Gagging Piss

Gagging Piss


Gagging Piss


Rubber Open Mouth Piss Gag

This is an excellent 100% rubber open mouth gag. The mouth piece is made of heavy rubber keeping the mouth from closing. The hole is a whopping 1.5 inches in diameter and protrudes 1 inch into the mouth. Measurements: Neck strap adjusts from 17 to 20.5 inches around, Gag tube has 1.5 inch inner diameter, and 1.85 inch outer diameter Material: Rubber with Metal grommets and buckle Color: Black

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Urinal Gag

Faceplate is made from our best-selling super-smooth, fleshy Pure Platinum Silicone

Stretchy neoprene straps are adjustable for a better fit and feel

Trough faceplate and insert can easily be removed for cleaning

Soft material and stretchy straps keep URINAL in place

Great addition for guys into bondage and watersports


URINAL is a soft silicone trough shaped faceplate attached to a set of rubbery straps. The plate and hollow tube insert are made from our high quality Pure Platinum Silicone so they're thick and fleshy but still soft and smooth to the touch. The pure silicone mouthpiece can easily be removed for cleaning or switching out with another style. The straps are adjustable and stretch to fit most sized heads. URINAL is a must-have for guys into watersports play.

Our new GOLD metallic color just seemed natural...who doesn't want a gold toilet? Our strap-on URINAL is one nasty Pure Platinum Silicone piss-gag.

This flexible silicone urinal is deep and shaped so anyone needing to take a leak can step up and fill it up...and you too.

The yellow piss gag inserts are firm flexible silicone. URINAL comes with a bent tube insert but it's removable so you can switch to out for one of the 3 other available gags.

The strap is made from 2-layer grip textured neoprene with soft Velcro adjustable side straps, perfect fit for a small noggin or a huge head.

Strap on this slick black urinal, adjust the Velcro side tabs, get on your knees and recycle some beer direct from the tap!

The bowl is even large enough for 2 pissers to take a leak at the same time so you better be ready to chug!

Other available gag inserts: SHORT TUBE, BALL-GAG, and TONGUE SUPRESSOR.

Height: 3 - 4.25"
Width: 4 - 5.5"
Depth: 2.5"
Opening circumference (stretches to fit gag Insert): 3.5"

Gag Insert:
Length: 3.5"
Outer circumference: 3.75"
Inner circumference: 1.5"

Weight: 1lb .5 oz
Made in Los Angeles California, USA

Original design copyright OXBALLS
Pure Platinum Silicone 100% Silicone, non-toxic, phthalate free.
LUBE SAFE: Water-base, Hybrid, Oil base. Silicone not recommended.
CARE: Wash after use in warm soapy water, Dishwasher safe. Store toys separately: we recommend breathable cloth pouches or cotton socks.

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Pure silicone urinal-shaped gag with adjustable straps and removable insert.
Pure silicone urinal-shaped gag with adjustable straps, includes 3 interchangeable inserts.

Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
'Bubbling' Is the New Teen Trend That Will Make You Gag
It was only a matter of time before the teens of today (boys of the nadsat), bored with their petty theft and criminal mischief, got tired of silly games like butt chugging and Neknomination and began searching in earnest for something to entertain themselves with that would be both disgusting and completely pointless. And so, Bubbling was born to satisfy that need. And teens saw that it was good! And the summer of 2014 became the summer that they would start pissing into their own mouths and posting the pictures online. Because who cares about future employment? Certainly not the boys who are shooting their urine into their own mouths, smelling and tasting the asparagus they had for dinner.
Bubbling , which is literally just peeing into your own mouth (no, that's really it) was originally a fake trend started by Australian skaters that has now become very real. It began with a picture of a young man at a rock concert; a young man (I assume) so overtaken with the music he was listening to that he had no choice but to whip out his garden hose and start peeing into his own mouth as a self-soothing strategy for all the feelings he was experiencing. I understand this. Not the peeing into one's own mouth thing (because I am often dehydrated :/) but being so overcome with emotion that you have to do something crazy in the moment. For me, it was when the Gilmore Girls ended. Except instead of peeing into my own mouth I clutched a decorative throw pillow and cried about the fact that I would never again visit Stars Hollow for the first time. The people who saw the first instance of bubbling, by the way, were maybe not as enthused as the young man in question.
"this dude straight up pissed into his own mouth in the middle of the mosh pit".
"It went everywhere," the witness, Adon1kam, continued. "All down his shirt and in his hair, he seriously went for for like a solid minute. It was feral. And yes he just went on like nothing happened afterwards, it was one of the funniest/strangest/most disgusting and confusing things I've ever seen in my life."
Disgusting and confusing appear to be good ways to describe the trend, which some sources are reporting as completely fake. In fact, the first known mention of the bubbling phenomenon was mentioned in Vice by Australian skater Troy West, who says that the practice is so common in Australia that it's passed on from generation to generation like a precious heirloom. West told Vice that his father taught him how to bubble (I have the insane urge to scream "teach me how to bubble , teach me teach me how to bubble" to my empty living room as I write this) and if this logic holds, West may one day teach his own son the art of bubbling. My own father tried to teach me how to play soccer, but gave up when he realized that my body type was meant for video games, not sports played on grassy fields. Perhaps bubbling could have made our relationship stronger, less strained.
Even if West is just courting controversy with his statements, bubbling has gotten one high-profile athlete in trouble. Todd Carney, a Rugby league player, was fired after photos of him pissing into his own mouth surfaced on the internet. While Carney claims he was just "mucking around" with "his boys" and not promoting the practice of bubbling, Regardless, his firing has inspired teen boys everywhere (who follow Rugby) to start pissing in their own mouths and posting the photos to internet groups with names such as Piss In Your Mouth For Todd Carney , which only features two photos, but is apparently only one of the groups that Facebook has been yanking down as soon as they come up.
The fact that teen boys are doing something stupid in support of an athlete is understandable, but if bubbling exists outside of this futile Facebook protest, it raises the question of what's the point? If fathers really are passing the secret knowledge of turning yourself into a gurgling water fountain down to their sons, is there any point to it other than being gross and asserting some kind of feral masculinity? Bear Grylls drank urine and ate fecal matter to survive, but what's the point if there's nothing at stake. And why urine specifically? Why aren't men, as a colleague pointed out, eating their own fecal matter or sucking on used tampons? These things are just as shocking and messy as urine. (or maybe less messy, as the witness account above points out, as urine will get everywhere: on you, your friends, and innocent bystanders.)
The point of teen fads (POGS4LYFE) is that they're supposed to be fun, get you high (in some way or another) for at least a second and make the olds feel just a little nostalgic for the fleeting gem that was their youth. This fad accomplishes none of those things and fails as a trend, fake or otherwise. Unless, and I am being cautiously optimistic here, this act helps those teens who may be into water sports discover a part of their sexuality that they've been repressing. In that case, more power to you! Godspeed!

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