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De L'administration De La Justice Criminelle En Angleterre: Et De L'esprit Du Gouvernement Anglais (French Edition)
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Devices in which sound is produced by striking a resonating body, e.g. bells, chimes, gong

Devices in which sound is produced by striking a resonating body, e.g. bells, chimes, gong the resonating devices having the shape of a bell, plate, rod, or tube

Devices in which sound is produced by striking a resonating body, e.g. bells, chimes, gong the resonating devices having the shape of a bell, plate, rod, or tube electrically operated

Devices in which sound is produced by striking a resonating body, e.g. bells, chimes, gong the resonating devices having the shape of a bell, plate, rod, or tube electrically operated the sounding member being a bell

Operating or striking mechanisms therefor

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A timeline of key events for this patent application, including priority claims, publications, legal status, reassignments, and litigation.
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H. WERDER SIGNAL 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 Filed Sept. 1. 1926 INVENTOR Jam" Wkrder M ATTORN Patented Apr. 3, 1928.
npplication filed September 1, 1926, Serial No. 133,067, and n Switzerland and Germany This invention relates to improvementsin signals and has special reference to a device adapted for use in instances where it is desired to impart audible warning signal.
An important object of the invention is to provide sound-emitting means in the form of a plurality of rotatable elements describing a path to contact with a resiliently mounted clapper member for producing the warning aforesaid. V
7 Another object is the provision of soundemitting means in the form of a plurality of elements, the sound from each element being of a slightly different pitch, so the signal as a whole may assume a pleasing sound. as
distinguished from the harsh and offensive signals now prevalent:
A further object of the invention resides in the provision of a resiliently mounted clapper adapted to be rocked during the passage of a sounding element.
A still further object is to provide means for limiting the return movement of said clapper element and to position same within the path of the sound-emitting elements.
Still further features and objects of the invention will become apparent as the description unfolds, and in order that the same may be better understood reference is had to the accompanying' drawings forming a part of this specification.
Figure 1 is a plan view of my improved signal, certain portions thereof being broken away to expose the component parts positioned within a housing. ,1
Fig. 2 is an elevation of the same, the means for energizing the motor being shown diagrammatically.
Fig. 3 is a sectional view, slightly enlarged, and taken substantially on the line 3-3 of Fig. 1; and
Fig. 4. is a fragmentary view taken on the line 1-4 of Fig. 3.
Referring now more in particular to the accompanying drawings, let 5 denote a casing, inclosing the operating parts of my de vice, said parts comprising essentially a plurality of sound-emitting elements and a clapper member, denoted generally by the numerals 6 and 7 respectively.
Said sound-emitting elements 6 each assume the generally accepted configuration of a bell and as distinguished from the common method of extracting sound therefrom, I op- March 4, 1926.
erate said elements about an orbit so that each in turn strikes the clapper member 7 at certain intervals, and by varying the pitch of each bell 6, a variegated sound is emitted; and upon a rapid rotation thereof a pleasing blending of notes ensues and, thus, a warning sufficient in scope yetdevoid of the harshness and offensive sound now prevalent in automobile signals or the like.
Returning now to the structural details of my device, it will be observed that'said elements 6 are rotatively mounted on a shaft 8, through the medium of a sleeve arrangement 9, said sleeve fitting snugly against inner faces of mediate its ends is provided with a plurality of lateral projections 10, to which are screwed, as indicated at 11, the lugs 12 of said bells 6. Figure 4 of the drawings clearly shows the aforesaid arrangement and upon inspection of Figs. 1 and 3, it will be noted that said sleeve 9 is securely attached to the shaft 8 through the intermediary of the sides of the casing 5, and intera pin 13, and further said shaft 8 is extended beyond one side of said casing 5 and carries a worm wheel 1 1 which latter enme'shes with a worm 15 on the motor shaft 16. I 1
While the drawings disclose an electric motor 17 for driving the operating parts of my signal, it is quite obvious that said shaft 8 might be provided with a crank for manually operating said signal. However my preference is to provide the device with an electric motor which is mounted on said casing 5 and operated by a switch 18 in the circuit 19, the source of power being the usual stor age battery 20 of a motor vehicle.
The clapper arrangement 7 hereinbefore referred to, is pivotally' mounted within said casing, the outer end thereof being provided with a ball 21 positioned within the circular path of said bells 6 for the purpose now well understood. The pivoted dis position of said clapper 7 is effectedthrough the medium of a shaft 22 journalled in bosses 23 of said casing 5, said shaft 22 being pinned to a tubular member 24 having an integral apertured boss 25 for the reception of the stem 26 of the clapper arrangement 7.
Obviously as each hell 6 strikes against the ball 21, the clapper as a whole must drop below the circular path described by the striking bell in order to permit the continned.rotative'movement of the bells,- and also it is essential that said clapper be returned Within the circular path described by the bells in order that each successive-"bell may collide therewith. To this end I' haVe provided a sprin 27 having one end attached to the stem of said clapper, its other- .mterininal,beingsecured to the. casing 5, as
indicatedat 28; I further feature my device with a stop arrangement the return of the striking position of the clapper, said. step, arrangement comprising.
a-lateral/arm 29, rising from thestem 26 and having its end provided With a buffer 30 qahirtting the interior of said casing, as clear-- ing 5 With-a. plurality of openings 31 in order to facilitate theemission of the sounding signals.
Fromthe foregoing the operation of'my device should now be clearly understood, since it is only necessary to rotate the bells 6*,wvhich in turn engage the ball 21, thus emitting a noteof'a pitclr peculiar tothemselves. Thepivoted disposition of said clapper'i, permits the descent thereof a. sufficient distance sothe freerotationof the particular bell isnot interfered With in any manner, andthespringQTreturns the same to striking position through the cooperation of the stop arrangement as aforesaid.
'Iwclaim: 7 1. 1111 aldevice of the'character described, a: plurality of rotatable sound-emitting ele ments anda resiliently, mounted clapper nor+ mallypositioned in the path of said ele ments and adapted to be contactedby each of said elements. I
2. In a device ofthe .characte'rldescribed, a plurality of rotatable sound-emitting elesaid clapper in the path ofeach of 'said'eleinents after-contact therewith.
3. In a device of the cnaracter described,
a plurality :of rotatable sound-emitting; elements, a clapper normally positioned in. the path of said elements and 'adaptedjto be successively contactedfthereb" and" s" rin t .Y
constantly returning said Iclapper toits norments, a clapper positioned in the patlrof said elements and adapted to be successlvely contacted-thereby"and?means for restoring mal position after being contacted'by each 1 element.
4. A device of the character described,
comprising, a casing, .a shaft. mountedin said, casing, a'plurality ofsoundkemitting elements rotatively mounted on said? shaft, axclapper pivotally carriedlby, said casing.
and normally positionedin the p ath ofeaehf of, said elements, means for restoringsaidi clapper in the path of each of. saidelements after contact therewith, and; a, stop associated vith said clapper and adapted to limitits return to. contactingposition.
5. In a device ofthecharacter described,
a plurality of rotatable sound-emitting el
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