GUIDE: 8-days Facebook Business Manager account farming

GUIDE: 8-days Facebook Business Manager account farming

Hi farmers and those who do not know what account farming is.

From my experience and the experience of my colleagues, I want to share with you the stages of FB account farming.

My tools: Macbook, browser Gologin, Mobile Proxy, Fingers.

To make farming almost inexpensive, able to use a coupon for the browser that I found in their thread. ADXPRESS. (Not advertising)- Free one month is more than enough to farm your accounts and when BM start making a profit, and you can pay for the next subscription with 20% OFF by this affiliate link or something else.

As a result, after 5 days we receive a fb business manager ready to work.

Okay, Let's go.

FB Account farming strategy:

Day 1- Day 3

Browser Profile farming.

First we need to prepare a browser profile and proxy. We create a gologin browser profile, install mobile proxies and warm it up using cookiebot. On average, profile farming takes 2-3 days.

This is necessary to avoid getting shadowban.

Day 4

Account Creation

  1. Proxy Reload (TO CHANGE IP ADDRESS). In general, using mobile proxy.
  2. Create Facebook: Female account only, birth year 1980-2000
  3. Two-factor authentication. Download codes!!!
  4. Add cover photo
  5. Update contact email (phone number/email)
  6. Proxy reload again.

Day 5

Profile Info

  1. Add friends from Facebook recommendations, 5-10 people's
  2. Add 1-3 Photos
  3. Fill in all info:
  • City - large city.
  • Marital status: random
  • Relatives/children: random
  • Education: marketing/business/advertising/SMM/management, etc.
  • Cities: random
  • School education: random
  • Religion, Language
  • Groups: City, management/marketing/business/SMM/conferences (7-9 groups)
  • Public pages: City, management/marketing/business/SMM/conferences
  • Work: marketing/business/advertising/SMM/websites/Google/FB/conferences

4. Browse feed, like approximately 5-7 posts, 2-5 reposts...

Day 6

Email Verification

  1. Likes/posts/reposts, 5-7 each
  2. Email verification
  3. Accept incoming friend requests (only Americans, better avoid Russians and Arabs)
  4. Verify through Facebook 3-5 times
  5. Attempt to create BM (Business Manager): enter email, name: surname + Business

Day 7

Fan Page

  1. Likes/posts/reposts, 5-7 each
  2. Create FP (Fan Page)
  • Neutral name in English, use prefixes like Herbal, Bio, Green, Eco, Nature
  • Add neutral cover and profile picture (nature, plants, folk medicine). Prohibited: drugs, hospitals
  • Page moderation for profanity: set to high

3. Add 10 friends to FP

Day 8

Farming Completion

  1. Accept friend/group requests, respond to old dialogues
  2. Likes/posts with photos/reposts (large number of likes for information gathering)
  3. Authorization through FB account, repost 6-7 items
  4. Interact with pop-up ads (like and lead to lead generation). 5-6 items


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