRONES has been quite comfortable with controversy for the eight years its been airing. Beyond the graphic sex scenes frequently included in the show, the series also includes many storylines that include incest, extreme bloody violence and multiple graphic depictions of rape that are clearly gratuitous, even from the perspective of mainstream and liberal critics.
However, somehow the creators manage to convince viewers that what they’re watching isn’t pornography, meant to titillate and shock, but is instead “art.” Even many Christian viewers find ways to excuse the show so they can enjoy some entertainment they find compelling and exciting. That said, recent data from the X-rated site Pornhub, as reported in The Daily Mail, reveals that GAME OF THRONES not only is linked to pornography usage, but scenes from the show are being used as porn directly.
In 2016, HBO was in a legal battle with the porn website over the sites use of sexually explicit clips from GAME OF THRONES, which HBO states breaches their copyright of the content. Additionally, Pornhub reveled that Internet porn usage decreased when HBO was airing a new episode of GAME OF THRONES and only increased back to the average number of users four hours after a new episode had aired. According to The Daily Mail, the data “ also found searches for Game of Thrones-related videos and pictures of characters also rocketed by nearly 370 percent on the day of the [episode] premiere.”
For networks, filmmakers and even many Christians to claim that programming like GAME OF THRONES isn’t gratuitous or excessive, then what debauchery depicted on screen is? Also, what messages are we passing down to children when we say this graphic rape and violent abuse of women is acceptable for adults to consume as entertainment? The show may not be made for children, but children see the giant billboards along the highway, hear the conversations of the latest plot development, and know how to use HBO GO on their iPad, probably better than most adults.
If that doesn’t make you sad, go to the media review website Common Sense Media and read the section where over 100 kids have reviewed GAME OF THRONES (some as young as 11 years old) and give a glowing recommendation of four out of five stars. For many of these kids, GAME OF THRONES may be their first introduction to pornography, and, as numerous studies show , the effect it could have could be detrimental.
HBO knows what they’re making, and knows how people respond to the content. It’s why they don’t want people watching their content on porn websites instead of HBO. Now in its final season, GAME OF THRONES still features plenty of gratuitous content. Here’s MOVIEGUIDE®’s message to HBO, though:
Dear HBO, if you want porn sites to stop stealing your content, stop making porn!

** Please note: This article was originally published in 2016 and updated in April 2019.
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Game of Thrones : About That Hookup
Incest, in this show, is a practice that is also a metaphor—for insularity, for myopia, for people’s unwillingness to see beyond themselves.
This post contains spoilers through Season 7, Episode 7 of Game of Thrones .
“Out of all the people in Thrones , Jon, of all people, is probably the least up for incest,” Kit Harington told Entertainment Tonight last month . “But we don’t know whether they’re related.”
The actor was talking about the romantic tension between his character, Jon Snow, and Daenerys Targaryen—a tension that Game of Thrones , sometimes gracefully and sometimes awkwardly, has been meticulously building over the course of its seventh season. It’s been a tension complicated by the fact that while, as Harington suggested, viewers didn’t know for sure whether the two were related … we have also been preeeeetty sure that the two are related. Sunday’s episode, “The Dragon and the Wolf,” confirmed it: Jon is not, in fact, the illegitimate son of Ned Stark; he is in fact the legitimate son of Ned’s sister, Lyanna, and her husband Rhaegar Targaryen. Who was also the older brother of one Daenerys Targaryen. Which would, yep, make Jon Snow, né Aegon Targaryen … Dany’s nephew. Which would make the consummation of their attraction, as one of the final scenes of the season … extremely complicated.
Game of Thrones is a show that has depicted slaughtered children, and sexual violence, and martial violence, and torture both psychological and physical; it is a show that, often, looks at conventional notions of morality and scoffs at their quaintness. Incest in some ways is no different: It’s a taboo that Thrones has generally regarded with a mixture of horror and shoulder-shrugging acceptance. Dany herself is the product of incest—her parents were brother and sister—as were Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen, and Cersei’s (alleged) unborn child. Cersei and Jaime represent one of the longest-standing romantic partnerships of the series. Gilly is both the mother and the half-sister of baby Sam. Yara Greyjoy, having not seen Theon since they were children, initially flirted with him—an elaborate prank meant primarily to remind her brother of his diminished power on the Iron Islands.
Incest lurks everywhere in this world. And while it is sometimes treated as a moral failing (Cersei and Jaime, together, have never been paragons of anything save for savvy accessorizing ), it is also, often, treated as a political one. Incest, in Thrones , is a situation that is also a metaphor—for what happens when people get too insular, too myopic, too unwilling to see beyond themselves. It is the Westermarck effect , gone terribly wrong. It is a warning about what can befall the world when narcissism gets politically weaponized.
