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Network map of co-authorship analysis for all connected authors for the field of 100% RE systems analysis articles.
Abstract: Concerns related to climate change and global warming caused by anthropogenic activities and fossil energy use in particular have been increasing lately. Air pollution an... View more
Concerns related to climate change and global warming caused by anthropogenic activities and fossil energy use in particular have been increasing lately. Air pollution and volatile conventional fuel prices emphasize the need to transition global energy systems towards very high shares of renewables. 100% renewable energy systems have been analyzed by many researchers starting from 1975. This bibliometric analysis reviews more than 600 scientific articles in which 100% renewable energy systems were surveyed. This study uses tools of bibliometric analysis based on publication databases and data mining together with review elements to understand the status and trend of 100% renewable energy systems research. The focus of results is on quantitative parameters relating to number and publication types, collaborative links among authors, institutions, and countries. Collaborative networks illustrate the significant concentration of published papers within organizations and co-authorships globally. The results reveal that the dominant organizations and thus number of published papers are from Europe and the USA; however, almost all the established research organizations in the field of energy system analysis are not active in the field of 100% renewable energy systems analyses. The journals Energy and Applied Energy have the most articles, and accordingly the most citations. EnergyPLAN and LUT Energy System Transition Model have been the most active tools used to analyze 100% renewable energy systems according to numbers of articles and received citations. The topic of modeling approach indicates the term ‘Energy System’ has the highest frequency due to its emergence in the articles. This research provides a holistic overview on the more than four decades of research, and it reveals dynamics within the field with a compound annual growth rate of articles of 26% in the 2010s, the trend of increasing the number publications, and author growth that comprises almost 1400 publis...
Published in: IEEE Access ( Volume: 10 )
Date of Publication: 09 November 2022
Network map of co-authorship analysis for all connected authors for the field of 100% RE systems analysis articles.
Articles Analyzed in This Research With a Geographic Focus. The Global Articles are Structured to Their Features on Energy, Energy-Related for Jobs, Material Availability, Specific Technology Focus, and Water. The World Regions are Structured into Global, Africa, Americas, Europe, Eurasia, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), East Asia, Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia and Pacific. Island Countries are Listed in the Category Country. For a Better Overview, Articles for a Region on a Sub-Country Level are Sorted in Columns for State or Region, City, Village or Off-Grid, and Island
Energy System Models Used for 100% RE Systems Analyses. All Models Used at Least Five Times for 100% RE Systems Analyses are Listed and Ranked to the Number of Published Articles Applying the Model. Some Key Features of the Leading ESMs are Indicated. Citations for the 550 Category One Articles are Allocated to the Models Used as of Mid-2022
List of Top Ten Articles Ranked by the Highest Citations Number and Their Journals in the 100% RE Systems Research Field. Abbreviation: Original Article (O), Review Article (R)
The Top 21 Articles Ranked by the Maximum Normalized Citation Score Within the Field of 100% RE Systems Analyses. Normalization is Done by the Average Citation of All Articles of the Previous, Same, and Following Year. Abbreviation: Original Article (O), Review Article (R)
Lists of Top Journals in the Field of 100% RE Systems Analyses. The Ranked Metrics are: Total Citations, Total Number of Published Articles, the Number of Citations Per Articles, and Journal h-Index, Based on All 550 Articles of Category One. Details for All Journals are Listed in the Supplementary Material
Total Articles, Degree, and Betweenness Centrality for the Seven Dominant Organizations Ranked Based on Their Degree Centrality. The Quantities for Both Centralities Have Been Determined by the Tool UCINET 6
Top 25 Authors in the Field of 100% RE Systems Research Ranked by Number of Total Articles. Abbreviation: Male (m), Female (f). The Quantities for h-Index, g-Index, and m-Index are Calculated by the Bibliometrix Package. The Quantity for the Overall h-Index is Retrieved From the Scopus Database. The Normalized h-Index Indicates the Share of 100% RE Systems Research Among the Overall Research of Researchers
List of Evaluated Topics and Their Eminent Keywords. The Four Keywords for Each Topic are Ranked by Both the Frequency and Exclusivity of the Term Under That Topic [657]. The Marginal Topic Distribution Indicates the Share of Each Topic as Part of the Body of Literature. The Higher the Marginal Distribution of a Topic, the More Often That Topic Appears in the Body of Literature
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CO2-equivalent, the emissions of CO2 plus other greenhouse gases.
Direct air carbon capture and storage.
Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
LUT Energy System Transition Model.
MINES Paris, officially École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus.
The energy system is the largest contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, composing of energy extraction, conversion, storage, transmission, and distribution activities [1] . Anthropogenic GHG emissions have climbed from 53 to 58 GtCO 2eq /yr (carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per year) between 2010 and 2019 and strongly impact global climate change [1] . CO 2 emissions have risen from an average of 33.0 GtCO 2 /yr in the 2000s to an average of 38.9 GtCO 2 /yr in the 2010s, with a projected 39.3 GtCO 2 /yr in 2021 by fossil and land-use change emissions [2] . It is proven that global warming caused by humans has led to increased events of heavy precipitation and droughts, soil erosion, and change in vegetation cover [3] ; thus, an uncontrolled incremental trend of climate change might lead to a global societal collapse in the 21 st century. Air pollution triggered by burning fossil fuels is a major health burden and induces high societal costs [4] , [5] , and biomass for cooking causes massive negative impacts in developing countries, especially for women and children. Such issues are avoidable by shifting to renewable and sustainable energy and feedstock sources for the energy-industry system [6] . Furthermore, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight the expansion of renewable energy (RE) in the energy system and the enhancement of energy efficiency [7] . There are several possibilities to both reduce the GHG emissions from the energy-industry system and meet the growing global energy demand. Some options are energy efficiency, phasing out fossil fuels, and thus the promotion of RE [8] , [9] , finally leading to an entirely RE system [10] .
