Furry Facefuck

Furry Facefuck


Furry Facefuck

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It was just a normal day when my friend had asked me to come over to his house, you know, just to have some fun and play some games, when it happened. Yeah, I can still not forget when I had been waiting for him for a few minutes or so, while I was laying on his bed with my little cat head on his pillow and with my tail comfortably under me when his bedrooms door opened and someone had walked in. ''Hello?'' Had a female voice asked before a surprised. ''Oh!'' Came from it and the one the voice belonged to. It was his sister, one of my friend Crimson's big sisters to be exactly. She was a six feet tall skunk wearing her usual white shirt under a black leather jacket and together with her black jeans that a silver chain was hanging on the right side from so was she pretty much looking a bit like someone who likes punk or rock music. I lifted my hand and waved at her with a friendly smile. ''Hi, how's it going J!'' J was just me and Crimsons nickname for her, which she didn't seem to mind.''Oh, hi C!'' She said smiling and walked to her brothers desk to search for something in the drawers under it. ''What are you looking for?'' I asked curiously and accidentally let my eyes fall on her behind, which I looked away from with my face showing an totally obvious embarrassment for my actions, but could anyone blame me? She was an f cup, her breasts are like two big balloons under those clothes and her butt is like two times bigger!...Or maybe two and a half times bigger now that I think about it. I then grabbed the pillow I had been resting my head on and covered my face with it. ''Ugh, I looked again!'' I muttered in between the fabric. ''Uh, did you say something?'' J asked, still searching for whatever she was looking for. ''No, just ignore it.'' I said as I drooped the pillow, making it land on my legs, and dragged my fingers through my hair. ''But while we asking questions...what are you actually looking for?'' I asked and watched her take her eyes away from the desk and onto me. ''Have you seen my handbag?'' She asked with a sigh and let her eyes go across the room from where she was sitting on her knees. ''Your...handbag?'' I asked, with an uncomfortable feeling that was making its way back to the surface. ''Yes, it's colored in black with a red rose and a white skull on it.'' She massaged her neck and stood up. ''It also has an sliver chain going from one if its down left corners and that leads to the right handle.'' She looked back at me with an worried look in her eyes. ''Do you think you have seen it?

I swallowed heavily and laid my head back down on the bed. ''Let me think for a second! Okay?'' I then closed my eyes and pretended that I was searching through my memories after anything about her bag...which kind of was what I was doing....almost. ''Crap, crap, crap, this is just...crap!'' The reason to why it seemed like I panicking was pretty simple...I may have...destroyed her bag....her handbag...yeeeep! ''What am going to do? Lie? But what if she can tell that I'm not speaking the truth?! Should I just shake my head and say no to minimize the risk of her catching anything in my voice that doesn't sound like the...truth?!!'' But before I even could consider the thought if telling her something that isn't true or not!...so happens something that I should have been worried about...a part of the handbag falls out from one of my pockets...which is the cutout picture of the rose and the skull. ''Huh? What's that?'' She reaches after the fallen out piece before I even notice that it. ''What, NO WAIT!'' I try to grab it, but misses and instead falls on my belly while she takes a better look at it. ''I-I can explain!' I then say with a somewhat nervous voice as she sits with her back turned from me on the bed.
She doesn't say anything and I don't know if I should take this moment and runaway through the door while she seems distracted. ''C?'' She asks and places her hands behind her to support her when she leans against them. ''Why did this fall out of your pocket?'' She tightens her fist around the cut out piece in her left hand. ''And why can't I shake of the feeling that you know something about my bag that I don't?'' She casts a fake smile towards me and sighs annoyed. ''What. have. you. and. my brother...dooone?!..if I may ask?'' I crawl away from her towards the other side of the bed. ''W-well you see! C-crimson a-and I had this f-funny thought about w-what would happen i-if you took something like a handbag! A-and then throw some tiny f-firecrackers in it and watch..as it...bye!'' I then made a run towards door, but I was almost immediately stopped by J's hand that pushed me down onto the bed. ''No, no, did you really think that it would be that simple?'' She asked me while her hand held me in place and in the same position as when she had first walked in here. ''I come here looking for handbag, my new handbag! That was pretty expensive...and this is what I find?!'' She hold the picture of the skull with its rose in front of my face and then grins. ''I will show you what I do to guys that pisses me off sometimes, buuut that are still kind enough to be my friends!...so...it's time for some revenge...cutie.''

