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The hospitality industry is the second largest provider in the global travel industry and is currently dominated by online travel agencies. OTAs generate around 70% of hotel reservations online and this has impacted hotel direct bookings, profit margins and loyalty programs.

GOeureka wants to change the scenario by first putting hotels and clients. Using blockchain technology, GO Hotels and its customers will benefit from the introduction of no-fee reservations, the acceptance of payments through cryptocurrencies without commission from the concessionaire and the transformation of traditional brand loyalty programs.

About GOeureka

GOeureka is a travel technology company that uses blockchain technology to build a hotel reservation platform. Our mission is to decentralize hotel reservations and provide more transparency by connecting hotels directly with their clients. As a technology partner of hotels, GO aims to provide users with a dynamic digital experience and eliminate the high commission structures imposed by online travel agencies. By reducing the hotel's financial obligations to third-party reservation platforms, GO's vision is to allow hotels to focus more resources on delivering value and providing services to travelers around the world.

Goeuers goals

"GOeureka aims to create a new symbiosis in which hotels retain control of their brand and, at the same time, release unprecedented value for consumers on their platform," said Manej Rai, CEO of GOeureka. "Goeurekas' vision for the future of the travel industry is an online ecosystem of support in which all businesses have the opportunity to thrive and benefit from providing the best goods and services to travelers."

As a technology partner of hotels, GOeureka aims to provide users with a seamless web and application experience without the high commission structures imposed by current OTAs.


GOeureka launched a patent, which is awaiting the reordering of the client to achieve the best possible value for the space. If the price of the hotel falls, the new booking feature will automatically recognize and re-book the existing lower rate reservation, "Rai added.

As a technology partner hotels, GOeureka aims to provide a seamless web experience and perfect applications without the high commission structure currently used by OTA.

"We provide an affordable and efficient platform for hotels and consumers to connect directly and eliminate unfair OTA commissions, which in turn reduces the margins of hotels and increases in consumer prices," Rai said. This unprecedented benefit is passed on to customers.


"GOeureka führt die Re-Booking-Funktion ein, die auf Patent für Kunden wartet, um den bestmöglichen Wert für den Raum zu erzielen. Wenn die Hotelpreise Sinken, erkennt die Re-Booking-Funktion Survival Aufträge automatisch zu einer niedrigeren Rate und ordnet sie neu an ", fügte Rai hinzu.

GOeureka schlug auch ein Loyalitätsprogramm interoperable vor das Hotels und Kunden durch die Förderung eines eigenen Hotel-Treueprogramms mit der Option, Hotel-Treuepunkte zu zu ändern Credit GO, die auf der Plattform GOeureka-werden können verwendet, zugute kommen würde.

"Für Verbraucher, die mehrere Treueprogramme abonniert haben, kann GOeurekas Lösung für ein betriebliches Treueprogramm den sofortigen Austausch und Austausch für mehrere Treuepunkte auf einer Plattform erleichtern", sagte Rai. "Blockchain fungiert als ein ewiges und sicheres Verzeichnis aller Transaktionen im Zusammenhang mit der Ausgabe von GO-Krediten und schafft ein transparent und überprüfbares Inventing von Treuepunkten ohne die Notwendigkeit von Vermittlern."

GOeureka wird am 10. September die erste Alpha-Version ihrer Hotelbuchungsplattform starten.

"Wir werden in den nächsten Wochen Live-Testaufträge auf der Plattform durchführen und die MVP-Bestellplattform-Funktion am 10. September bereithalten", sagte Rai.





Mapavial GoEureka



Video Explanation

For more information

Website: https://goeureka.io/

Whitepaper: https://goeureka.io/#download

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3382526.0;all

Twitter: https: //twitter.com/goeurekatravel

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoEurekaTravel/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/27176560/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r / GOeureka /

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goeurekatravel/

Medium: https://medium.com/@social_23833

Telegram: https://t.me/goeureka

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1134117

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