

GYM Rewards is a unique platform for tokens, which allows you to earn cryptocurrency with exercise. GYM Ledger is a unique sports health zone specially created to support the GYM Rewards application, which also has a built-in hardware wallet to protect your cryptocurrency assets.

GYM Ledger is funding a GYM Ledger fitness bracelet. GYM Ledger can work with the GYM Reward application for minting many different tokens with a heart rate monitor and POE (exercise proof) capabilities, as well as a multi-currency hardware wallet.

An innovative mobile application that allows you to earn GYM cryptocurrency with your body. Get ready for training! The GYM Rewards app requires you to exercise to earn your cryptocurrency.


For the individuals who work out in the gym keeping in mind the end goal to revise their figure, in some cases, there is a sufficiently important measure of inspiration to do it frequently. Numerous individuals know or have heard that to accomplish the coveted outcomes, incredible endeavors are required on oneself, since the activities oblige the individual to watch the strict administration of visiting the gym, and also strict eating routine. The greater part of individuals is experiencing issues modifying to another administration, on the grounds that nobody has ever watched when to eat, the amount to rest, with the goal that the body could recoup and was prepared for the following activity.

Below are some additional challenges the system solves;

> Inadequate information to maintain your weight

> Not having enough physical activities to stay healthy and risk-free from cardiovascular diseases.


1. Get paid whiles getting fit

2. There will be numerous physical activities to stay healthy and free from type 2 diabetes.


* Gym Prizes portable application. Presently it is completely utilitarian and accessible for use on Android OS and iOS. The application expels the readings from the armlet, computes the level of physical movement and ascertains tokens.

* Wristband with wallet work. Wrist arm ornament that tracks pulse. It additionally plays out the capacity of an iron handbag, as Trezor or Record.

* Convention Confirmation of Activity (POE). Confirmation of activity. This is a reward framework in view of savvy gets that is initiated when a cell phone with a running application in light of GPS readings affirms that the gadget is in the gym.

  • Trade for the trading of tokens GymBase Trade. Made keeping in mind the end goal to furnish clients with an advantageous chance to rapidly and effortlessly offer earned tokens amid preparing.


Innovative mobile app that allows you to mine GYM cryptocurrencies with your body. Everything you need to start making GYM Rewards!

Your will Power

Get Ready to exercise! The GYM Rewards app requires you to exercise to earn your cryptocurrency. Your heart rate and calories burn are essential for mining GYM.

GYM Reward’s Mobile App

The GYM Rewards Mining App uses POW (Proof of Work) to send your shares to the Blockchain and return your earnings per block.

Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor (GYM Ledger)

The GYM Ledger is also a Bluetooth LE heart rate monitor that proves your efforts into the mobile app. Any other standard bluetooth low power device will also work.

Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet (GYM Ledger)

The world’s first heath band with integrated harware wallet, you no longer need to leave your hardware wallet at home.

The GYM Ledger Hardware Wallet will initially support Tron, Ethereum, Bitcoin and EOS wallets with all of their tokens. (More wallet will be added in release updates.)

ICO details

General information

Token: GYM

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC20

Quantity: 100,000,000 GYM

Price: 1 GYM = 0.0001 ETH

Payment: Eth

Soft cap: 100 ETH

Hard cap: 15,000 ETH


Contract Number 0x92d3e963aa94d909869940a8d15fa16ccbc6655e


Start: 10/01/2018

Completion: 10/15/2018


Start: 10/16/2018

Completion: 12/31/2018

Free Usage

Application developers need the flexibility to offer users free services; users should not have to pay in order to use the platform or benefit from its services. A blockchain platform that is free to use for users will likely gain more widespread adoption.Developers and businesses can then create effective monetization strategies.

Easy Upgrades and Bug Recovery

Businesses building blockchain based applications need the flexibility to enhance their applications with new features. The platform must support software and smart contract upgrades.

All non-trivial software is subject to bugs, even with the most rigorous of formal verification. The platform must be robust enough to fix bugs when they inevitably occur.

Low Latency

A good user experience demands reliable feedback with a delay of no more than a few seconds. Longer delays frustrate users and make applications built on a blockchain less competitive with existing non-blockchain alternatives. The platform should support low latency of transactions.

Sequential Performance

There are some applications that just cannot be implemented with parallel algorithms due to sequentially dependent steps. Applications such as exchanges need enough sequential performance to handle high volumes. Therefore, the platform should support fast sequential performance.

Parallel Performance

Large scale applications need to divide the workload across multiple CPUs and computers.

