Галерея 3185377

Галерея 3185377


Галерея 3185377
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Efficacy of the 3D EAS Representation
Hybrid Data-Driven and Analytical Approach
Abstract: Due to the compliance of tendon-driven continuum robots, carrying a load or experiencing a tip force result in variations in backbone curvature. While the spatial robot c... View more
Due to the compliance of tendon-driven continuum robots, carrying a load or experiencing a tip force result in variations in backbone curvature. While the spatial robot configuration theoretically needs an infinite number of parameters for exact description, it can be well approximated using Euler Arc Splines which use only six of them. In this letter, we first show the accuracy of this representation by fitting the Euler Arc splines directly to experimentally measured robot shapes. Additionally, we propose a 3D static model that can account for gravity, friction and tip forces. We demonstrate the utility of using efficient parameterization by analyzing the computation time of the proposed model and then, using it to propose a hybrid model that combines physics-based model with observed data. The average tip error for the Euler arc spline representation is
% and the proposed static model is
% w.r.t. robot length. The average computation time is
0.56 \,\mathrm{ms}
for nonplanar deformations for a robot with ten disks. The hybrid model reduces the maximum error predicted by the static model from
% to
% w.r.t. robot length, while using 30 observations for training.
Published in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Volume: 7 , Issue: 3 , July 2022 )
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Tendon-driven continuum robots (TDCRs) have been widely studied in recent literature due to their applications in medicine and industry. They are a class of continuum robots actuated by the pull and release of tendons routed along the backbone. Point of termination of these tendons marks the end of a segment. Due to their slender flexible backbones they can bend continuously in 3D space, allowing their use in inspecting regions with constricted entry-points. They are compliant as well, and undergo deformations when acted on by external forces. Predicting and simulating their behaviour in real-time is required for their design, planning, and control.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA)
A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
© Copyright 2023 IEEE - All rights reserved.

A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. © Copyright 2023 IEEE - All rights reserved. Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and conditions.

All Books Conferences Courses Journals & Magazines Standards Authors Citations
Efficacy of the 3D EAS Representation
Hybrid Data-Driven and Analytical Approach
Abstract: Due to the compliance of tendon-driven continuum robots, carrying a load or experiencing a tip force result in variations in backbone curvature. While the spatial robot c... View more
Due to the compliance of tendon-driven continuum robots, carrying a load or experiencing a tip force result in variations in backbone curvature. While the spatial robot configuration theoretically needs an infinite number of parameters for exact description, it can be well approximated using Euler Arc Splines which use only six of them. In this letter, we first show the accuracy of this representation by fitting the Euler Arc splines directly to experimentally measured robot shapes. Additionally, we propose a 3D static model that can account for gravity, friction and tip forces. We demonstrate the utility of using efficient parameterization by analyzing the computation time of the proposed model and then, using it to propose a hybrid model that combines physics-based model with observed data. The average tip error for the Euler arc spline representation is
% and the proposed static model is
% w.r.t. robot length. The average computation time is
0.56 \,\mathrm{ms}
for nonplanar deformations for a robot with ten disks. The hybrid model reduces the maximum error predicted by the static model from
% to
% w.r.t. robot length, while using 30 observations for training.
Published in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Volume: 7 , Issue: 3 , July 2022 )
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Tendon-driven continuum robots (TDCRs) have been widely studied in recent literature due to their applications in medicine and industry. They are a class of continuum robots actuated by the pull and release of tendons routed along the backbone. Point of termination of these tendons marks the end of a segment. Due to their slender flexible backbones they can bend continuously in 3D space, allowing their use in inspecting regions with constricted entry-points. They are compliant as well, and undergo deformations when acted on by external forces. Predicting and simulating their behaviour in real-time is required for their design, planning, and control.
2015 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA)
A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
© Copyright 2023 IEEE - All rights reserved.

A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. © Copyright 2023 IEEE - All rights reserved. Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and conditions.

[축구] '토트넘 주장' GK 요리스, 무릎 인대 손상…최소 6주 아웃




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23. Juni 2022 Due to the compliance of tendon-driven continuum robots, carrying a load or experiencing a tip force result in variations in backbone curvature. While the spatial robot configuration theoretically needs an infinite number of parameters for exact description, it can be well approximated using Euler Arc Splines which use only six of them. In this letter, we first show the accuracy of this ...
8. Feb. 2023 '토트넘 주장' GK 요리스, 무릎 인대 손상…최소 6주 아웃
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