Gambling Addiction and Problem Gamblers

Gambling Addiction and Problem Gamblers

Why do we have all this talk about legalized gambling? Why can not states create tax based gambling and allow the residents make some cash? What is the difference between a wager on a horse race and a bet on a basketball game? How can gambling be both fun and lucrative? It seems that the only answer is money.

The argument for legalized gaming falls flat once you realize that people who are addicted to gambling are not making any money. Casinos gambling is not legal in Nevada and Atlantic City, New Jersey; if other nations follow their lead, why not follow their example. States appear to have less moral concern about legalized gambling, as noticed the proliferation of cardrooms and craps, also known as rollback or blackjack tables. Gambling addiction is a problem, and people who do it in the casinos, obviously do not care how it's made easy.

The argument for not allowing gambling in the states is sound, however you will find some merit points to consider as well. How would all the winners on school sports teams be financially rewarded if they won a world championship and then went on to make millions in endorsements? It appears illogical to benefit these players and their paycheck with such a great quantity of free money. Also, college sports is a very distinctive industry where the skills of the players and fans are very unique. I feel there should be an equal opportunity for all players to be compensated equally, and I would believe that the U.S. must follow the rest of the planet and create a sports lottery. This way everyone who plays in the U.S. would share in the prosperity created by the college sports industry.

In all seriousness though gaming has become an issue in america and we can't ignore it any longer. I would like to see the government regulate gambling because it's causing problems and is now a huge issue in our country. Whether you agree or not gambling is wrong, but the solution shouldn't be putting more folks in debt, which is what's happening now, or creating yet another sector where the winners get bailed out by the winners of the new gaming market. I'd suggest that the solution would be to make gambling illegal and allow the free market to address the problem.

Now then, let's look at the merit of being a gambling demerit. If you are saying that you're not good at gambling then you're probably just saying that to try to hide something. It's the simple truth. Now then, if you are saying that you are good at gambling then perhaps you're a Gambler. That is a whole different thing.

What I am trying to say is that all the successful gamblers and the very best organized crime gangs in this country will also be problem gamblers. Is that what I meant? I did say that if you are saying you are not a Gambler, then I would say you're a Gambler that has made it big and successful by gaming the system rather than by playing fair. I am telling you there's an entire industry of folks that are extremely good at gambling, but they're good at covering up their gambling problem, and if you find them they will tell you it is not real gambling, even though it is.

Problem gamblers, organized crime syndicate leaders, drug kingpins, and many other types of problem gamblers are very good at covering up their addiction, and that's why they are the ones who the government wants to lock up. They can cover up for years and it won't matter one bit since they're in control of the gambling in this country. 메이저사이트 Problem gamblers are not the issue, they're the solution. The solution to solving the issue of gambling in our nation is stopping the gambling industry from creating more problem gamblers.

Since the introduction of slot machines to casinos all over this nation, problem gamblers have turned to card counters to help them win the pot. The trouble with this is that the problem gamblers fall into the trap of thinking they are actually gambling. This is because they are not thinking logically, and they become a circle quickly wherein they invest more money and win less money. But what they don't understand is that this just increases the amount of money they should gamble, which means more chance of losing everything again. So instead of calling their friends and family and confessing their addiction to problem gambling, these problem gamblers go into another casino and continue to lose more money, until they eventually do decide to seek support from a professional gambler.

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