Галерея 2841154

Галерея 2841154


Галерея 2841154

From 3-4pm PST on Monday January 27th, 2014 our search services will be offline to upgrade hardware. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Note: If possible, search using a catalog number. Avoid using “llc”, “inc”, or any other abbreviation at the end of your search.

(Affinity Biosciences Cat# DF7683, RRID:AB_2841154)

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Margaretha af Ugglas - Vintage Photograph 2841198
“ These photos emanate from a working newspaper archive thus concede routine physical
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Средство перевода предоставлено исключительно для вашего удобства. Точность и доступность перевода не гарантируется.

Примечание. Точность и доступность перевода не гарантируется.

Продавец берет на себя полную ответственность за это объявление о товаре.
“These photos emanate from a working newspaper archive thus concede routine physical
imperfections that can include production flaws, hand placed editorial notes, and paste residue. These
details can be seen in the auction photo which shows front and back. Also creasing, border chips and minor
paper loss can occur. View all photos thoroughly prior to bidding.”
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Налог с продаж за товар № 354613976114
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We and our partners process your personal data, e.g. your IP-address, using technology such as cookies to store and access information on your device in order to serve personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes. If you allow, we would also like to: Collect information about your geographical location which can be accurate to within several meters Identify your device by actively scanning it for specific characteristics (fingerprinting) Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences in the details section . You can change or withdraw your consent any time from the Cookie Declaration. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services.
Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
app-sjg.marketo.com c5.patreon.com player.vimeo.com
pool.admedo.com ads.creative-serving.com mfadsrvr.com scoota.co a.sportradarserving.com x.bidswitch.net
www.dropbox.com in.getclicky.com ups.analytics.yahoo.com admixer.net q.adrta.com ads.avads.net a.audrte.com match.adsby.bidtheatre.com dmp.brand-display.com dpm.demdex.net eqads.com krxd.net i.liadm.com ce.lijit.com sync.mathtag.com dsp.nrich.ai uipglob.semasio.net cm.smadex.com socdm.com
Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in.
beacon.lynx.cognitivlabs.com ads.betweendigital.com
Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.
ad.360yield.com pool.admedo.com ads.betweendigital.com x.bidswitch.net s.company-target.com ads.creative-serving.com mfadsrvr.com scoota.co
ad.360yield.com pool.admedo.com x.bidswitch.net s.company-target.com ads.creative-serving.com mfadsrvr.com scoota.co
advertising.com ups.analytics.yahoo.com
adx.opera.com beacon.lynx.cognitivlabs.com ads.stickyadstv.com
c1.adform.net sync.adotmob.com gum.criteo.com ad.turn.com
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Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies.
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Cookie declaration last updated on 20.1.2023 by Cookiebot
About Ad Settings We and our advertising partners process your personal data using technology such as cookies in order to serve advertising, analyse our traffic and deliver customised experiences for you. You have a choice in who uses your data and for what purposes.
Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest. View our list of partners to see the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for and how you can object to it.
Find out more about how your personal data is processed and set your preferences below.
You can set your consent preferences and determine how you want your data to be used based on the purposes below. Each purpose has a description so that you know how we and our partners use your data. You can object to legitimate interest processing per purpose.
Store and/or access information on a device
Vendors can:
Store and access information on the device such as cookies and device identifiers presented to a user.
To do basic ad selection vendors can:
Use real-time information about the context in which the ad will be shown, to show the ad, including information about the content and the device, such as: device type and capabilities, user agent, URL, IP address
Use a user’s non-precise geolocation data
Control the frequency of ads shown to a user.
Sequence the order in which ads are shown to a user.
Prevent an ad from serving in an unsuitable editorial (brand-unsafe) context
Vendors cannot:
Create a personalised ads profile using this information for the selection of future ads without a separate legal basis to create a personalised ads profile.
N.B. Non-precise means only an approximate location involving at least a radius of 500 meters is permitted.
To create a personalised ads profile vendors can:
Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalised advertising.
Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalised advertising.
To select personalised ads vendors can:
Select personalised ads based on a user profile or other historical user data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, location, or demographic information.
Create a personalised content profile
To create a personalised content profile vendors can:
Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for personalising content.
Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalising content.
To select personalised content vendors can:
Select personalised content based on a user profile or other historical user data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, location, or demographic information.
To measure ad performance vendors can:
Measure whether and how ads were delivered to and interacted with by a user
Provide reporting about ads including their effectiveness and performance
Provide reporting about users who interacted with ads using data observed during the course of the user's interaction with that ad
Provide reporting to publishers about the ads displayed on their property
Measure whether an ad is serving in a suitable editorial environment (brand-safe) context
Determine the percentage of the ad that had the opportunity to be seen and the duration of that opportunity
Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps
Vendors cannot:
*Apply panel- or similarly-derived audience insights data to ad measurement data without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience insights (Purpose 9)
To measure content performance vendors can:
Measure and report on how content was delivered to and interacted with by users.
Provide reporting, using directly measurable or known information, about users who interacted with the content
Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps.
Vendors cannot:
Measure whether and how ads (including native ads) were delivered to and interacted with by a user.
Apply panel- or similarly derived audience insights data to ad measurement data without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience insights (Purpose 9)
Apply market research to generate audience insights
To apply market research to generate audience insights vendors can:
Provide aggregate reporting to advertisers or their representatives about the audiences reached by their ads, through panel-based and similarly derived insights.
Provide aggregate reporting to publishers about the audiences that were served or interacted with content and/or ads on their property by applying panel-based and similarly derived insights.
Associate offline data with an online user for the purposes of market research to generate audience insights if vendors have declared to match and combine offline data sources (Feature 1)
Combine this information with other information previously collected including from across websites and apps.
Vendors cannot:
Measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that a specific user was served or interacted with, without a Legal Basis to measure ad performance.
Measure which content a specific user was served and how they interacted with it, without a Legal Basis to measure content performance.
To develop new products and improve products vendors can:
Use information to improve their existing products with new features and to develop new products
Create new models and algorithms through machine learning
Vendors cannot:
Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose under this purpose
Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
To ensure security, prevent fraud and debug vendors can:
Ensure data are securely transmitted
Detect and prevent malicious, fraudulent, invalid, or illegal activity.
Ensure correct and efficient operation of systems and processes, including to monitor and enhance the performance of systems and processes engaged in permitted purposes
Vendors cannot:
Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose under this purpose.
Note: Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug may include automatically-sent device characteristics for identification, precise geolocation data, and data obtained by actively scanning device characteristics for identification without separate disclosure and/or opt-in.
To deliver information and respond to technical requests vendors can:
Use a user’s IP address to deliver an ad over the internet
Respond to a user’s interaction with an ad by sending the user to a landing page
Use a user’s IP address to deliver content over the internet
Respond to a user’s interaction with content by sending the user to a landing page
Use information about the device type and capabilities for delivering ads or content, for example, to deliver the right size ad creative or video file in a format supported by the device
Vendors cannot:
Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose under this purpose
View the required features enabled for the processing of personal data and opt-in separately for any special features.
Match and combine offline data sources
Vendors can:
Combine data obtained offline with data collected online in support of one or more Purposes or Special Purposes.
Vendors can:
Deterministically determine that two or more devices belong to the sam
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