Галерея 738982

Галерея 738982


Галерея 738982
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Free cancellation up to 14 days before check-in
Steps away from the beach, POOL- shared between 3 houses-
About Rooms & beds Amenities Reviews Map Host Policies Rates & availability
ocean view from every window- 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath (sleeps 8).
Fort Morgan, Alabama, United States of America
4. Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge 0.4 mi
6. Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium 7.8 mi
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Karen Gable is a Premier Host · They consistently provide great experiences for their guests
100% refund of amount paid if you cancel at least 14 days before check-in. 50% refund of amount paid (minus the service fee) if you cancel at least 7 days before check-in. No refund if you cancel less than 7 days before check-in. Free cancellation deadlines are in the property's timezone. Learn more about cancellation policies.
If you have upcoming trips, you can manage or cancel your booking in your traveler account. View upcoming trip
We are from Cullman AL. Our family consist of 2 daughters, their husbands, 1 son, and 5 beautiful grandchildren.
We bought Coco Beach (next door) 4 years ago and fell in love with the neighborhood. It is a private community and steps away from the gulf.
We now have 3 houses that can be rented together or individually. It is a great spot for weddings and huge reunions.
vrbo 12372
vrbo 903859
You will be responsible for any damage to the rental property caused by you or your party during your stay.
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To navigate to Skip menu use control + q shortcut.
Free cancellation up to 14 days before check-in
Steps away from the beach, POOL- shared between 3 houses-
About Rooms & beds Amenities Reviews Map Host Policies Rates & availability
ocean view from every window- 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath (sleeps 8).
Fort Morgan, Alabama, United States of America
4. Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge 0.4 mi
6. Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium 7.8 mi
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Karen Gable is a Premier Host · They consistently provide great experiences for their guests
100% refund of amount paid if you cancel at least 14 days before check-in. 50% refund of amount paid (minus the service fee) if you cancel at least 7 days before check-in. No refund if you cancel less than 7 days before check-in. Free cancellation deadlines are in the property's timezone. Learn more about cancellation policies.
If you have upcoming trips, you can manage or cancel your booking in your traveler account. View upcoming trip
We are from Cullman AL. Our family consist of 2 daughters, their husbands, 1 son, and 5 beautiful grandchildren.
We bought Coco Beach (next door) 4 years ago and fell in love with the neighborhood. It is a private community and steps away from the gulf.
We now have 3 houses that can be rented together or individually. It is a great spot for weddings and huge reunions.
vrbo 12372
vrbo 903859
You will be responsible for any damage to the rental property caused by you or your party during your stay.
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01 - Agricultural Production - Crops
02 - Agricultural Production - Livestock
07 - Agricultural Services
08 - Forestry
09 - Fishing, Hunting and Trapping

10 - Metal Mining
12 - Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mining
13 - Oil and Gas Extraction
14 - Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals, except Fuels

50 - Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
51 - Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods

60 - Depository Institutions
61 - Non-Depository Credit Institutions
62 - Security and Commodity Brokers, Dealers, Exchanges, and Services
63 - Insurance Carriers
64 - Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service
65 - Real Estate
67 - Holding and other Investment Offices

70 - Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and other Lodging Places
72 - Personal Services
73 - Business Services
75 - Automotive Repair, Services, and Parking
76 - Miscellaneous Repair Services
78 - Motion Pictures
79 - Amusement and Recreation Services
80 - Health Services
81 - Legal Services
82 - Educational Services
83 - Social Services
84 - Museums, Art Galleries, and Botanical and Zoological Gardens
86 - Membership Organizations
87 - Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, and Related Services
88 - Private Households
89 - Miscellaneous Services

SIC to NAICS Conversion
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A SIC Code describes the primary business activity of a company. With more than 10,000 unique classifications, SIC codes have been extended to create the most accurate way to target businesses.
Businesses often use the SIC code lookup to identify companies within specific industries for marketing purposes. By determining the SIC code of their best clients, they can use this information to successfully acquire more customers within that industry.

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How Do I Find A Company's SIC Code

SIC Codes are industry classification codes based on a company’s primary line of business. For SIC code lookup by company name and to
find a company's SIC Code you can use our search function on top of every page and search for a business. Alternatively a search for that company's main competitors may help, if the company itself is not listed.

An establishment may only have one (1) Primary SIC code, which is determined by the industry classification that generates the highest revenue or value of shipments. An establishment that operates in more than one (1) activity may have additional Secondary SIC Codes.
The SIC Code lookup tool is valuable for nearly any company looking to increase revenue and profit. SIC Codes break down all of the various industries in existence into an organized classification system. When used correctly, companies can focus their marketing efforts on the industries that generate the highest return on investment. Integrating business lists built by specific industries, increases the focus of the campaign and removes wasteful broadstroke strategies. Here are some of the popular uses:
In the SIC Code system, miscellaneous 3rd or 4th digit codes are usually designated with the term 'Not Elsewhere Classified'. These codes typically end in the number "9". The NEC codes are the residual classifications that do not usually constitute homogenous primary activity groups. Therefore, for the purpose of the SIC system, they are grouped and treated as a separate industry in order to retain the homogeneity of the other industries in the group.
Examples of Not Elsewhere Classified - NEC Codes in the SIC Code system.
In the official U.S. Government SIC Code system, there are a total of 1,514 codes (included in the 2-digit, 3-digit, and 4-digit levels). A very important part of the SIC Code system is that the U.S. Government had written into the SIC Code Manual that agencies could use additional subdivisions within specific four-digit industries to further break down industries. Private companies created 6, 7, and 8-digit SIC codes systems (known as Extended SIC Codes), which account for more specific sub-industries, as well as new and emerging industries. The Extended SIC Codes, with over 10,000 individual code classifications that are being continually updated, offer more specific targeting options than NAICS Codes.
A SIC Code is self-classified and the primary code associated with your company can change as your business evolves. If you find a specific agency or government office is using a SIC Code that doesn’t apply to your business, it is best to contact that specific agency/office and request an update. Typically, agencies will use SIC Codes at the 4-digit U.S. Government level, but you may encounter 6, 7, or 8-digit classifications as well. The SICCODE.com website provides a breakdown of each of these Extended SIC Code systems to assist with your self-classification.
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