Галерея 3053188

Галерея 3053188


Галерея 3053188
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We did a survey and evaluation of the RGB-D SLAM system, and we mainly introduced the basic concept and structure and compare the differences between the various RGB-D SL... View more
Abstract: The traditional visual SLAM systems take the monocular or stereo camera as input sensor, with complex map initialization and map point triangulation steps needed for 3D m... View more
The traditional visual SLAM systems take the monocular or stereo camera as input sensor, with complex map initialization and map point triangulation steps needed for 3D map reconstruction, which are easy to fail, computationally complex and can cause noisy measurements. The emergence of RGB-D camera which provides RGB image together with depth information breaks this situation. While a number of RGB-D SLAM systems have been proposed in recent years, the current classification research on RGB-D SLAM is very lacking, and their advantages and shortcomings remain unclear regarding different applications and perturbations, such as illumination transformation, noise and rolling shutter effect of sensors. In this paper, we mainly introduced the basic concept and structure of the RGB-D SLAM system, and then introduced the differences between the various RGB-D SLAM systems in the three aspects of tracking, mapping, and loop detection, and we make a classification study on different RGB-D SLAM algorithms according to the three aspect. Furthermore, we discuss some advanced topics and open problems of RGB-D SLAM, hoping that it will help for future exploring. In the end, we conducted a large number of evaluation experiments on multiple RGB-D SLAM systems, and analyzed their advantages and disadvantages, as well as performance differences in different application scenarios, and provided references for researchers and developers.
Published in: IEEE Access ( Volume: 9 )
Date of Publication: 21 January 2021
We did a survey and evaluation of the RGB-D SLAM system, and we mainly introduced the basic concept and structure and compare the differences between the various RGB-D SL... View more
Table Summarizing the Algorithms Used in Our Experiments. We Mark With a
When the Functionality is Included
Tracking Accuracy Results on the Easy TUM RGB-D Dataset. ATE RMSE

Tracking Accuracy Results on the Hard TUM RGB-D Dataset. ATE RMSE

Tracking Accuracy Results on the ICL-NUIM Dataset. ATE RMSE

Tracking Accuracy Results on the ETH3D Dataset. ATE RMSE

Mean Tracking Time Results on the TUM RGB-D Dataset

Surface Reconstruction Accuracy on the ICL-NUIM Dataset.

Loop Closing Effect Evaluation on the TUM RGB-D Dataset ATE RMSE.

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SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is a technique developed for solving the problem of self-localization and mapping in an unknown environment. Since it was proposed in the 1980s for the first time, it has made great progress and has been widely used in robot navigation, autonomous driving, augmented reality and virtual reality. For the merits of size, cost and power consumption, SLAM systems using image data captured by cameras as input is becoming more and more popular, which is also called visual SLAM(vSLAM).
Most vSLAM methods have been traditionally based on low-level feature matching and multiple view geometry. This introduces several limitations to monocular vSLAM. For example, a large-baseline motion is needed to generate sufficient parallax for reliable depth estimation; and the scale is unobservable. This can be partially alleviated by including additional sensors (e.g., stereo cameras, inertial measurement units (IMUs), sonar) or the prior knowledge of the system or the scene. Another challenge is the dense reconstruction of low texture areas. Although recent approaches using deep learning have shown impressive results in this direction, more research is needed regarding their cost and dependence on the training data [1] .
RGB-D cameras, which can provide both colored image and depth image at the same time, are becoming more and more used for indoor scene reconstruction and can be used to solve the challenges mentioned above. The camera intrinsic parameters calibrated beforehand provide the scale factor for reconstruction and camera tracking. And RGB-D camera can provide depth information for all areas in the field of view with or without textures, making dense reconstruction easy to be done and removing the need for map initialization. It is no wonder that research of mapping and localization using an RGB-D camera has flourished in the last decade. Figure 1 shows the reconstruction results of several state-of-the-art RGB-D SLAM systems. Nowadays, RGB-D cameras have become the most popular sensors for indoor applications in robotics and AR/VR. In the future, it will be promising to use a single RGB-D camera or with other sensors to complete the SLAM task with better-designed algorithms.

Reconstructions of state-of-the-art RGB-D SLAM systems.
In this paper, we review real-time RGB-D SLAM algorithms, which remarkably evolve forward from 2011. We conclude the common designation of most RGB-D SLAM systems and give the basic architecture of an RGB-D SLAM. And we introduce each part of the RGB-D SLAM with relevant works and make some evaluation to help readers understand the advantages and disadvantages of them and finally know how to design an RGB-D SLAM. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section II and III give an overview of the most common RGB-D SLAM pipeline and the notation and preliminaries of the following formulations. Section IV , V , VI introduces camera tracking, local mapping and loop closing algorithms with specific examples separately. Section VII discusses relevant advanced topics and open problems that were not covered in the previous sections. Section VIII gives some evaluation of tracking accuracy, mean tracking time, reconstruction accuracy, etc. of 7 different SLAM systems under 3 different datasets. Section IX lists the open source code and datasets we used. Section X gives a brief conclusion of the paper.
After several decades’ development, the pipeline of RGB-D SLAM or vSLAM(more generally) are basically fixed. Modern vSLAM systems are mostly designed using the idea of PTAM [6] , which divides the task of SLAM into camera tracking and local mapping, completed by separate threads. After PTAM has been proposed, some works [7] , [8] added other threads tackling loop closing, global BA, etc. As a result, most state of the art vSLAM systems are built on top of multi-threads and can be divided into two parts: front end and back end. The front end is responsible for providing real-time camera poses while the back end is responsible for slowly map update and optimization.
The basic architecture of RGB-D SLAM is described as Fig 2 and our article will expand based on this architecture. In the front end, RGB-D image {I}_{k}
and global map M_{G}
are used for image preprocess and pose estimation. In the back end, Local Mapping thread utilizes camera pose \xi _{k}
, preprocessed RGB-D image {I}'_{k}
and global map M_{G}
to perform map update and local optimization; Loop Closing threa
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