GO Starter Pack

GO Starter Pack

Jakey Raccoon

Version 2 - 18Nov22

Once upon a time in a land far... far away... Lived a Purple Off-Brand Traffic Cone Called Scruffy. Scruffy was a wonder to behold, knowledgeable, kind, loving... purple.

Scruffy the Purple Traffic Cone

Scruffy Loved furries. He loved talking, chatting, He loved the Sniff. But he noticed sometimes he came across bad furries. Some furries wanted to cause trouble, upset people, do horrific things. He sadly had to banish and remove these furries from his groups. Alas, it became clear this was not enough.

It was at that moment... he decided to form an alliance.

The alliance was to consist of Group owners and their admins of other large groups, their collective knowledge, input and spread would help people protect themselves and their users from these 'bad furries'. Thus the Group Owners Reporting System was born.

There have been many changes since it's first conception, many of us have been here from early on. Today, for your entertainment, I am proud to present the GO Group Starter Pack. This pack is designed to help you, new or old, to understand the current best practices on reporting users, and what constitutes a valid, strong, reputable report.

Some of this information may cause triggers in certain users. There is discussion of paedophillia.

Please contact Jakey for amendments to this document.


1) Requirements for joining

2) Rules overview

3) Red and Green

4) What constitutes a good report?

5) Information on how to track users

6) Disagreements between owners and Conflicts of Interest

1) Requirements of joining/remaining

• When you sign up to become part of the GO organization, you are a group owner or an admin of a group in excess of 50 members. You must maintain this status, admins will periodically spot check this.

• You are reputable and in good standing with the community. You have not previously been involved directly in a report in this GO group.

• You are voted in by the admins of the GO which have been specially selected through an application process based on merit of reports and conduct. If we want to introduce new admins, we will put out a form!

• Your group is not affiliated in any way shape or form, directly or indirectly, to Furry valley and co.

• Your group does not permit, share, reference or is related to any illegal content in accordance with US, UK or EU legislation.

(Any found breaches to this may result in your expulsion from the group system and a report being made against you.)

2) Rules Overview

The purpose of the Go System is primarily for reporting problematic users. There are three groups that we will cover in more detail later, These are Reporting (Red), Operations (Yellow) and General (Green).

We will focus on Reporting now:

A report MUST include

1) The username of the user being reported, they can either be in the format of @username or t.me/username. We prefer if you use @betteruserinfobot or Para's userbot, as these will provide UserID's which are, in most cases, clickable and link you to the users profile even if they change their username. This way we can keep track of them.


2) The Reason for the report, Supporting evidence in the form of non-cropped screenshots, best practice would be to share forwarded messages (within reason).

Multiple images must be collected in an album. On most devices you can do this by clicking each image in order 1-10 and sending them in a group.

DO NOT SHARE ILLEGAL CONTENT, EVEN IF EVIDENCE INCLUDES THIS. Please pixelate heavily, draw over, or omit this section of your evidence. No one wants to see CP.

3) Covered above, images must not be altered or edited/marked over, please provide raw content only, unless this is illegal content.

4) Discussion is absolutely not allowed in reporting (Red), if you need to discuss something please head into Operations (yellow)

5) Just to hit this home a bit more: Do not share CP or zoo /any other illegal material in here.

6) Do not ask for a link to a group containing illegal material.

7) Do not use derogatory language or slurs.

8) An admin has the final say.

3) Red, Yellow and Green

The time is near,

So near it's stirring the blood in their veins!

And yet beware,

Don't let the wine go to your brains!

We need a sign,

To rally the people,

To call them to arms,

To bring them in line!

No wait... this isn't Les Mis... (seriously though check out Red and Black from Les Mis)

we have three groups in the GO system, one is Red, one is Yellow and one is Green.

Very simply:

Red is for reporting only. Don't discuss anything here. The only time you should be posting is when making a report, or when adding to one. (When you add to a report make sure you include a username and ID number, much like in the original report. Please also reply to any previous reports you can find on the same user or group. This helps us track further instances of individuals becoming a problem.)

GO | Reporting (Red)

Green is for general discussions, sniffing and the mighty UwU. Feel free to talk about your lives, share tips and such with other Group owners. This is NOT for discussing reports. Most importantly HAVE FUN!

GO | General (Green)

Yellow is for the discussion of reports and any operational issues of GO. Please keep On-Topic in this chat, if something is turning into casual conversation, take it to Green. This group is now a permanent addition to our toolbox, however any feedback would be appreciated, you can do this by starting a message with #feedback.

