Галерея 2756198

Галерея 2756198


Галерея 2756198

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Blood. 2009 Oct 1; 114(14): 2878–2883.
Prepublished online 2009 Jul 17. doi: 10.1182/blood-2009-05-219915
1 Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Vermont, Burlington;
2 Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle;
3 Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; and
4 Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle
Received 2009 May 12; Accepted 2009 Jul 6.
Copyright © 2009 by The American Society of Hematology
GUID: E3763CFE-1CE9-4026-8A93-7CF73642A4C4
* Seven participants were counted as both a case and a control because of the sampling method.
* Defined as top tertile of D-dimer, top quartile of factor VIII, and heterozygotes plus homozygotes for each mutation.
† Adjusted for age, race, sex, study, BMI, and diabetes.
1. Cushman M. Epidemiology and risk factors for venous thrombosis. Semin Hematol. 2007; 44 (2):62–69. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
2. van Hylckama Vlieg A, ven der Linden I, Bertina R, Rosendaal F. High levels of factor IX increase the risk of venous thrombosis. Blood. 2000; 95 (12):3678–3682. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
3. de Visser MC, Poort SR, Vos HL, Rosendaal FR, Bertina RM. Factor X levels, polymorphisms in the promoter region of factor X, and the risk of venous thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2001; 85 (6):1011–1017. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
4. Meijers JC, Tekelenberg WL, Bouma BN, Bertina RM, Rosendaal FR. High levels of coagulation factor XI as a risk factor for venous thrombosis. N Engl J Med. 2000; 342 (10):696–701. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
5. Koster T, Rosendaal FR, Briet E, Vandenbroucke JP. John Hageman's factor and deep-vein thrombosis: Leiden thrombophilia Study. Br J Haematol. 1994; 87 (2):422–424. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
6. Halbmayer WM, Mannhalter C, Feichtinger C, Rubi K, Fischer M. The prevalence of factor XII deficiency in 103 orally anticoagulated outpatients suffering from recurrent venous and/or arterial thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost. 1992; 68 (3):285–290. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
7. Tirado I, Soria JM, Mateo J, et al. Association after linkage analysis indicates that homozygosity for the 46C → T polymorphism in the F12 gene is a genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2004; 91 (5):899–904. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
8. Gallimore MJ, Harris SL, Jones DW, Winter M. Plasma levels of factor XII, prekallikrein and high molecular weight kininogen in normal blood donors and patients having suffered venous thrombosis. Thromb Res. 2004; 114 (2):91–96. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
9. Cochery-Nouvellon E, Mercier E, Lissalde-Lavigne G, et al. Homozygosity for the C46T polymorphism of the F12 gene is a risk factor for venous thrombosis during the first pregnancy. J Thromb Haemost. 2007; 5 (4):700–707. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
10. Wells PS, Anderson JL, Scarvelis DK, Doucette SP, Gagnon F. Factor XIII Val34Leu variant is protective against venous thromboembolism: a HuGE review and meta-analysis. Am J Epidemiol. 2006; 164 (2):101–109. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
11. Cushman M, Cornell A, Folsom AR, et al. Associations of the beta-fibrinogen Hae III and factor XIII Val34Leu gene variants with venous thrombosis. Thromb Res. 2007; 121 (3):339–345. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
12. Lowe GD, Haverkate F, Thompson SG, et al. Prediction of deep vein thrombosis after elective hip replacement surgery by preoperative clinical and haemostatic variables: the ECAT DVT Study. European Concerted Action on Thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 1999; 81 (6):879–886. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
13. Heit JA. Thrombophilia: common questions on laboratory assessment and management. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2007:127–135. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
14. Tsai AW, Cushman M, Rosamond WD, et al. Coagulation factors, inflammation markers, and venous thromboembolism: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology (LITE). Am J Med. 2002; 113 (8):636–642. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
15. Ohira T, Cushman M, Tsai MY, et al. ABO blood group, other risk factors and incidence of venous thromboembolism: the Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE). J Thromb Haemost. 2007; 5 (7):1455–1461. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
16. Cushman M, Tsai AW, White RH, et al. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in two cohorts: the Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology. Am J Med. 2004; 117 (1):19–25. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
17. Fried LP, Borhani NO, Enright P, et al. The Cardiovascular Health Study: design and rationale. Ann Epidemiol. 1991; 1 (3):263–276. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
18. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study: design and objectives. Am J Epidemiol. 1989; 129 (4):687–702. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
19. Chambless L, McMahon R, Finch A, et al. ARIC Hemostasis Study III: quality control. Thromb Haemost. 1993; 70 (4):588–594. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
20. Cushman M, Cornell ES, Howard PR, Bovill EG, Tracy RP. Laboratory methods and quality assurance in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Clin Chem. 1995; 42 (2):264–270. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