I let my gaze go across her. From her grinning face, to hear big f cup breasts and onward towards her legs that had been place on each side of me together with her heavy and round ass that felt like and equally sized rock on my belly, but softer and more bearable. ''Ugh, what..are you going to do?'' I asked with my arms pinned to the side and my eyes aimed at her face. As I've said so is she tall, 6 feet tall if you remember, and compared to me so is that a lot! And do you want to know why? That's because I'm only somewhere around 5 feet and besides that so am I also pretty thin, not unhealthily thin, but still thin! ''Well then!'' She then said, interrupting my line of thought in the proses.
''Let me show you what I had planned to do to you cutie and don't worry!'' She said with a friendlier expression. ''You're to cute and friendly for something toooo harsh, but that doesn't mean that you won't walk away without receiving a fitting punishment!'' She then began to turn away from me, giving me on hell of a view of her ass at the same time. ''What are you going to...dooo...-?'' I then watched her as he crawled backwards, getting her butt closer to my face after every second, and before I knew it so was it just and inch from my face, but more then an inch on my chest as its weight was making it hard to breathe ''What are you-!'' I took a deep breathe. ''Doing?!'' I asked while trying to catch a glimpse of her face. ''Well, I know that you have caught a few gazes towards my ass, even if you kindly enough have looked away shortly there after!''
I blush under my fur of an almost overwhelming feeling of embarrassment. ''And I thank you for that! The looking away part of course!'' She said with a giggle. ''So as an award for not being a total pervert as well as a punishment!'' She said and ended the sentence by placing her hands on each buttocks. ''So am I giving you this!''
''Giving me wha-!'' I was cut off mid sentence as my face was covered in J's big black jeans and as my head was forcefully pushed down into the soft bed. ''She was sitting on me!'' That was at least what thought to myself as my head vanished in between her ass and the mattress.
I was unable to see anything, or for that matter, hear anything either. And there was no idea in trying to speak too when it obviously would just come out as an indistinguishable muttering. But there was something I could at least feel, besides her ass on my face and my arms pinned down under her legs, and that was mostly the lower part of my body that she was kind enough to be in the fresh air of her brothers room.

J wiggles her ass and giggles of amusement as she watches her little friends futile attempt to lift his arms and push her off. ''Heh, cute!'' She says and roles her shoulder a bit.
She could feel his struggling go from an almost none existents movement to a feeling of arms trying to move and legs beginning to push and pull the cover. She laid her hands on his belly, which caused his legs to twitch because of the out of nowhere touch and that also made her laugh a little because of his reaction. ''Don't worry kitty, I'm just trying to make this a bit more pleasant, but not too much of course!'' She felt his struggling getting stronger and stronger, which should be an obvious thing depending on that the only thing he is breathing, or trying to breathe, is the little air that there is between her ass and his face. ''Just a liiiiiiittle bit longer! And then I let you have a taste of fresh air!''

Meanwhile, while J was having her fun ''torturing'' me! So was I trying my best to hold my breath and just...well just enjoy the position I was in. After all so was her scent being pushed up my nose, aka her body odor, and...lets face the fact here! A beautiful and sexy girl has decided to sit on my face and I'm supposed to hate it? I mean...
It was then I realized that I was in in need of air, in the need to breathe! I began to trash with my legs struggle with my whole upper body. ''Please, J! I need to breathe now!''
I tried to push my arms against legs and my face...embarrassingly enough, up against her ass. But she wasn't moving. ''Get off my face!'' I shouted and shouted as loud as I could, but I might as have been lying under under pillow filled with meat, because the reaction would probably have been the same. ''Geeeeet ooooooff!!'' At last, after what felt like minutes of struggling for the desire to breathe, so could I feel how the weight that had been lying on top of me vanished and I was finally able to breathe fresh air again. And ones I had rubbed my eyes a bit because of the sudden light so was I met with the familiar face of J and her annoyingly amused expression.
''Sooo...how's it going?...Do you think you have learned your lesson for today? or...do you feel like a round two?
''.....I think I'm fine, but thanks for the offer!''
''Hahah, you're welcome! Cuuuuutiiie!....but you and my idiot for a brother still owes me for my handbag you know!''

I hope you found this story amusing despite the amount of incorrect grammar there is!<3

If my grammar is bad, then feel free to fix it and send me the corrected version.^v^
And if you find anything that I spelled wrong, then please comment about it so that I can fix it. :U
I wrote this when I was bored and had the random interest to write something with facesitting by the way, and it was pretty much just a none writing thing, so mistakes are bound to be found!X3



I loved this story,
It was so cute and light hearted ^_^




Oh wow, that was something. x3 Fun that you did that. :3



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