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Basic Trope : An adult (usually but not always a woman) in a relationship with an underage boy.

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I Create Inappropriate Comics That Youโ€™d Never Show Your Grandma (30 Pics)
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I am a webcomic artist on Instagram known as The__Reddot who creates hilariously unapologetic comics about "finessing the inappropriate".ย 
From childhood nostalgia to female orgasm, nothing is off the table.
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Well, if she wouldn't have legs, how would she spread them? (I know its a inappropriate comment, but so are these comics)
Solar powered vibrators!!! Is this a thing now days? We have come too far in technology i guess! I am not going to google this.
I sold my soul to sleep years ago. Best decision ever!
Or I could just lay on my bed reading Bored Panda!
Apples were very heavy back in the day
OMFG! I just died. I literally have this conversation with my friends all the time. If we go out to bars or something on a weekday, we always remind each other throughout the evening "Guys...it's only Wednesday," if we start having too much fun, or getting too relaxed/drunk.
hahaha a claustrophobic vibrator i get!!!
They still look like little pricks to me.
i get it, saggy boobs, gray hair, and cellulite booty?
I am really loving this personification of death, and the characters infatuation with him as a love interest. I feel like this can be an innocent "I am such a bad-ass that I see death himself as a romantic/sexual conquest," but, I can also see this meaning something much more. I have depression, anxiety, ptsd, so this resonates with me in multiple ways. All in all, I am seriously loving all of these. They are all genuinely cracking me the hell up.
Rapunzel Rapunzel release your... well... nevermind...
The real reason has been uncovered!
The book 'Things I'd rather not remember', I wish I could hide that away on an unused self.
Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!
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To quote the comment section: terrible comics
When did they change the definition of "Hilarious"?
I liked it. Kept my attention the entire time. Kinda hard to do on here, I quit halfway through most of them.
When did they change the definition of "Hilarious"?
I liked it. Kept my attention the entire time. Kinda hard to do on here, I quit halfway through most of them.
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55 Innocent Kid Drawings That Look Totally NSFW
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Inga Korolkovaite Community member
#1 Little Girl Drew A Picture Of Her Mom At Work. The Mother Is Actually Selling A Snow Shovel At Home Depot
#2 My Friend's 8 Year Old Cousin Made This Self Portrait In Art Class. He Was Wearing A Minions Shirt. Needless To Say His Family Was Confused At First
#5 My 2nd Grade Teacher Friend Had A Class Assignment To Draw The Best Way To Prevent Germs. This Kid Did Not Fail To Disappoint
#8 Found A Drawing I Did As A Child. I'm A Little Bothered
#9 Made A Book For My Dad For Father's Day. My 13 Year Old Sister Could Use Practice Drawing Whistles
#12 I Worked A Kindergarten Graduation Service A Couple Of Years Ago Where The Kids Drew Their Own Programs. I Had To Save This One, Obviously, It's A Lighthouse
#13 My Uncle's A Firefighter. One Of The Kids They Rescued Drew Up A "Thank You" Note
#15 And One Night While We Were Listening To Old School Rap He Drew Two Turn Tables. I Was Just Glad He Didn't Draw A Microphone Too
#18 This Is My Daughter Billie's Drawing Of A Fox Running Away From An Alien
#19 My 5-Year-Old Did This For Preschool. Mummy And Daddy On Their Wedding Day
#20 My Kid's Drawing About Her First Day Of Kindergarten: Her Teacher. It's Pretty Accurate
#21 My Kid's Drew This Mother's Day Card For Me. It's Supposed To Be A Rocketship, I Think
#22 My 5-Year-Old Daughter Drew A Picture Of Her At The Farm, Holding A Shovel
#23 At What Point Should You Tell Someone That Their Kid Is Drawi
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