21. Cushman M, Folsom AR, Wang L, et al. Fibrin fragment D-dimer and the risk of future venous thrombosis. Blood. 2003; 101 (4):1243–1248. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
22. Rothman KJ, Greenland S. Modern Epidemiology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven; 1998. [ Google Scholar ]
23. Assmann SF, Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S, Mundt KA. Confidence intervals for measures of interaction. Epidemiology. 1996; 7 (3):286–290. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
24. Smith NL, Hindorff LA, Heckbert SR, et al. Association of genetic variations with nonfatal venous thrombosis in postmenopausal women. JAMA. 2007; 297 (5):489–498. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
25. Bezemer ID, Bare LA, Doggen CJ, et al. Gene variants associated with deep vein thrombosis. JAMA. 2008; 299 (11):1306–1314. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
26. von dem Borne PA, Cox LM, Bouma BN. Factor XI enhances fibrin generation and inhibits fibrinolysis in a coagulation model initiated by surface-coated tissue factor. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2006; 17 (4):251–257. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
27. van Minkelen R, de Visser MC, van Hylckama Vlieg A, Vos HL, Bertina RM. Sequence variants and haplotypes of the factor IX gene and the risk of venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2008; 6 (9):1610–1613. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
28. Ratnoff OD, Busse RJ, Shean RP. The demise of John Hageman. N Engl J Med. 1968; 279 :760–761. [ Google Scholar ]
29. Mandle RJ, Jr, Kaplan AP. Hageman-factor-dependent fibrinolysis: generation of fibrinolytic activity by the interaction of human activated factor XI and plasminogen. Blood. 1979; 54 (4):850–862. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
30. Kanaji T, Watanabe K, Hattori S, et al. Factor XII gene (F12)-4C/C polymorphism in combination with low protein S activity is associated with deep vein thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2006; 96 (6):854–855. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
31. Bertina RM, Poort SR, Vos HL, Rosendaal FR. The 46C → T polymorphism in the factor XII gene (F12) and the risk of venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2005; 3 (3):597–599. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
32. van Hylckama Vlieg A, Komanasin N, Ariens RA, et al. Factor XIII Val34Leu polymorphism, factor XIII antigen levels and activity and the risk of deep venous thrombosis. Br J Haematol. 2002; 119 (1):169–175. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
33. Komanasin N, Catto AJ, Futers TS, et al. A novel polymorphism in the factor XIII B-subunit (His95Arg): relationship to subunit dissociation and venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2005; 3 (11):2487–2496. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ]
Articles from Blood are provided here courtesy of The American Society of Hematology
1. Cushman M. Epidemiology and risk factors for venous thrombosis. Semin Hematol. 2007; 44 (2):62–69. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
2. van Hylckama Vlieg A, ven der Linden I, Bertina R, Rosendaal F. High levels of factor IX increase the risk of venous thrombosis. Blood. 2000; 95 (12):3678–3682. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
3. de Visser MC, Poort SR, Vos HL, Rosendaal FR, Bertina RM. Factor X levels, polymorphisms in the promoter region of factor X, and the risk of venous thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2001; 85 (6):1011–1017. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
4. Meijers JC, Tekelenberg WL, Bouma BN, Bertina RM, Rosendaal FR. High levels of coagulation factor XI as a risk factor for venous thrombosis. N Engl J Med. 2000; 342 (10):696–701. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
5. Koster T, Rosendaal FR, Briet E, Vandenbroucke JP. John Hageman's factor and deep-vein thrombosis: Leiden thrombophilia Study. Br J Haematol. 1994; 87 (2):422–424. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
6. Halbmayer WM, Mannhalter C, Feichtinger C, Rubi K, Fischer M. The prevalence of factor XII deficiency in 103 orally anticoagulated outpatients suffering from recurrent venous and/or arterial thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost. 1992; 68 (3):285–290. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
7. Tirado I, Soria JM, Mateo J, et al. Association after linkage analysis indicates that homozygosity for the 46C → T polymorphism in the F12 gene is a genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2004; 91 (5):899–904. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
8. Gallimore MJ, Harris SL, Jones DW, Winter M. Plasma levels of factor XII, prekallikrein and high molecular weight kininogen in normal blood donors and patients having suffered venous thrombosis. Thromb Res. 2004; 114 (2):91–96. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
9. Cochery-Nouvellon E, Mercier E, Lissalde-Lavigne G, et al. Homozygosity for the C46T polymorphism of the F12 gene is a risk factor for venous thrombosis during the first pregnancy. J Thromb Haemost. 2007; 5 (4):700–707. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
10. Wells PS, Anderson JL, Scarvelis DK, Doucette SP, Gagnon F. Factor XIII Val34Leu variant is protective against venous thromboembolism: a HuGE review and meta-analysis. Am J Epidemiol. 2006; 164 (2):101–109. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
11. Cushman M, Cornell A, Folsom AR, et al. Associations of the beta-fibrinogen Hae III and factor XIII Val34Leu gene variants with venous thrombosis. Thromb Res. 2007; 121 (3):339–345. [ PMC free article ] [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
