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Галерея 2968677

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Kyrie Irving Brooklyn Nets

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It was a typical Friday afternoon … until news of a Kyrie Irving trade request hit the Internet.
The Brooklyn Nets star guard told the Brooklyn franchise that he would like to be traded ahead of Thursday's NBA trade deadline , according to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski.
Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving has told the franchise that he wants to be traded ahead of Thursday's deadline, source tells ESPN.
If his demands aren't met, the 30-year-old star has decided he will leave during the upcoming free agency in July.
Breaking: Brooklyn Nets All-Star Kyrie Irving has requested a trade, league sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium . The franchise has been informed that Irving prefers to move on ahead of the Feb. 9 trade deadline – or will leave in free agency in July.
Irving had previously requested to be sign-and-traded ahead of the 2022-23 NBA season but decided to opt into the final year of his four-year max contract. But while Irving chose to give the Nets another try, the year has seen a few ups and downs.
Kyrie was suspended eight games last November after making a social media post promoting a book and movie that included antisemitic undertones. And while the 31-20 Nets are still in the Eastern Conference playoff race, they've lost seven of their last 11 games since losing Kevin Durant with an MCL sprain.
Once news of Irving's trade request hit the airwaves, NBA Twitter broke out in an absolute frenzy:
Nets fans seeing this Kyrie Irving trade request pic.twitter.com/ha4iFVGs4x
Kyrie Irving is a very talented basketball player. Just know if he's on your team, it's only a matter of time before he does something like he did today.
Kyrie Irving wanting a new work environment ≠ Being a horrible person. Y’all gotta stop the outlandish statements calling this man out his name like he doesn’t do stuff that’s bigger than basketball
I'm not surprised @KyrieIrving requested a trade, they treated him like a kid. He just sat back and made his moves quietly
Some fans believe this is the perfect opportunity for a LeBron James-Kyrie Irving reunion to become a reality.
Lebron James showing Rob Pelinka the Kyrie Irving news pic.twitter.com/AwfFeMcKMq
"Kyrie Irving has immediately requested a trade from the Brooklyn Nets." LeBron right now: pic.twitter.com/E4aAI3OPz4
@KyrieIrving come to LA and reunite with Lebron 🙏🏻
James tweeted in the midst of the trade news as well. And while it's not clear what the King was referencing, it sure was interesting timing.
Just moments before the news of Irving’s trade request broke, he took to Twitter where he left a message to his “peers.”
“Keep people around who CELEBRATE YOU unconditionally and appreciates all of the hard work that gets put in,” Irving said on Twitter.
To my Peers: JUST BE YOURSelf and GROW! Keep people around who CELEBRATE YOU unconditionally and appreciates all of the hard work that gets put in. Distance yourself from the folks who manipulate, hate, and hurt. Hélà 🤞🏾♾
“Distance yourself from the folks who manipulate, hate, and hurt.”
It's not clear if the Tweet was for the Nets organization directly, but what is clear is that Kyrie is ready to move on.
In Irving's fourth year with the team, he played in 40 games this season, averaging 27.1 points, 5.3 assists and 5.1 rebounds per game. The Nets are currently fourth in the Eastern Conference with a 31-20 record and just 5.5 games back of the No. 1-seeded Boston Celtics .

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The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America


Volume 124, Issue 4





No Access

Submitted: 25 January 2008

Accepted: 10 July 2008

Published Online: 15 October 2008

Torsional waves propagation along a waveguide of arbitrary cross section immersed in a perfect fluid

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124 , 2002 (2008);

Z. Fan a) and M. J. S. Lowe Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College , London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom M. Castaings and C. Bacon Laboratoire de Mécanique Physique, UMR CNRS 5469, Université Bordeaux 1 , 33400 Talence, France
Z. Fan M. J. S. Lowe M. Castaings C. Bacon



Guided torsional waves in a bar with a noncircular cross section have been exploited by previous researchers to measure the density of fluids. However, due to the complexity of the wave behavior in the noncircular cross-sectional shape, the previous theory can only provide an approximate prediction; thus the accuracy of the measurement has been compromised. In this paper, a semianalytical finite element method is developed to model accurately the propagation velocity and leakage of guided waves along an immersed waveguide with arbitrary noncircular cross section. An accurate inverse model is then provided to measure the density of the fluid by measuring the change of the torsional wave speed. Experimental results obtained with a rectangular bar in a range of fluids show very good agreement with the theoretical predictions. Finally, the potentials to use the model for sensor optimization are discussed.
The authors are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) for funding this work.



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a) Electronic mail: z.fan@imperial.ac.uk

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