Галерея 3225545

Галерея 3225545


Галерея 3225545

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Gutters; Kerbs ; Surface drainage of streets, roads or like traffic areas

Surface drainage of streets

Gutters; Channels ; Roof drainage discharge ducts set in sidewalks

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Dec. 28, 1965 G. J. FLEGEL DRAIN CONSTRUCTION 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 Filed July 10, 1962 FIG. 2
INVENTOR. GEORGE J. FLEGEL m 0 ATTORNEY Dec. 28, 1965 Filed July 10, 1962 United States Patent 3,225,545 DRAEN CONSTRUCTION George J. Flegel, Michigan City, Ind, assignor to Josarn Manufacturing Co., Michigan City, Ind., a corporation of Delaware Filed July 10, 1962, Ser. No. 208,859 8 Claims. (Cl. 61-10) The present invention is concerned generally with construction of a trench drain system, and more particularly with a trench drain system including a drain outlet fitting and drain channel elements providing an improved connection between adjacent channel elements, channel elements and outlet fitting, and where desired end closures for terminal channel elements, although as well such channel and end closure elements and fittings include further common features, cooperating with other portions of the construction such as gratings and rims providing advantages over the prior art.
Trench drains are well known to the prior art and commonly used to provide relatively large and extended drainage inlets, especially where large areas are served thereby which may have a heavy run oif during rainy weather; or where in any event rapid drainage is required, for example, at low points in streets or highways, parking lots, or about the perimeter of water level deck swimming pools. Such trench drain constructions provide in the drained surface extended drainage channels or trenches covered by grating desirably flush with the adjacent drained surface, the channel or channels then discharging into sub-surface drain lines at one or more bottom or side outlets.
In one system of construction, for example, the drain trenches are directly provided by appropriate form-work in poured concrete, suitably located relative to outlet fittings on already roughed-in drainage piping and anchored grate-seating trench framing to be embedded in the concrete. The present invention is concerned with another type of construction, wherein outlet fittings are connected to the roughed-in drainage pipe system, and then generally U-shaped clay, ceramic or metallic channel elements are joined end to end with each other and ultimately to the outlet fittings to form a trench drain proper, around which the concrete or other material is poured and finished oif level with the top of the drain; the channel elements and the fittings being adapted in form to receive and seat gratings flush with the surface to be drained.
Although such trench drain systems are quite varied in configuration, ranging from a simple straight drain or a closed rectangular drain to a closed quite irregularly curved drain as may be desired, with one or several appropriately placed drain outlets, the invention will be hereinafter described in terms of a simple straight trench drain used in a poured concrete deck and discharging to a single more or less centrally located outlet, it being understood, however, that the essential and novel features are adaptable to use in practically all drain configurations wherein this general type of construction is applicable.
In broad sense the present invention may be considered somewhat similar to and an improvement upon a construction appearing in the Tucker U.S. Patent 675,988, but as here presented being in no wise concerned with the drain flushing feature of that patent.
Characteristic of the present invention is the inclusion of roughly V-shaped channel components or elements and coo eratin com onents the channel elements havin on p a 9 U opposite ends respectively male and female end formations whereby a wedging compression sealed type joint may be made between cooperative male and female formations of adjacent channel sections, and also between channel sections and drainage outlet fittings or channel sections end closures where the fitting and closure components are pro- "ice vided with appropriate male or female formations. The several components also include outwardly flanged edge formations providing parallel seats for supporting grating elements substantially flush with the surrounding drained environmental surface. Particularly in the joinable ends the form of the components is such that the grate seats are readily aligned into substantially coplanar relation of corresponding surfaces throughout extended lengths, not only between successive basic channel sections, but also between cooperating end, corner or outlet fitting components.
Further a preferred form of the relative shape of cooperating parts of gratings and seats directs a scavenging water flow in the seat regions so as to minimize accumulation of debris with attendant malodorous consequences. Also the basic construction affords a ready adaptability for incorporation of decorative or non-ferrous metal rims along the normally exposed upper edges of the primary body structure of the components for use in conjunction with gratings of similar material, while the heavier hidden parts may be of less costly cast iron or the like.