12. Lowe GD, Haverkate F, Thompson SG, et al. Prediction of deep vein thrombosis after elective hip replacement surgery by preoperative clinical and haemostatic variables: the ECAT DVT Study. European Concerted Action on Thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 1999; 81 (6):879–886. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
13. Heit JA. Thrombophilia: common questions on laboratory assessment and management. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2007:127–135. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
14. Tsai AW, Cushman M, Rosamond WD, et al. Coagulation factors, inflammation markers, and venous thromboembolism: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology (LITE). Am J Med. 2002; 113 (8):636–642. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
15. Ohira T, Cushman M, Tsai MY, et al. ABO blood group, other risk factors and incidence of venous thromboembolism: the Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE). J Thromb Haemost. 2007; 5 (7):1455–1461. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
16. Cushman M, Tsai AW, White RH, et al. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in two cohorts: the Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology. Am J Med. 2004; 117 (1):19–25. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
17. Fried LP, Borhani NO, Enright P, et al. The Cardiovascular Health Study: design and rationale. Ann Epidemiol. 1991; 1 (3):263–276. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
18. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study: design and objectives. Am J Epidemiol. 1989; 129 (4):687–702. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
19. Chambless L, McMahon R, Finch A, et al. ARIC Hemostasis Study III: quality control. Thromb Haemost. 1993; 70 (4):588–594. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
20. Cushman M, Cornell ES, Howard PR, Bovill EG, Tracy RP. Laboratory methods and quality assurance in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Clin Chem. 1995; 42 (2):264–270. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
21. Cushman M, Folsom AR, Wang L, et al. Fibrin fragment D-dimer and the risk of future venous thrombosis. Blood. 2003; 101 (4):1243–1248. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
22. Rothman KJ, Greenland S. Modern Epidemiology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven; 1998. [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
23. Assmann SF, Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S, Mundt KA. Confidence intervals for measures of interaction. Epidemiology. 1996; 7 (3):286–290. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
24. Smith NL, Hindorff LA, Heckbert SR, et al. Association of genetic variations with nonfatal venous thrombosis in postmenopausal women. JAMA. 2007; 297 (5):489–498. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
25. Bezemer ID, Bare LA, Doggen CJ, et al. Gene variants associated with deep vein thrombosis. JAMA. 2008; 299 (11):1306–1314. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
26. von dem Borne PA, Cox LM, Bouma BN. Factor XI enhances fibrin generation and inhibits fibrinolysis in a coagulation model initiated by surface-coated tissue factor. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2006; 17 (4):251–257. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
27. van Minkelen R, de Visser MC, van Hylckama Vlieg A, Vos HL, Bertina RM. Sequence variants and haplotypes of the factor IX gene and the risk of venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2008; 6 (9):1610–1613. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
28. Ratnoff OD, Busse RJ, Shean RP. The demise of John Hageman. N Engl J Med. 1968; 279 :760–761. [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
29. Mandle RJ, Jr, Kaplan AP. Hageman-factor-dependent fibrinolysis: generation of fibrinolytic activity by the interaction of human activated factor XI and plasminogen. Blood. 1979; 54 (4):850–862. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
30. Kanaji T, Watanabe K, Hattori S, et al. Factor XII gene (F12)-4C/C polymorphism in combination with low protein S activity is associated with deep vein thrombosis. Thromb Haemost. 2006; 96 (6):854–855. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
31. Bertina RM, Poort SR, Vos HL, Rosendaal FR. The 46C → T polymorphism in the factor XII gene (F12) and the risk of venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2005; 3 (3):597–599. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
32. van Hylckama Vlieg A, Komanasin N, Ariens RA, et al. Factor XIII Val34Leu polymorphism, factor XIII antigen levels and activity and the risk of deep venous thrombosis. Br J Haematol. 2002; 119 (1):169–175. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]
33. Komanasin N, Catto AJ, Futers TS, et al. A novel polymorphism in the factor XIII B-subunit (His95Arg): relationship to subunit dissociation and venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2005; 3 (11):2487–2496. [ PubMed ] [ Google Scholar ] [ Ref list ]

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1 Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Vermont, Burlington;
2 Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle;
3 Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; and
4 Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle
Higher levels of procoagulant factors and factor XII deficiency may be risk factors for first venous thromboembolism (VTE). We studied associations of coagulation factors IX through XIII with risk of future VTE in 2 general population samples. Using a nested case-control study combining the 21 860 participants of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study and the Cardiovascular Health Study, we determined antigenic levels of these coagulation f
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