GLYFF - Privacy for Smart Contracts and Beyond

GLYFF - Privacy for Smart Contracts and Beyond



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Glyff is a decentralized web stage private resource exchanges and programmable security for shrewd contracts. 

Glyff has adjusted information protection and value-based security with computational proficiency, which at last gives a simple through keen contract throughput to be effectively customized to the undertaking level while maintaining the center standards of the blockchain. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits the improvement of decentralized applications, yet with the principle distinction: the capacity to conceal information from computational hubs. This enables designers to enter delicate information in their shrewd contracts, specifically in the chain, without trading off security .


Blockchain is a standout amongst the most critical most recent innovative creations, which enables organizations and people to immediately send cash and data through the web, without the requirement for outsiders. In any case, the current displaying truly overlooks protection, with the general information and the sum executed between gatherings presented to people in general, while most certifiable applications – wellbeing, account, IoT, and so on – requires insights regarding their tasks to stay undisclosed and inconsistent with the general population blockchain framework. 


Glyff is additionally fabricating another age decentralized stage that empowers the exchange of safe esteem and savvy contract execution, in total secrecy and with the confirmation of solid truth. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits decentralized application improvement, yet with the principle contrast: the capacity to conceal information from computational hubs. This enables engineers to enter delicate information in their brilliant contracts, associate straightforwardly, without trading off security. 

Why Trust a Smart Contract? 

Keen contracts are arranged and executed inside blockchains, and thusly they gain a bit of the blockchain's properties: 

They are constant, which infers a brilliant contract can never be changed and no one can alter or break an understanding. 

They are flowed, which suggests that the consequence of the understanding is endorsed by everyone in the framework, much equivalent to any trade on a blockchain. Dispersal makes it incomprehensible for an assailant to constrain control to release resources, as each other part would recognize such an undertaking and check it as invalid. 


Private exchanges with the sender, beneficiary, and sum exchanged are totally covered up. 

Certification Guaranteed trustworthiness and solid namelessness property with zero-learning cryptography. 

Non-authority software engineers can create applications that attention on security, even without cryptographic information. 

Empowers the utilization of brilliant contracts for decentralized applications that require individualized computing and secure information. 

By utilizing novel improvements and including components of the most recent cryptographic progressions to the demonstrated Ethereum biological community, Glyff balances information protection and exchange security with computational productivity, at last giving a dimension of savvy contract that is effectively modified and superior to any application level by any organization for all time keep up the fundamental standards of the chain. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits the advancement of decentralized applications, however with the primary distinction: the capacity to conceal information from computational hubs. This enables engineers to enter touchy information into their shrewd contracts specifically on the system without trading off security. 

The Glyff group is building another age decentralized stage that empowers the exchange of safe esteem and brilliant contract execution, with complete classification and with the affirmation of solid truth. Glyff, as Ethereum, permits the improvement of decentralized applications, however with the primary distinction: the capacity to conceal information from computational hubs. This enables designers to enter touchy information in their keen contracts, straightforwardly in the chain, without trading off security. 

Individual money exchanges with the sender, beneficiary, and sum exchanged are totally covered up. Ensured uprightness and solid obscurity property with zero-information cryptography. Gives a stage to the dispersal of cross-industry blockchain innovation that fulfills true needs. Applications in Healthcare, Finance, IoT, internet business, e-Governance will build the social advantages of these parts. Shrewd contract framework that is effectively modified with cutting edge security highlights. Open source wallet application and cross stage designer system.

Token Details

Token: GLY

Token Type: ERC20

Pre-sale phase

Start date : 20 December 2018

End date : 19 January 2019

Token price : 0.11 USD

Discount :25%

Tokens for sale : 6,500,000

ICO phase

Start date : 20 February 2019

End date : 22 March 2019

Token price : 0.13 USD

Discount : None

Tokens for sale : 26,000,000


Initial distribution: 50,000,000 GLY

TGE (including pre-sale): 32,500,000 GLY

Glyff reserve: 7,500,000 GLY

Team and early contributors: 5,000,000 GLY

Community and strategic partners: 5,000,000 GLY


Q2/3 2018

Research starts

Prototyping of MVP consensus node and wallet (Sprout)

Q3/4 2018

Consensus node and wallet (early release)

Private test-net launch

Q1/2 2019

Publication of the first whitepaper working draft (Sapling)

Token generation event

Development and code consolidation

Public test-net launch

Q2/3 2019

Programmable privacy

Security audit

Consensus node and wallet (stable release)

Q3/4 2019

Main-net launch

Developer toolchain and documentation

Mobile wallet (Android/iOS)


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