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This post is a short fazit of the long text of GMO4D FINAL ( + ) Most factual details at

Covid was an engineered bio-warfare agent. The main engineered part is the S-spike which is inside the vaccines. ALL OF THEM. Inside the body the GMO vaccines produces a misshaped S-protein. For sure the mRNA versions of the vaccine produces a missshaped protein because of 3777 code-synonyms + U replaced with Ψ 100%.


Covid S-spike S1 regions are full of PRIONS> they can trigger a brain degenerative disease like Creutzfeldt-Jakob or Kuru Their existence in the S-spike was documented by Human Microbiology Institute. - + J. Bart Classen, MD + U.S. NLM + Nobel recipient Luc Montaigner.

"No other even closely-related betacoronaviruses have such prion-like structures in their spike proteins," Dr George Tetz - Human Microbiology Institute (a key Forbes article)

He added: "The presence of prion-like domains for the first time allows us to implement an anti-prion strategy (???) .... Hopefully we can bring totally new drugs that are right now completely off the radar of scientists." In plain English: no treatment exist for prions!! That's the KNOWN reality.

"Inhaled SARS-CoV-2 virus kills 28 out of 30 transgenic mice in 6-7 days post infection and all died with 14 days with spongiform encephalopathy, "spongiosis" Boston Univ School of Med.

U.S. National Library of Medicine: “The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic PRION conformations..... ” Pfizer mRNA component “has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.”

Same opinion at MIT... "I think it is toxic possibly because it is a prion protein." ~ Dr. Stephanie Seneff, MIT + mercola - stephanie-seneff-covid-vaccine.aspx


There are 2 kinds of prions; normal or misshaped. mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna) produces a misshaped Covid S-spike protein only In the S1 area are those misshaped as BAD PRIONS = ZOMBIE. That's in the jab. It's the only stuff the jab produces....

They could invent an N-nucleocapside GMO jab which has no prions and can protect you from Covid. Nobody from AZ or Sputnik to Pfizer or Moderna didn't produced this better vax.. except maybe for the ELITE and military.

The "elite-33" maybe took a different vax / jab with PrP gene V127, instead the poison for population. This gene (from CANNIBALS!) gives immunity to some prions (and they KNOW what prions are in the vax!) . Moderna and Pfizer did maybe BOTH: a cure for elite and the poison for us. When you saw Gates or Fauci taking the vax THAT WAS THE CURE?

PRP gene V127 was discovered in 2015 the same years Ralph Baric created the S-spike.... The first rule you obey when creating a bio-weapon is to have the antidote: the same year, QED.


They are simple proteins. - can be produced as any protein by mRNA via ribosome (translation). That's what the vax does....

The healthy ones rest like fleece on the nerves of brain and heart-mini-brain, as memory. They might have several 3D forms (as in the mirror) even if with same chemical formula. If some are misshaped (mirrored) they make the others to inherit that misshape. This causes the polymerization so disease. The misshaped (from vax for example) changes the form of your healthy ones. You get long filaments flooding the brain.

There is no DNA RNA involved in this misshape. Those proteins are the ONLY which can do something like DNA: replication and inheritance! Yes: "nonchromosomal genes composed of proteins" It's a pure chiral mechanism. Only by the stereo-shape. That is deadly.


The prion disease eat the brain. The brain shrinks. You get "zombie". There is no cure for average population on the market. Prion diseases have a long incubation 2-4 years, then outbreak. The disease evolve first slowly then fast. That's because prions-inheritance of the shape is a chain-reaction and those reactions are  exponential.

Prions can be spread by vaccinated people eventually That remain tb proven.

Some prions are contagious if they land in the bloodstream (at doctor, transfusions, analysis, operations, scratches, stomac ulcerations, paradontosis, or mosquitos). Prions are destroyed only at 900 Fahrenheit. You cannot boil or sterilize as with microbes. They are simple proteins. If cca 70% of the populace take the jab you get 95% contagion until Ian 2025. That's the fckn vax "herd imunity" - zombie.


Deadline for full mass-outbreak = Feb. 2025 = the simulated SPARS outbreak - simulation made by the same John Hopkins Institute which simulated "Covid" in Oct 2019 - EVENT 201. Then zombie begins.

In the meantime you will see how memory loss begins slowly in many (esp. vaxxed) people  - they will say it's Alzheimer.. but is the injected prions (Alzheimer is a prions disease, but milder as this one) It's the exponential curve... The prions outbreak at once will be caused by the injected prions inside the vaccine. They will lie again saying it is a mutated Covid strain.... Nope. It's the prions injected by the 2011 jab with the normal prions delay period - 2-4 years (depending on prions nature).

Biden says every single hospital bed will be occupied by an Alzheimer’s patient in 15 years.. Fully correct. But sooner.

We cannot say the exact schedule but orientative. There are many forms of prions, with "incubation" between 3-4 years.

That's the worlds shedule for the next 7 years...

In 2017, Johns Hopkins published “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028”, a report about a communications drill for a vaccine that “accidentally” caused spongiform encephalopathy. Here details - pg 68 "By May 2027, "That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government"


It's a dominance plan against zombies made in 2011 by the U.S. Department of Defense. The whole NATO (OTAN) will obey this plan. Then NUKES. DOD CONPLAN 8888-11 + CDC zombie prepardness . The big urban cities will be nuked to stop the zombies. Or full-bombarded.

