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Re: Display thumbnail of PSD on ScriptUI dialog


Photoshop ecosystem


Re: Display thumbnail of PSD on ScriptUI dialog

Display thumbnail of PSD on ScriptUI dialog

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Tapferer Held


Mar 13, 2011
Mar 13, 2011

Paul Riggott

Tapferer Held


Mar 13, 2011
Mar 13, 2011

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I'm wanting to display a thumbnail sized jpeg or png image representation of a high resolution PSD on my ScriptUI dialog, and without having the PSD open and active. Any advice or suggestions to get me started in the right direction is much appreciated.
Yes here is an example, BUT it will not work with Photoshop CS5 (Yet another bug!) works with Photoshop CS3 and CS4
It will work with Bridge and Illustrator CS5 though.
function main(){ inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select the folder with Files to process"); var fileList = inputFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|png)$/i);
Image.prototype.onDraw = function(){ // written by Marc Autret // "this" is the container; "this.image" is the graphic if( !this.image ) return; var WH = this.size, wh = this.image.siz
Sorry… my suggestion would have been to use SIPS on the mac. Bridge can create new bitmaps from thumbnails… I have not needed to use this myself but it 'might' be a possible route on Windows…? Paul has used this before so maybe he would know…?
Yes it's possible in Bridge here is an example, the folder path to the psds needs to altered to suit....
var Image = File(Folder.temp+ "/scriptUI.jpg") var bitmap = new BitmapData(50,50); bitmap.exportTo(Image ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //get list of psds var PSD = Folder("/c/pictures").getFiles("*.psd"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var win = new Window ("dialog", "Image test"); win.pnl1 = win.add('panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:'black'}); win.pnl1.preferredSize=[200,200]; win.Im1 = win.pnl1.add ("image", undefined,Image); win.Im1.size = [150,150]; win.pnl2 = win.add('panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:'black'}); win.pnl2.dd1 = win.pnl2.add('dropdownlist'); for(var a in PSD){   win.pnl2.dd1.add('item',decodeURI(PSD .name).toString());   } win.pnl2.dd1.selection=0; win.grp100 = win.add('group'); win.grp100.bu1 = win....
win.pnl2.dd1.onChange=function(){ var Thumb1 = new Thumbnail(File(PSD[win.pnl2.dd1.selection.index])); app.synchronousMode = true; Thumb1.core.preview.preview; app.synchronousMode = false; var md = Thumb1.synchronousMetadata; md.namespace = " http://ns.adobe.com/tiff/1.0/ "; var orientation = md.Orientation.replace(/(\w+)(\s+)(.)(\d+)(.)/,"$3$4"); orientation = orientation.replace(/°/,''); orientation = orientation.replace(/Rotate/,''); if(orientation == 'Normal') orientation =0; var bm = undefined; bm = Thumb1.core.preview.preview; if(bm.width != undefined) bm = bm.rotate(orientation); bm = bm.resize(150,BitmapData.bicubicSharper); bm.exportTo(new File(Folder.temp+ "/scriptUI.jpg"),100);   win.Im1.image = File(Folder.temp+ "/scriptUI.jpg") } win.pnl2.dd1.onChange(); win.show();
Yes it's possible in Bridge here is an example, the folder path to the psds needs to altered to suit....
Paul, thanks for your example. Can this be done from a script executed from within PS CS5, using the selected preview(s) in Bridge's content pane as the source for the PSD to thumbnail conversion?
I'm new to ScriptUI, JS, and scripting in PS, Bridge, InDesign, and etc., so at this point I'm trying to familiarize myself with it and seeing what is and is not possible while planning the functionality of my script. So, please forgive me in advance if my questions seem basic or if the answers to them are obvious.
This example is for Bridge, if you wanted the script to run from Photoshop or another Adobe app it would need to use BridgeTalk to send a script to Bridge to create the thumbnail so Bridge would need to open as well as your other app.
Great, thanks Paul and Mark! This may work for my specific application.
Are there updated JS reference guides available for Bridge and BridgeTalk, as there is for PS and InDesign? The most recent reference guide I found for Bridge is for the CS2 version.
You can find updated info about BridgeTalk in the JavaScript Tools guide. You can find that in a subfolder where ExtendScript Toolkit is istalled.
Below is Paul's code for creating the preview image converted to a BridgeTalk script that will run in Photoshop.
