Галерея 3064092

Галерея 3064092


Галерея 3064092
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Buying Starter Generator Cores & Excess Units
150SG117Q, 150SG122Q, 200SGL119Q-2, 200SGL130Q, 200SGL153Q
Email: garrett@aeroval.com

Note: All product details including supersedure and pricing information are provided for reference only and should be verified and confirmed with OEM.

51538-001B Generator Control Unit As Removed - $450.00 Click Here to View More!
200SG111Q Starter Generator, Aircraft, 200 Amp OH-Surplus - $3,995.00 Click Here to View More!
150SG111Q Starter Generator, Aircraft, 150 Amp OH-Surplus - $4,995.00 Click Here to View More!
3064092 - SCREW by Zodiac Aerospace for Accessory. Aftermarket Aircraft Part.

Part Number 3064092 is an SCREW manufactured or catalogued by Zodiac Aerospace.
In some cases a proprietary airframe or engine manufacturer's part number may be assigned to identify the same
part which was actually manufactured by a different component OEM. These airframe, engine and accessory parts
are generally classified into three categories - rotable, expendable and consumable parts. To define and better
understand FAA approved aircraft parts, refer to FAA Advisory Circular AC20-62E . Current catalogue availability is subject to change and may be affected by inactivity, supersedure and obsolescence.

Do you know the current price of this item? Use this inflation calculator to determine the estimated annual inflation of the price since our last referenced price.
* Results are approximate with accuracy and authenticity based on price/date information entered by user. Provided for reference only.
Please fill out the following form to suggest a FAA-PMA replacement part.
Aeroval Incorporated is actively buying qualified OEM traceable aircraft spares inventory in bulk.
7 Switchbud Place, Suite 192-750
The Woodlands, Texas 77380
Phone: 281-389-1881
* Price does not constitute a current price quotation, for reference only.
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