Галерея 3181605

Галерея 3181605


Галерея 3181605
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A systematic review of theory and applications of AI-IoT technologies in COVID-19 pandemic.
Abstract: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic has given overture to redirection, as well as innovation to many digital technologies. Even after the progression of vaccination effor... View more
The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic has given overture to redirection, as well as innovation to many digital technologies. Even after the progression of vaccination efforts across the globe, total eradication of this pandemic is still a distant future due to the evolution of new variants. To proactively deal with the pandemic, the health care service providers and the caretaker organizations require new technologies, alongside improvements in existing related technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning in terms of infrastructure, efficiency, privacy, and security. This paper provides an overview of current theoretical and application prospects of IoT, AI, cloud computing, edge computing, deep learning techniques, blockchain technologies, social networks, robots, machines, privacy, and security techniques. In consideration of these prospects in intersection with the COVID-19 pandemic, we reviewed the technologies within the broad umbrella of AI-IoT technologies in the most concise classification scheme. In this review, we illustrated that AI-IoT technological applications and innovations have most impacted the field of healthcare. The essential AI-IoT technologies found for healthcare were fog computing in IoT, deep learning, and blockchain. Furthermore, we highlighted several aspects of these technologies and their future impact with a novel methodology of using techniques from image processing, machine learning, and differential system modeling.
Published in: IEEE Access ( Volume: 10 )
A systematic review of theory and applications of AI-IoT technologies in COVID-19 pandemic.
Tabulation of Parameters Extracted From Graph Images and Corresponding Feature Extracted for Decision Trees
Tabulation of Attributes of Three Dimensional Word2Vec Based Representation and Corresponding Description
Bluetooth Based Contact Tracing Protocols
Summarization of Applications of Smart Sensing During COVID-19
Classification of 14 Main Privacy and Security Requirements and Their Comparison Based on Mean of Their Graph Features: Reduced Citations (
), Interest Index (
), Research Index (
) and Entropy (
Categorization of Detected COVID-19 Datasets According to the Fields of AI With References
Summary of Applications of AI in COVID-19 Era
Summary of applications of AI in COVID-19 era (continued)
Configuration of Common Deep Computer Vision Models in Terms of Number of Parameters in Units of Million (M), Input Dimensions (pixelsxpixels), Number of Operations in Units of Giga Operations Per Second (GOPs), Inference Time Per Batch (s) and Accuracy Density Percentage Per Million Parameters (Signifies the Contribution of Parameters Towards Accuracy of Model)
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C. Caste
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