The general system and the elements thereof, as hereinafter disclosed in detail, provide an improved trench drain construction with a decided advantage in being readily assembled at proper position for incorporation in a poured concrete deck, a macadam surface, or the like; and in a compression sealed type joint between adjacent components for the minimization or entire elimination of leakage from the drainage channel with its deleterious effects arising from entrance and seepage of water between the drain elements and surrounding concrete, macadam, or other environmental structure. Further a positive mechanical interconnection between elements is achieved; which, in addition to maintaining the compression seal through an interlocking wedging action of the elements in the joint, also gives a relatively rigid initial installation about which concrete pouring or like operations can be carried out with less danger of disturbing levels and alignments of drain components.
Other advantages and objects of the present invention will appear from the following description and the drawings wherein:
FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of a basic channel element for the drain;
FIG. 2 is an exploded detail view of the joint forming cooperating male and female end portions of two adjacent drain components;
FIG. 3 is a vertical longitudinal section through a compression sealed joint;
FIG. 4 is a somewhat generalized side elevational view of a simple straight drainage trench system having a more or less centrally disposed drainage discharge or outlet fitting;
FIG. 5 is a transverse vertical section through a drain and immediately adjacent environmental structure;
FIG. 6 is a vertical section through an end closure arrangement taken as indicated by the line 66 in FIG. 7;
FIG. 7 is a fragmentary plan view of the drain construction taken at an end region;
FIGS. 8 and 9 are fragmentary cross sections taken as indicated in FIG. 7 by the lines 88 and 9-9; and
FIG. 10 is a fragmentary sectional detail View showing the use of a separate decorative rim on the body section.
In the drawings, FIG. 1 shows in side elevation a drain channel component 20 having female and male, somewhat belland spigot-like, end portions 20a, 20b adapted to form a compression type sealed lock joint, such as that shown in exploded form in FIG. 2, between adjacent components, as between adjacent channel elements 20, between a channel element 20 and an end closure member 22 or between a channel element 20 and a drain outlet fitting 23, in a drainage trench system such as that shown in a generalized representation in FIG. 4. In FIG. 4 there appears a straight drainage trench system comprised of two oppositely extending series of joined straight elements connected to opposite sides of and emptying into and through the more or less central fitting 23 connected to a drain line, all sunk or embedded, as more clearly shown in FIG. 5, in a concrete deck C, road, or the like, to support grating elements 24 flush with the surface S of the drained area by means of longitudinal seat formation such as 20s on the main section 20. Corresponding parts among the elements 20, 22,23, particularly in joint structure may be hereinafter designated by similar reference numerals.
The main reach of the channel body interiorly and exteriorly is generally of a round-bottom V-shape, with upwardly divergent sides terminating in integral longitudinal grate seat formations 20s, each formed by outwardly flanged and upwardly flanged portions 30, 31 for supporting the corresponding longitudinal opposite edge portions of the grate elements 24, as seen in FIGS. 8 and 9.
The female end or bell formation 20a includes an external rib or enlargement 34, continuous down one side around the bottom and up the other, having an inner V- shaped face 36, which is outwardly offset from and generally parallel to the internal surface of the body by an amount somewhat greater than the body wall thickness and in the curved face 36 having an internal groove 35 coextensive in length with the enlargement, whereby to accommodate a compression gasket or seal element 38 and the cooperating male end 28b of an adjacent element as hereinafter described. The external enlargement or rib 34 widens out on each side longitudinally of the body as at 34a before terminating at the level of and with its inner end merging into the bottom of the outwardly flanged portion 30. Giving an appearance as though the outer and upward flange portions 30, 31 were cut away, at each side, the female end portion 20a includes a flat top portion 340 below the level of the seat 20s, in which is provided a tapped vertical blind hole 34d between the groove 35 and the vertical end faces of flange portions 30, 31. For leveling and positioning purposes the components are each preferably provided with at least one pad providing a fiat bottom surface, as 34p on the bottom of 34.
The male or spigot end portion is somewhat complementarily shaped, having on each side a similar endwise extension 41 of the outwardly and upwardly flanged formations 30, 31 of the seat formation 20s, each adapted to seat upon a corresponding flat 340 of a female end formation in a cooperating adjacent member. A counterbored aperture is provided in the horizontal portion of the projection vertically alignable with a tapped hole 34d to receive a screw 42 securing the projection in alignment with and as a continuation of the corresponding flange portions 30, 31 of the adjacent member, thereby providing in effect a continuous seat 20s on each side throughout the entire series of elements so joined. An integral external bead or flange 43 at the extreme end portion of the body runs continuously from one flange portion 30 to the other in effect providing a round bottomed wedgeshape, generally parallel to the interior surface of the body and of the round bottom groove in a cooperating female end, whereby as a male or spigot end is brought down from above into sealing relation in a cooperating female end a wedging interlock and seal is achieved through the interposed gasket 38 and secured by insertion of the screws 42.