Dany and her nephew Jon come from a long line of people who, having “the blood of the dragon,” were reluctant to marry outside that line, thus diluting the blood in question. That’s one of the many ways Game of Thrones ’s history parallels the real world’s: Incest, of course, was once common, particularly among nobility. It is thought that King Tut suffered from an array of physical maladies brought on by at least two successive generations’ worth of interfamilial marriages . Charles II, the last of the Spanish Habsburgs, suffered from disabilities that came from 16 generations of inbreeding . Charles Darwin married his first cousin ; his work on inbred plants led him to fear that the couple’s children, seven of whom survived into adulthood, would suffer the ill effects of the familial connection.
Historically, then, in the known world and beyond its continents , incest has given rise to a sweeping bit of hubris: People’s attempt to preserve their blood lines ended up, often, compromising them. The practice that took its name from the Latin incestus (“unchaste, impure”) ended up proving itself all too literally.
Whether Dany and Jon will have children—children who might in their own way fall victim to this sad irony—is an open question. For now, their union has made for one of Game of Thrones ’s more twisted plot twists. As Alan Taylor, the director of several of the show’s episodes, including last week’s “Beyond the Wall,” told The Daily Beast : “There’s no secret that this is where this is going. Readers of the book have known that things were heading towards this destination for a while. Even the characters in this story know it’s heading in this direction.” Some fans cheered the movement of “ Jonerys ” from the realm of fanfic and into the realm of, simply, fic. Others gagged at it. Others were simply confused by it. (So much so that Newsweek , in a nod to the inevitable, recently enlisted the help of a psychosexual therapist to reassure fans that “there’s nothing wrong with you for wanting to see aunt and uncle get it on.”)
The reactions have been as mixed as they are in part for the simple reason that Jon and Dany are not Jaime and Cersei. They are good people, fundamentally. They grew up separately, in different places and different worlds. And, of course: They do not currently know that they are related. There are Luke-and-Leia vibes to the courtship between the last of the Targaryens; they are protected, in some sense, by their ignorance. And their relationship, as such, seems primed to provoke, rather than outrage or disgust, something simpler: questions—about intimacy, and its expanses, and its limits.
That puts the relationship between Dany and Jon in league with other such relationships in literature—which are often calibrated to be scandalous, yes, but which are just as often calibrated simply to be complicated. They may induce judgment; they also, however, often demand sympathy. Chris and Cathy, in Flowers in the Attic , are victims of abuse at the hands of an evil grandmother. Emmeline and Richard in The Blue Lagoon are victims of a shipwreck and its attendant isolation. Little Charles and Ivy in August: Osage County are the victims of ignorance: They sort of understand their relationship to each other. And also they very much do not understand their relationship to each other.
Some literary portrayals treat incest as a profound—perhaps the profound—violation of the order of things: In One Hundred Years of Solitude , the members of the Buendía family live in constant fear that the results of their intermarriages will come to haunt them (in this case, via children born with the tails of pigs). In John Irving’s The Hotel New Hampshire , John and Franny’s intimacy gives way to an incestuous encounter. In James Ellroy’s White Jazz , the protagonist David Klein harbors an incestuous attraction to his sister. In Jeffrey Eugenides’s Middlesex , the narrator’s grandparents were siblings. There is often a cyclical inevitability to these stories: a sense of mistakes made in one generation, transmitted to another. A sense of destabilization at the most fundamental of levels. A sense of doom. In the Harry Potter series, a family in which cousins regularly marry each other results, eventually, in … Voldemort.
There are other portrayals, however—in American pop culture, in particular—that use relationships between siblings and pseudo-siblings as vehicles for the examination of broader anxieties: about intimacy, about otherness, about the state of the modern family. Maeby and George-Michael in Arrested Development . Cher and Josh in Clueless . Margot and Richie in The Royal Tenenbaums . Kathryn and Sebastian in Cruel Intentions . Dexter and Debra in Dexter . Greg and Marcia Brady in A Very Brady Sequel— an on-screen coupling that also satirized the very real fling between Maureen McCormick (Marcia) and Barry Williams (Greg).
The treatments of incest here range from the tragic to the taunting; what they have in common, though, is the same thing that makes the shipping of Dany and Jon so uniquely bizarre and, from a literary perspective, compelling: They blur lines. They occasionally poke fun. They often poke holes. They suggest, overall, a worl
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