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Галерея 3120227


Галерея 3120227
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I have a script that runs on cron that outputs some text which we send to the 'mail' program. The general line is like this:
The problem is that the text generated by the script has some special characters - é, ã, ç - since it is not in english. When the e-mail is received, each character is replaced by ??.
Now I understand that this is most likely due to the encoding that is not set correctly. What is the easiest way to fix this?
My /usr/bin/mail is symlinked to /etc/alternatives/mail which is also symlinked to /usr/bin/bsd-mailx
I had to specify myself the encoding in the mail header. (The -S is not supported here.)
cat myutf8-file | mail -a "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" -s "My Subject" me@mail.com
You're right in assuming this is a charset issue. You need to set the appropriate environment variables to the beginning of your crontab.
Optionally use LC_ALL in place of LC_CTYPE.
Edit: The reason it displays fine when you run it in your shell is probably because the above env vars are set in your shell.
To verify, execute ' locale ' in your shell, then compare to the output of a cronjob that runs the same command.
Re-Edit : Ok, so it's not an env var problem.
I am assuming you're using mailx, as it is the most common nowdays. It's manpage says:
The character set for outgoing
messages is not necessarily the same
as the one used on the terminal. If an
outgoing text message contains
characters not representable in
US-ASCII, the character set being used
must be declared within its header.
Permissible values can be declared
using the sendcharsets variable,
So, try and add the following arguments when calling mail:
Just to give additional information to KumZ answer:
if you need to specify more headers with the -a switch, feel free to add them up, like this (note the polyusage of -a).
i've written a bash function to send an email to recipients. The function send utf-8 encoded mails and work with utf-8 chars in subject and content by doing a base64 encode.
You may use sendmail command directly without mail wrapper/helper.
It would allow you to generate all headers required for "raw" UTF-8 body
(UTF-8 is mentioned in asker's comments),
Non 7bit/ ASCII characters in headers (e.g. Subject: , From: , To:) require special encoding
sendmail may break long lines (>990 bytes).
rfc2045 - (5) (Soft Line Breaks) The Quoted-Printable encoding REQUIRES that encoded lines be no more than 76 characters long. For bash shell script code:
This is probably not a command line issue, but a character set problem. Usually when sending E-Mails, the character set will be iso-8859-1 . Most likely the text you are putting into the process is not iso-8859-1 encoded. Check out what the encoding is of whatever data source you are getting the text from.
Re your update: In that case, if you enter the special characters manually, your terminal may be using UTF-8 encoding. You should be able to convert the file's character set using iconv for example. The alternative would be to tell mail to use UTF-8 encoding, but IIRC that is not entirely trivial.
use the option -o message-charset="utf-8" , like that:
I'm a bit late but none of the previous solutions worked for me.
So mail command is in fact mailx. This helped with the search that finally took me to this answer at Unix&Linux Stackexchange that states:
Mailx expects input text to be in Unix format, with lines separated by newline (^J, \n) characters only. Non-Unix text files that use carriage return (^M, \r) characters in addition will be treated as binary data; to send such files as text, strip these characters e. g. by tr -d '\015'
If there are other control characters in the file they will result on mailx treating the data as binary and will then attach it instead of using it as the body. The following will strip all special characters and place the contents of the file into the message body
So the solution is using tr command to remove those special characters. Something like this:
I've used this solution with my command
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The general line is like this: ./command.sh | mail -s "My Subject" destination@address.com -- -F "Sender Name" -f sender@address.com. The problem is that the text generated by the script has some special characters - é, ã, ç - since it is not in english. When the e-mail is received, each character is replaced by ??.
14. Aug. 2022 🛑 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДОСТУПНА ЗДЕСЬ ЖМИТЕ 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻 Галерея 3120227 Или войдите через акканут социальных сетей: Ссылка на сайт или наименование ресурса, подтверждающего верность информации Ссылка на сайт или ...
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