To close the end of a terminally used channel member 20, a plate-like end closure element 22 has in effect an integral male or spigot end structure such as that just described, being comprised of a short portion 221: having the typical channel cross section except for an integral transverse web 22b, as it were projecting from the inner face of a plate 220 of corresponding outline. The web 2212 and the upper end plate 220 extending thereabove at 22d in effect are right angle continuations of 30 and 31 of the member 220 to provide an end seat for a grating member.
The drainage outlet fitting 23 in its top region is generally similar in plan outline to the channel elements 20, except that at opposite ends it has in effect inlets with the female or bell formations such as 20a described for the channel element, and except as so modified in its upper region includes along opposite longitudinal edges seats, such as 20s previously described, for a removable grating similar to grating 24. Between the two female or bell end formations, the body section is modified from the simple V-shape to provide a lateral outlet or, as here shown, to terminate downwardly in an outlet hub formation 23b adapted either for a caulke-d or screwed joint as commonly used in drainage fittings.
Considering further the various seating formations 20s and the construction of grate 24, the outwardly extending flange portion 30 between the side wall and the upper flange 31 may be interrupted by recesses 30a defined by sloping end faces 30b and a flat bottom surface sloping inwardly downwardly from the more or less vertical inner face of the flange 31 to the inner face of the adjacent side wall; while the longitudinal grating edges have notches or recesses 24a generally coincident with the defined seat recesses. In effect then spaced lugs are provided between such recesses 30:: actually supporting the grating from below, and minimizing the regions between the grate and seats wherein debris may collect; while a downward scavenging flow slot results between 31 and grating edge recesses 24a and continuing through recesses 30a. At the grate edges there is a locally directed flow of water to flush the seat and the inner side wall surfaces.
Where it is desired that non-ferrous materials such as bronze, stainless steel or the like be used for the externally visible parts, it is obvious that the construction previously described would be extremely expensive were all the components such as end enclosures 22, main channel elements 20 and fittings 23 to be formed from such alloys. However, the basic construction is such that though fabricated of cast iron the standard components 20, 22 and 23 are readily adaptable to application of trim rims of the desired alloys with little or no loss of the many advantages previously described. As shown in FIG. 10 rightangle alloy sections 50 may be applied to cover the top edges of the upward flange 31, the angles being held by the flat head screws passed through countersunk apertures therein into tapped holes in the flanges 31, with similarly secured special end rim trim pieces having a cross section similar to that of the trim piece 50 extending across the top end of closure members 22 and having integral side legs coextensive with the top side portions of the members 22. Cast gratings 24 of the desired similar alloy may then be provided with bottom projections or spacer lugs 24c to bring the grate flush with the rims.
1, A trench drain channel element adapted in form for laying a plurality of said elements in end-to-end relation to form a drainage channel of substantially continuou internal surface and of identical transverse cross section, and providing on opposite sides above said surface opposed parallel edge formations, said channel element comprising:
an elongated body portion of generally upwardly open channel form with opposite sides terminating in parallel upper longitudinal edge portions and at opposite ends respectively an integral female end formation and an integral male end formation of generally complementary form whereby a male end formation of one channel element may be received in a compression sealed and interlocked joined relation with the female end formation of an adjacent channel element;
said male end formation comprising an integral external V-shaped flange with upper ends terminating at respective edge portions on the said opposite sides,
and an integral endwise extension on each side providing continuations of the edgeportions; said female end formation including an integral endwise projecting external enlargement having a V- shaped inner face outwardly offset from the internal surface of the body portion and having in said inner face an internal groove coextensive in length with the enlargement, and seat formations on the upper ends of said enlargement adapted to receive and seat therein the respective extensions of a male end formation of an adjacent cooperating like channel element with the respective upper edge portions and the said internal surfaces of the joined elements in substantial alignment; the bottom of said groove being spaced from the internal surface of the body portion a greater distance than the spacing of the outer edge of said integral flange from the internal surface whereby the said groove is adapted to receive first a compressible gasketing strip and then the external flange of a male end formation received cooperatively in the female end formation and seated on the strip when said extensions of a male end formation are seated in said seat formations of the female end formation; said extensions and said seat formations having complementarily located apertures whereby the extensions of one channel. element forming a joint with the fem-ale formation of an adjacent cooperating channel element may be brought into alignment and seated relation by insertion of the male end formation from above to receive locking bolts for securing the elements together in a vertically wedging compression joint
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