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This is what I did first (Given) A ∧ (B ∨ C)
I have no idea how to make both sub proof same

I got it but I don't understand the logic behind it.
First and foremost, there is no need to start any subproofs with A and B ∨ C , since you can just infer those from the premise using ∧ Elim
Second, make sure that you get the same line at the end of each subproof before applying ∨ Elim, so it'll look like this:
I'll let you figure out what that 'mystery' statement Q should be ... but here's a hint: what statement would like like to have when all is said and done?
Finally, make sure you get A ∧ C , rather than C ∧ A like you have on line 8. ... and of course get the disjuncts of the desired disjunction in the right order as well
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Reference: 18.7d85655f.1678399347.bab48c4

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