100% RE systems have been analyzed by a growing number of researchers to find solutions for a sustainable energy system [11] and to understand a feasible approach to mitigate climate change impacts, air pollution, energy poverty, and develop the most cost-effective energy systems [10] , [12] , [13] .
Analyses of 100% RE systems started by Sørensen [14] . In the following year, energy policy analyst Lovins introduced the term ‘soft energy path’ to showcase an alternative future where RE sources replace the centralized ‘hard’ energy system [15] . The first global 100% RE systems analysis article for the world was published by Sørensen [16] , more than 10 years before the second one had been published by Jacobson and Delucchi [17] , [18] , which remains the most cited article on 100% RE systems research.
Czisch published his dissertation showing that a 100% RE supply could match demand in every hour of the year in Europe, North Africa, and Western Eurasia [19] . This had been a methodological breakthrough, as both historic weather data and an hourly resolution for all regions of a year had been used for an interconnected multi-node design. Lund published a paper in which optimal combinations of renewables were indicated [20] . Before 2006, only 13 articles on 100% RE systems were published, thereof 7 from Sørensen. Since 2006, at least 5 articles were published every year by energy experts worldwide on the transition from a fossil-nuclear energy system to a 100% renewables-based system. In his dissertation, Sterner [21] introduced the Power-to-Gas concept to energy system modeling with two major new concepts in the field of 100% RE systems analysis: seasonal storage based on an electricity-to-molecules concept and sector coupling utilizing renewable electricity.
The Power-to-Gas concept has since been further developed into a Power-to-X framework [22] . The concept of electricity-based sector coupling is equivalent to the smart energy systems concept introduced by Mathiesen and Lund [23] . Bogdanov and Breyer et al. [24] , [25] advanced the field of 100% RE systems analysis by introducing a cost-optimized transition pathway for the world structured in 145 regions, whereas practically all global models use 20–30 regions. This scenario identified the first cost-neutral 1.5 °C compliant pathway without negative CO 2 emissions and assuming substantial increase in energy services demand. This pathway revealed the impact of low-cost photovoltaics-battery-electrolyzer systems as the core of modern energy systems, leading to very high levels of energy system efficiency, overall electrification, and solar photovoltaics (PV) energy system supply shares on the global average of about 70% [24] . In 2021, the threshold of more than 600 scientific articles on 100% RE systems was surpassed and was used as a basis for a bibliometric analysis in this research.
Bibliometric analysis is the use of a quantitative approach to analyze articles and scientific publications. Bibliometric analysis is one of the interdisciplinary research methods that has been expanded to scientific fields to virtually all scientific fields [26] . The wider field of energy has been covered by several bibliometric analyses, such as for the specific fields of energy security [27] , energy justice [28] , energy performance contracting [29] , energy efficiency [30] , bioeconomy [31] , [32] , resource use and GHG emissions [33] , sustainability of RE sources [34] , hybrid PV-wind-storage systems [35] , sustainable siting and design optimization of hybrid RE systems, [36] , multi-energy systems [37] , energy storage for decarbonization [38] , electric vehicles [39] , [40] , [41] , direct air capture [42] , negative emissions [43] , transition and transformation [44] , [45] , and municipal energy system planning [46] . One recent bibliometric analysis has been published for the wider field of energy system analysis [47] . This wider field is narrowed to the specific field of 100% RE systems articles in this research.
Bibliometrics are used for statistical analyses to show the significance of specific topics within a research field as well as networks of researchers and organizations. They are also used to identify the impact of specific research articles, individual researchers, research teams or organizations. Bibliometrics are increasingly used to measure research output among institutions on a national or international level. They identify research strengths and advise decisions about future research interests.
In this article, a bibliometric analysis is presented for all 100% RE systems articles identified until mid-2021. Since the 100% RE systems literature is very scattered and has not been comprehensively gathered via bibliometric analysis, this research serves to provide a central literature database for 100% RE systems research, which will be especially useful for researchers who want to enter this growing field and investigate specific aspects of the available literature. The purpose of this article is to provide insights into the 100% RE systems research field, which includes insights on the full identified spectrum of articles, their analyzed regions, the growth of the research field, where the research has been published, and the research groups active in this field. The most influential articles are identified, and the most used models are presented. To have a more holistic view on the research field, in addition to the bibliometric analysis, a literature review is conducted to provide further insights on facets of the field. The central research questions addressed in this paper are:

