GRID: The Smartchain for a better future.

GRID: The Smartchain for a better future.



Grid is a blockchain-based platform that offers innovative ways to deal with the rising expenses caused by distributing electricity and charging users based on their usage. Grid’s platform is decentralized because no one party stands above the other – it relies solely on its users to keep things running smoothly, making this solution affordable for everyone involved.

Grid offers a solution to reduce costs and create new [opportunities]( in the cryptocurrency marketplace. Grid is decentralized and billed directly to users based on their actual usage! Billing was always a problem that plagued offline transactions, and as a result, there isn't a need for trust or any type of middleman: thus saving everyone time, money, and effort as a result while also making audits more efficient by removing the need for trust and any type of mediator.

Grid offers an important alternative to carbon-reliant blockchain technology. They strive for universal use of green energy in the blockchain, and hope to offer any company or individual a chance to "go green" as soon as Web 3.0 is widespread. By supporting GRN, Grid gives power back to the people!

 Since our technology enables green-only transactions, Grid emerges as the first smartchain to be created with the capability of operating entirely on [renewable]( energy sources. Furthermore, Grid incorporates several notable features, such as an integrated payment and escrow system, swapping pools, and encrypted chat between users. No permission is required for the functionality, and the Grid validator nodes are decentralized and permissionless.

The GRN token serves multiple use cases in Grid, including staking, paying for fees and validators incentives. Furthermore, GRN token is also used to promote the adoption of renewable energy by the usage of GRN token in the operations of a renewable energy and mining company. Grid’s objective is to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy in [blockchain]( technology and to provide every company and person with the opportunity to “go green” as soon as WEB3.0 is universally embraced. Additionally, the progressive distribution of GRN for validation supports sustainable development and discourages wealth buildup. These characteristics position GRN as a viable alternative to existing (de)centralized technology.

GRN Association

The GRN Association is a non-profit initiative of GRNBi B.V. to ensure the sustainability of blockchain technologies. GRNBi HQ is based in the Netherlands and will hand over assets correlated to Grid and GRN to the GRN Association. The GRN Association will be established in Switzerland. Overall, the GRN Association safeguards the vision of sustainability within the GRN community. Moreover, it will also be responsible for keeping the decentralized nature of the blockchain intact.


Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger used to record transactions and assets within a network. These assets can be anything tangible or intangible. Blockchain technology is widely known for its capability to be decentralized and “trustless”, see Nakamoto (2008). In the blockchain sector, “trustless” simply implies that you do not have to invest your whole trust in a stranger, institution, or other third parties in order for a network or payment system to operate.

At its core, blockchain is an open, decentralized ledger that permanently records transactions between two parties without needing third-party authentication. This creates an extremely efficient process, and one people predict will dramatically reduce the cost of transactions. Furthermore, decentralised blockchain technology forms the backbone of the transition to Web3. In essence, Web3 represents the new iteration of the World Wide Web that incorporates decentralization based on blockchains. Web3 is the solution to the Big Tech problems that are becoming more prevalent every day. However, using blockchain to replace the existing centralized systems introduces a new set of challenges.

GRN Grid

GRN Grid is a ground-breaking blockchain technology built on the Proof of Stake V2 consensus mechanism. Grid will mainly focus on:

1. Setting a framework for creative corporate solutions

2. Deployment and development of WEB3.0 applications

3. Consumer usability 

4. Sustainability of blockchain

Grid will introduce novel features to better compete with decentralized technologies, detailed in. GRN Grid, along with its features and the wallet application, is scheduled to be released according to the roadmap. The technical details of the GRN Grid will be explained in the upcoming technical.

Green Energy The GRN Grid smartchain has been constructed to run completely on renewable energy. By significantly decreasing its carbon footprint, Grid eliminates one of the major drawbacks of blockchain. Moving forward, the validation of GRN Grid will be initiated by partners of GRN Energy. These partners are verified users of renewable energy only and will run GRN Grid Nodes in mining campuses across the globe. The involved parties are disclosed on the website of GRN Energy. To encourage the usage of renewable energy, GRN introduces green certificates to validators that meet given requirements proof their energy source is green.

The verification procedure is completely free, and the application is accessible to everyone without any restrictions. The application is fully decentralised, hence no gate keeping occurs. The verifying method will be based on the latest advancements in this field, such as the paper of Knirsch et al. (2020)5. Everyone is free to run validating nodes of GRN Grid to keep the decentralized nature of the blockchain intact. Certified validators will be marked as renewable nodes.

End users can choose to solely use these GRN nodes for their transactions in the wallet application. Grid allows you to delegate your GRN stake to a known validator, also referred to as the Circuit Program. This functionality allows the GRN community to help validate Grid and earn validating rewards without physically running a node. The validating community hosts these programs to attract more stakes in their nodes


Green is the GRID platform's token designed to drive the platform's smart activities such as transaction payments, rewards on staking and validation, voting for features and new projects, as well as buying goods through the GRID marketplace.

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 GRN

Token name: GRN TOKEN

Symbol: $G


Grid is an innovative blockchain project that incorporates an efficient and ethical billing method. Grid is allocating a certain amount of credits to each individuals who enroll as users. This allows the user to make transactions on a secure and decentralized platform at rates, which are specified by the Grid software and not by any third party. Additionally, the cost of transaction can be significantly decreased when the transfer recipients or senders have internet connectivity available because those with offline access will incur higher costs for use. By integrating a blockchain solution, Grid promotes security and accountability since there isn't a middleman who needs to monitor compliance within the network. Moreover, this peer-to-peer approach creates less fees and thus makes it more affordable for people to participate







Bitcointalk username: Kitehead 

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=3434879

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Telegram username: @kitehead

BSC Wallet Address: 0xa8794A4B13aaff8fCeDc9a51aC0f91475ebF91D0

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