GO | Operations (Yellow)

4) What constitutes a good report?

A good report will be accurate, reliable, concise, informative and actionable. (ARCIA)

Accuracy refers to the spelling, grammar and explanation of the report. Will it be easily understood? Will it reflect what actually happened well?

Reliability refers to the ability for our fellow users to see the effects of the report. What did this user do? have they done it before, Is this a witch hunt?

Concise refers to the report not waffling on like this document. Your report must include enough to be understood and actioned, but not so much that someone may have a hard time understanding what the report is actually about.

Informative refers to having enough information to be understood, Have you told us why you are reporting this user, have you forgotten to add a synopsis?

Actionable refers to the ability of other users to see who the report is about. Have you gained a UserID? and @username? Have you screenshotted their profile and found other social media to support your report? Is the evidence robust?

An example of an acceptable report is as follows:

An acceptable report which recognizes it's own evidential failings

A bad report:

This is unacceptable and will be questioned in Yellow

A good syntax for reporting is as follows:

• Gain a UserID and @username, @BetterUserInfoBot does this very well. If it returns your own information, the users private forwarding is on. Use Plus Messenger or ask an admin.
• Why are you reporting them? What have they done?
• Where did they do it?
• Do they have any alts? Any other social media that may be appropriate?
• Evidence time! this can be above or below the report but must be accurate in showing the context of your report.

This is an example of what should be returned on @BetterUserInfoBot

Remember! We are not here to witch hunt. Gather your evidence, fact check it. Make sure you know what you are posting before you do it. If in doubt, ask in Yellow!

5) Information on how to track users

There isn't a huge amount to say here. Most users will tend to use the same vernacular, diction and elocution across any alts or regenerated accounts. In some cases this will help you have a suspicion on if the person you are speaking to is in fact the user you are trying get more info on.

Most bad users will have an alt, and this alt will likely have similarities in the way they are named, punctuation, wording etc. This does NOT mean they are the same. There is no way you can be 100% certain that a user has an alt unless they confirm this themselves. Be very careful when condemning someone for this.

@betteruserinfobot is an incredible tool for finding IDs, once it generates the ID it will have a direct link to that users profile via the ID link. Even after being forwarded. This means if the user changes their @UserName we can still keep an eye on them! Wonderful news right?

Use your intuition, do you know someone in a lot of groups? Do they have this user in common groups?

Underage users tend to have their Age in their bio. Why is beyond me, but it makes our lives easier. An underage user is still a valid report!

6) Disagreements between owners and Conflicts of Interest

Some of this is slightly heavy, I do apologise.

From time to time we are going to have disagreements. This is natural. We are all High-flying group owners and we have a combined wealth of experience.

We all have our own way of doing things, some are more passionate about things than others. If you find yourself getting into an argument with another GO, take a moment, reflect on why the argument started, attempt to see the other persons point of view and try to apologise for your part.

In most cases arguments can be resolved in private messages.

If you are unable to rectify this please refer to an admin who can usually mediate.

Any reports pertaining to images of paedophillia or zoophillia is a valid report. The US, EU and UK law all class drawn media as obscene images which are illegal with case studies of conviction. Images or animations of human children sexualised with adults (furry or not), or ferals will be treated as paedophillia akin to CP. This will not be discussed in yellow, this is not thought policing, the victimless crime rhetoric will not stand, if you are found to be involved in such a group you will be removed from GO and reported.

Conflicts of Interest

All possible conflicts of interest must be sent to an admin. You are absolutely fine to be part of another GO style system provided this will not interfere with your ability to partake in this GO.

You must not be or become part of Furry Valley or be on any level associated with Simba - Anyone found to be in breach of this will be removed.

In cases where a user, admin or owner of a group or individual who has been reported in red messages you, please decline to comment. If they disclose that they are aware a report had been made about them, please politely enquire as to where they found this information. Ensure you are not confirming or denying a report in any communication, please keep it very brief. Immediately escallate this to an admin of GO regardless. If they continue to attempt to gain information from you, please block them.

If you discover a conflict of interest please bring this up to an admin!


We hope you now feel better equipped to work within our GO system. Any questions about this document can be sent to @JakeyRaccoon If you want to make a suggestion or speak to anyone, ping an admin in green!

Thank You!

Report Page