Prions are "the sickle" and nuke the "winepress". Rev 14.


Covid ITSELF bear the prions. TB clear! The S-spike with prions is like the bullet for a gun. Te GMO Covid virus would be the gun... You can change the gun using the same bullet. That's the vax. If they didn't the vax, the dynamic of the prion-disease would be over 100 years. CHAOS even bigger. Uncontrolable.

But with the vax anyone catches AT ONCE the prionic disease and they can CONTROL the chaos. Which maybe is better...

So either you catch a weak flu or make the vax there are big chances to get the prions in 2-3 years. The same when you get prions by vaccinated. The "guilt" will be non-differentiable.

Priosn develops independently of the flu mechanism by their own separate stereochemical path. You survive the flu you get Alzheimer in 3 years...


Regarding either vax or PCR for travel: in the Rev. 13:16 is stated "on the RIGHT HAND or FOREHEAD". Vaccine is shot on the left arm and the PCR "wire-in-the nose" is straight on FOREHEAD (at the base of the bran). Both are about prions! 

The text is misleading. What in Jewish is left is in Geek right (as in written). Revelation is translated from Jewish to Greek in fact. That's why the "right hand" = "left hand". As said lambano" = "free accepting" in Greek (regardless if you accept knowingly or not, or constrained by hunger, torture etc - at that time the social situation was rough hence the words are misleading for today standards. They can torture you: if you accept the result = lambano). So, you freely accepted the vax.

Basically since February 2020 we are locked if we don't accept one of them. 


There is no accessibe cure for prions on the market. ALL the good ones are INACCESIBLE because experimental. Probably several will be interdicted or vanish just as HCQ or Ivermectin for the outbreak of Covid... Sugar/wheat, besides aluminum, accelerates. The CURE is only GMO.... like the vax. As said for the elite is a prion vaccine: PrP GENE V127 and one for Covid: N-nucleocapside. That's what you saw as jab on TV by officials.

What they will do is to offer implantable microchips to replace your memory. And .. to control you just as any robot. Check details here. That implant which can read your thoughts is an INTEGRAL part of WEF/Davos Agenda, great reset. Once you are mentally ill by prions you cannot chose for yourself anymore coz you are insane. Legally they can implant that chip BY FORCE.


They have 2 reasons to interdict guns overall:

1. To facilitate army movement when the Counter-Zombie Dominance Plan , or “CONPLAN 8888-11 / U.S. DOD" against the infected population is put on work. Around 2026-27, when everyone goes mad, they will NUKE the big cities.

2. You cannot leave insane mental with guns. And ALL will be mental insane by prions. At least 90%. They will lose the soul by prions. Hence they will be handled as "bugs". They nuke bugs not humans! Europe gave newly an order for a mental check each 5 years in order to have a gun. Including for POLICE. The exact INCUBATION time of the prions. You connect the dots.


The prions in the GMO S-spike (made by Ralph Baric in 2015) are borrowed from fungal or yeast prions. With common CRISPR kit (as I stated from Feb 2020) you can manipulate yeasts very easy. The deadly yeast prions were discovered in 2011, 4 years before the S-spike.

Basically the yeast-borrowed prions "ferment" the brain... just like you put yeast in wheat. >ferment the "wheat" in Rev. 6:6 ...But the elite being wine and oil: "do not touch" !! That's the "harvest" of the "grains". What do you do with grans? Wheat, then ferment with yeast.

Those souls will lose the "individuality", because fermented together. In fact healthy prions are like antennae for the higher spiritual memory and soul. Your soul is not here but in the "cloud" as in computers! You get the info only by healthy prions just as you connect to cloud-software on the foreign server. But by fermenting they "hack" everyone soul into an agglomerate. (here 5G + Luciferase might play a role..) .

That's why is was said "you'll lose your soul". We humans are individuals ONLY by our brain+heart prions. The flesh is less than a worm in lack of healthy prions. That's Zombie


Between Dec 2024 - Dec 2028 the next phase will be: 90% of the people will first lose their soul and brain becoming ZOMBIE. Implantable microchips (E. Musk Neuralink) will be offered as "memory replacement". Those chips will be burned by a HEMP magnetic pulse (Rev 16:2) With the result - Zombie Apocalypse at once. People will be like a computer with no RAM+HDD. (course the scenario could be a bit sooner) Then the walking corpses will be nuked CONOP 8888-11 DOD. This is the fulfilling of Apocalypse.

Prions = the sickle harvest (Rev 14.. Fauci means in Sicilian ..Sickle) - the soul is raped. Nukes = winepress, the walking carcasses are nuked...

As said TDP-43 + FUS in S1-S-spike VAX trigger prions (Alzheimer or Dementia). Thus Gates on WEF site propose the electronic solution.. and sponsor a consortium for that> Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative (ADDI)


VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990.  Estimated to account for only 1% (Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries >>

 June 18, 2021 > 387,288 side effect reports • 15,614  deaths • 99,217 hospitalizations • 4,865 disabled • 1,342 myocarditis pericarditis

Normal vaccines are retreaded after 25-50 death reports!

Moderna admits "mRNA detected in all examined tissues... heart, lung, testis, brain".

European Medicine Agency

Report Page