What temporal dynamics can be found in the research field for articles and citations?
Which teams and countries contribute and how dynamic is their contribution?
What collaboration networks for teams and countries can be observed?
What regional heterogeneity in researched countries can be found?
What are the most influential articles in total and at their time of publication?
The aim of this research is to answer the research questions with the full body of literature identified in the field of 100% RE systems analyses from a comprehensive perspective. The article is organized as follows: section 2 describes methods and data, section 3 provides the literature review, section 4 presents results and discussion, and section 5 draws final conclusions.
As bibliometric analysis is the use of a quantitative approach to analyze articles and scientific publications, the beginning step is to identify and collect all available literature for 100% RE systems published in scientific journals. Next, bibliometric features are extracted to analyze the literature quantitatively. Finally, bibliometrics tools and models are applied to investigate the structure of the research field in detail.
The search for 100% RE systems articles was done as follows:

To carry out structured research regarding the field of energy systems, the search was restricted to using the keywords renewable energy system , fully sustainable system analysis , 100% renewable energy , energy system transition , and clean energy system in the online platforms Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar.
Already identified 100% RE systems literature [12] , [13] were collected and added to the database.
Individual tracing (1): back and forth tracing of identified articles to identify further 100% RE system articles.
Individual tracing (2): contacting research peers for complementary articles, both from their research group and beyond.
The criteria applied for 100% RE systems articles are classified as follows:

An energy system article should have at least one system analysis with a minimum of 95% RE share for at least one energy sector. This shall ensure all features of 100% RE systems.
The year of the publication is not a limit for an article.
The identified 100% RE systems articles are sorted into three main categories:

One: analysis for at least one specific geographic entity is carried out. The minimum size is a village and the maximum size the world.
Two: generic analysis without any geographic context.
Three: articles with a substantial literature review on any aspect on 100% RE systems.
In the present research, the bibliometric analysis is performed based on the three given categories with further emphasis on category one due to the number of identified publications and focus of the paper. All identified 100% RE systems articles were linked to scientific literature datasets for a comprehensive analysis. The collected articles are introduced to the Scopus database. Scopus is the largest database of abstracts and citation information of scientific literature and data sources; thus, the most comprehensive analysis was enabled using this database. Scopus provides diverse data on each publication with analysis and comparison [48] . Web of Science (WoS) was also considered; however, Scopus contributes a higher accuracy and more comprehensive article and journal coverage of scientific publications for all major disciplines. Thus, WoS was sorted out, and Scopus was used as the data source [49] .
Scientometrics is the science of measuring and analyzing science. Scientometrics is done by bibliometrics, which comprises statistical methods to measure the characteristics and patterns of publications [50] . The central bibliometric metrics and parameters to measure the level of influence are summarized below:

number of citations that an article receives per year and through the years.
average normalized citations that is calculated by dividing the total number of citations by the average number of citations published per year in each field [51] .
h-index, as the measure of influence, is a dimensionless number that represents cumulative quantity and quality or impact of an author’s academic publications and depends on a set of the author’s most frequently cited articles. The researcher’s h-index highlights the point in which the citation number crosses the publication order, according to Hirsch [52] , [53] , [54] . The h-index can also be applied to journals. One may also present a normalized version of the h-index, i.e., h-index of 100% RE articles as a ratio to the entire h-index of a researcher, which may indicate the role of the research field for the researcher.
g-index is defined as a value that the top g articles are cited by an average of g 2 times or more, according to Egghe [55] .
m-index is an alternative form of h-index and is defined as an individual’s h-index divided by the number of years since the individual’s first publication [53] . Hirsch [52] characterizes the m-index values for m \approx
1 for a ‘successful scientist’, m \approx
2 for an ‘outstanding scientist’ and m \approx
3 for a ‘truly unique individual’, while he assumes an average of 20 productive years for this rating.
The bibliometric analyses are carried out by applying the Bibliometrix functions of the R programming environment to scan the body of the literature [56] . R is a language for statistical analysis and graphics, which has large numerical and visualization procedures with a highly scalable functionality. Bibliometrix in R is an open-source tool that allows the user to import bibliography information once the data is retrieved from the Scopus or WoS database with BibTex and Plaintext [56] .
VOSviewer is a software tool that creates maps and networks of bibliometric data. To build a network, bibliographic files are extracted from Scopus, WoS, or other databases. VOSviewer can create a map through three ways: First, map creation via an adjacency matrix of a network in which pairs of items in the network are connected to each other. Second, a map is created through bibliometric data, which i
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