// adapted from Paul Riggott var previewFile = new File(Folder.temp+'/ScriptUI.jpg'); if( previewFile.exists ) previewFile.remove(); createPreview( '~/Desktop/Untitled1.psd');// returns true if preview file is created function createPreview( image ){     var fileName = new File( image );     var preveiwExists = undefined;     var res = undefined;     var bt = new BridgeTalk;     bt.target = "bridge";     var myScript = ("var ftn = " + psRemote.toSource() + "; ftn("+fileName.toSource()+");");     bt.body = myScript;     bt.onResult = function( inBT ) {myReturnValue(inBT.body); }     bt.send(500);     return preveiwExists;          function psRemote( sourceImage ){          var f = new File(Folder.temp+ "/scriptUI.jpg");          var Thumb1 = new Thumbnail( sourceImage );          app.synchronousMode = true;          Thumb1.core.preview.preview;          app.synchronousMode = false;          var md = Thumb1.synchronousMetadata;          md.namespace = "http://ns.adobe.com/tiff/1.0/";          var orientation = md.Orientation.replace(/(\w+)(\s+)(.)(\d+)(.)/,"$3$4");          orientation = orientation.replace(/°/,'');          orientation = orientation.replace(/Rotate/,'');          if(orientation == 'Normal') orientation =0;          var bm = undefined;          bm = Thumb1.core.preview.preview;          if(bm.width != undefined) bm = bm.rotate(orientation);          bm = bm.resize(150,BitmapData.bicubicSharper);          bm.exportTo( f,100);          return f.exists;     };     function myReturnValue(str){          res = str;          preveiwExists = str;     }; };
Michael, thanks for pointing me to the BridgeTalk information found in the JS tool guide. It looks like there's a lot of good information there. And thanks for adapting Paul's code to be run in PS. I understand what's going on in most of it, except for the statements involving metadata and orientation regex.
In Bridge, are the bitmap thumbnails the same size and resolution of the full-sized (PSD) files they represent?
A fullsize JPG can be extracted instead of using
bm = Thumb1.core.preview.preview; Use
bm = Thumb1.core.fullsize.fullsize;
The fullsize could take a lot more time though depending how your preferences are set up (Keep 100% previews in cache).
There is a lot more information if you download the Bridge SDK.
Paul, have you worked out a method for looping thru an array of images previews within a dialog? I must have spent a whole day the other week trying this… All I was trying was to have two buttons 'previous' & 'next'… But I'll be shot if I could work this out this ScriptUI stuff is still very new to me… I can remove an image from its parent window container but can I put a replacement back… nope…
Yes here is an example, BUT it will not work with Photoshop CS5 (Yet another bug!) works with Photoshop CS3 and CS4
It will work with Bridge and Illustrator CS5 though.
function main(){ inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select the folder with Files to process"); var fileList = inputFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|png)$/i);
Image.prototype.onDraw = function(){ // written by Marc Autret // "this" is the container; "this.image" is the graphic if( !this.image ) return; var WH = this.size, wh = this.image.size, k = Math.min(WH[0]/wh[0], WH[1]/wh[1]),xy; // Resize proportionally: wh = [k*wh[0],k*wh[1]]; // Center: xy = [ (WH[0]-wh[0])/2, (WH[1]-wh[1])/2 ]; this.graphics.drawImage(this.image,xy[0],xy[1],wh[0],wh[1]); WH = wh = xy = null; }
var win = new Window ("dialog", "Image test"); win.pnl1 = win.add('panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:'black'}); win.pnl1.preferredSize=[200,200]; win.Im1 = win.pnl1.add ("image", undefined,fileList[0]); win.Im1.size = [180,180]; win.pnl2 = win.add('panel', undefined, undefined, {borderStyle:'black'}); win.pnl2.bu1 = win.pnl2.add('button',undefined,'Next'); win.pnl2.bu2 = win.pnl2.add('button',undefined,'Previous'); win.grp100 = win.add('group'); win.grp100.bu1 = win.grp100.add('button',undefined,'Cancel'); var PIC = 0; win.pnl2.bu1.onClick=function(){ //Next picture if(PIC == fileList.length -1) return; PIC++; win.Im1.image = fileList[PIC];   } win.pnl2.bu2.onClick=function(){ //Previous if(PIC == 0 ) return; PIC--; win.Im1.image = fileList[PIC];   } win.show(); } main();
Paul, thats a great help thanks very much… Typically I was trying this with PS as my target and yes it no work… Do you just get a white corner too? That explains my wasted afternoon… Should have mowed the lawn instead…
Yes I just get a white area, a definite bug Mark.
I gave up last night. Marc's image resizing amongst a few others was the reason for my prototyping question… Glad to know its a bug thou and not just me…
Just did another test, the problem is that CS5 doesn't like JPEGS, the script will work if the files are PNG.
Oh and I got shut of all my grass, covered it with 10 tons of pebbles, much less hassle!
Oh and I got shut of all my grass, covered it with 10 tons of pebbles, much less hassle!
Ok, Paul, now this is funny! During mowing season, I have often threatened to cover my lawn with concrete or gravels and convert it to one giant parking lot, but I've never known someone who actually did it! haha
I ripped up all the hedge as well, as it was my job to cut the hedge and cut the grass so all the gardening is done by my wife now, mostly fruit trees and flowers left
I ripped up all the hedge as well, as it was my job to cut the hedge and cut the grass so all the gardening is done by my wife now, mostly fruit trees and flowers left
hahahaha! I'm inspired, and would
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