Consensus Algorithm (BFT-DPOS)

EOS.IO software utilizes the only known decentralized consensus algorithm proven capable of meeting the performance requirements of applications on the blockchain, Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS). Under this algorithm, those who hold tokens on a blockchain adopting the EOS.IO software may select block producers through a continuous approval voting system. Anyone may choose to participate in block production and will be given an opportunity to produce blocks, provided they can persuade token holders to vote for them.

The EOS.IO software enables blocks to be produced exactly every 0.5 second and exactly one producer is authorized to produce a block at any given point in time. If the block is not produced at the scheduled time, then the block for that time slot is skipped. When one or more blocks are skipped, there is a 0.5 or more second gap in the blockchain.

Using the EOS.IO software, blocks are produced in rounds of 126 (6 blocks each, times 21 producers). At the start of each round 21 unique block producers are chosen by preference of votes cast by token holders. The selected producers are scheduled in an order agreed upon by 15 or more producers.

If a producer misses a block and has not produced any block within the last 24 hours they are removed from consideration until they notify the blockchain of their intention to start producing blocks again. This ensures the network operates smoothly by minimizing the number of blocks missed by not scheduling producers who are proven to be unreliable.

Under normal conditions a DPOS blockchain does not experience any forks because, rather than compete, the block producers cooperate to produce blocks. In the event there is a fork, consensus will automatically switch to the longest chain. This method works because the rate at which blocks are added to a blockchain fork is directly correlated to the percentage of block producers that share the same consensus. In other words, a blockchain fork with more producers on it will grow in length faster than one with fewer producers, because the fork with more producers will experience fewer missed blocks.

Furthermore, no block producer should be producing blocks on two forks at the same time. A block producer caught doing this will likely be voted out. Cryptographic evidence of such double-production may also be used to automatically remove abusers.

Byzantine Fault Tolerance is added to traditional DPOS by allowing all producers to sign all blocks so long as no producer signs two blocks with the same timestamp or the same block height. Once 15 producers have signed a block the block is deemed irreversible. Any byzantine producer would have to generate cryptographic evidence of their treason by signing two blocks with the same timestamp or blockheight. Under this model a irreversible consensus should be reachable within 1 second.

Transaction Confirmation

Typical DPOS blockchains have 100% block producer participation. A transaction can

be considered confirmed with 99.9% certainty after an average of 0.25 seconds from

time of broadcast.

In addition to DPOS, EOS.IO adds asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) for faster achievement of irreversibility. The aBFT algorithm provides 100% confirmation of irreversibility within 1 second.

Transaction as Proof of Stake (TaPoS)

The EOS.IO software requires every transaction to include part of the hash of a recent block header. This hash serves two purposes:prevents a replay of a transaction on forks that do not include the referenced block and signals the network that a particular user and their stake are on a specific fork.Over time all users end up directly confirming the blockchain which makes it difficult to forge counterfeit chains as the counterfeit would not be able to migrate transactions from the legitimate chain.

For Additional Information see the EOS Whitepaper at:


2018 Q1

Concept, Team Gathering

2018 Q2

Research Proof of Concept Strategic Plan Completion White Paper

2018 Q3

Platform design and technical demonstration. ICO Press Tour

2018 Q4

Pre-Sale. Financing Private Financing and Seed Financing Financing Government Financing and Seed Financing

2019 Q1

Hardware alpha test. State funding and seed financing

2019 Q2

Beta test equipment. Closed beta Open beta released for public and enhancement plan

2019 Q3

Additional cryptothermia. Additional Cryptocurrencies Added to Hardware Wallet Additional Tokens Added to Mining Application

2019 Q4

Community benefits Creating a global US user base begins retail selection

2020 Q1

Hardware. Integration of third-party controllers. Market Collaboration Module

2020 Q2

More operating. Integration with private chains, more coins in the wallet. New services offered by members or businesses


Carmelo milian

CEO & Lead Blockchain

Manuel leal

Development Lead & Blockchain App Developer

Armando santana

Technology specialist

Canice phillips

Community Management


Ron B palmer

Board advisor

Carroll moon

Board advisor

Flavio calonge

Board advisor


The venture designers have completed an incredible activity with a specific end goal to understand every one of their thoughts and demonstrate the world the completed item. To give the essential liquidity and to keep up the estimation of tokens, it was important to go into concurrences with venture accomplices, for example, stock trades or trade stages. Presently the engineers have propelled a crusade for the offer of wrist trinkets, and also don’t stop to take part in the consistent refreshing of the application and the expansion of new places in view of the cartographic information of accomplice organizations.

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Author : upik05

Telegram Username : @upik05

BTT username : upik05

BTT Profile Link:;u=2205131

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