How to make X1000 with BSC BETS guide

How to make X1000 with BSC BETS guide

Bsc Bets Team

A post for BSC BETS Project Holders

Why are you here? or How are GEM projects made?

Hi, you're with the BSC BETS team, if you're reading this post, it means you're interested in increasing your investments and you're looking for a project that will make you rich. 

Below in the text you will most likely recognize yourself, and at the end you will get a clear plan on how to make X1000.


⚽️ BSCBETS is a betting platform created for Qatar World Cup fans, where anyone can earn money by guessing match results.

There is a big team working on this project with experience in DEFI, a lot of big names and a lot of people watching the project. We decided to share our experience with you and use it as much as possible for the development of our project. We will start with 4 types of investors, in which you are likely to recognize yourself.

Usually, we distinguish four types of investors: 

1. The first type is not large investors who choose several projects and invest in them. Often they are guided by signals (here it is translated as calls) of respected Influencers. These investors are active in chat at first, communicating with each other. They always expect more advertising from the team, and constantly ask "when marketing" to earn their X2-X3 on a new audience, and then look for a new project.

If the project did not meet their expectations in the first few days, or the token fell by 20-30%, they start to fud and the worst thing if such investors in the project is the majority. They get upset and scold the project team, asking them to do more marketing, not realizing the basic fact that they are also part of the project and the further development of the project depends on each of them. They end up losing money or earning a few Xs and go somewhere else. 

2. The second type is involved investors. They may invest small amounts of money, but meaningful to them. They want to increase their investment many times over and understand that it depends on them as well.

They, like investors of the first type, create a lot of activity in the chat room, but unlike the first, their attitude is positive. They are willing not only to get something from the project, but also to give of their time, attention and effort. They often raise the general mood in chat, tell a lot about the project to new participants, raid Influencers and Call channel admins. If investors with this kind of mood are the majority in one project, these people do a lot of X and such projects fly to the moon.

The most important thing that distinguishes this type of investors is that they understand that by buying tokens they are already part of the project, part of the big team and can affect the results that the project will show. They like the project and they maximally spread information about it in chats, channels, twitter accounts, thus attracting new investors.

3. The third type is investors for whom it is not difficult to invest 5-10bnb in presale, these investors often do not talk in chat, they observe the mood of the community, watch how the team behaves, and wait for the project to fly into space. They know how to hold, but only if they see the potential in the community.

There are not many such investors at the start, they are not very active, but they give a good influx of money to the project. These investors are not yet whales, but their investments greatly affect the schedule.

Often advice in chat of such investors can greatly help the project.

4. The fourth type - whales. These are the most interesting investors for any project, these investors can watch the project for a very long time, they understand all the above categories, and as soon as they see a strong investor community and active team work, they get into the project, thus attracting even more new investors. This gives the project the opportunity to make that coveted 100-1000X. 

All of these categories have one thing in common, they are all investors in the same project. As soon as a person invests at least $1 in a new project, they become part of that project.

If the community is just waiting for others to promote the project, waiting for the team to invest even more money in advertising, then that project is doomed to fail. Only if the team and community join forces can the project fly to the moon.

Hundreds of examples when out of 200-300 investors at the start, with the help of coordinated work and involved community, people became millionaires. They attracted new whales, told and supported the projects in all the chats and social networks. Read more in our guide about Raiding (Link to chat how to raid).

Who do we expect to be in our project?

It is not important for us how much you are ready to invest for FairLaunch, it is important for us how you will support the project.

We are waiting for active investors who can help the project from different sides. Someone can draw cool arts and animations for the project, someone knows private alpha chats where you can talk about our project, someone is able to make noisy raids, someone is ready to shill the project everywhere, any action that will affect the addition of new investors is very valuable.

So how do you make the coveted X1000?

Of course, the accompanying factors are important. The project has to be trending, which is why we chose the theme of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The market should be on the rise; fortunately, in recent weeks, the market has been growing noticeably. But the most important thing is an active community. No matter how much money a developer has in their marketing purse, without an active community the project won't take off.

The main thing you have to understand is that if the project has 200-300 active investors who are ready to shill the project everywhere, who are ready to raid every post, who tell their friends about the project, who show their interest in chat day and night, the project will start growing with such speed that FOMO will instantly come to the whole market. When some big crypto blogger, sees hundreds of comments under each of his Twitter posts, where everyone is talking about the same project every day, he will definitely get interested, tell about it and invest in it himself. And it will attract dozens of times more investors than just buying ads from this blogger.

Conclusion only one, define in what category you are and understand why you are here, if you want to really make a lot of money, do everything for this, we are waiting for you in our chat room and the project, where you can make your X1000!

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