Furry Carrot Artist Porn

Furry Carrot Artist Porn


Furry Carrot Artist Porn

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-I know it's farfetch'd, but HEY! If any of y'all got connections to something relatively MSRP ("relatively") - I'm lookin' for a new GPU! I'm basically looking for something in the 1500$ range, (bu...

YO DUDES IT’S HAPPENIN~! We’re days away from releasing Act 1 on Itch.io :> Past few months have been tons of cleaning up and tune ups and prepping for this release. Everything’s lookin’ heckin GEWD,...

YO FOLKS! Hope you guys have been doing well despite the year! Things are lookin' up on my end! My roomie situation has finally cleared up, which was a huge stressor for me. I'm stoked to be able t...

Animator and Illustrator! You can call me Carrot :) Just a few things to know: I'm a guy I love art I went to art school I know a thing or two about art I love helping people with art If you need help with anything art, ask me. I'm friendly. Oh, and just to let you know, I never accept requests. I don't do art trades, and I'm currently not accepting commissions Actually, I've been accepting commissions... Actually, I've been NOT accepting commissions lately xD! Actually, I was for a bit - but then I stopped again. So now, I'm closed :V ALSO! If you don't know me (like a new watcher, or whatever), and you're interested in commissioning me, give this a read! It's lengthy, but it let's you know a thing or two about me first. BE WARNED the price is super out dated. But it still has some relevant info Anywho thanks for stopping by! Quick word on the "Friend Request." Haha, to be quite honest, I'm not a huge fan of this button or the list xD. I don't believe a button constitutes friends ;b. If ya wanna be friends with me, talk to me! Comment, note me, whatever. That's how you become my friend. I don't have any hidden content, so it doesn't matter too much anyways.

Hey what happened to your Twitter??

hi!Can you make a 3D version of the Blue Rabbit?



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Yo guys~! I'm sure most of you have heard the hubbub going on here > https://support.furrynetwork.com/topics/870-remove-allo... (Oh btw, I have a Furry Network account.) And though the reactions and comments are pretty eh, uh... disappointing, I thought it'd be important to offer a bit of different perspective to the pool. I know it's frustrating to see people behaving in such an ignorant and assumptious manner, but I invite all of you to take the high road and not get upset with anyone of this. I want to bring to attention that Furry Network's initial intentions and general art views aren't against any specific content. They understand and respect artistic freedom, and absolutely understand that fiction is just that. Many times they mention that they believe in user choice. That means, user-to-user censoring, and user-to-user submitting. Much like here. Next, I think it's important to keep in mind Furry Network's mission statement and general purpose. We've all been in the fandom to notice flaws on websites, and issues with dealing with commissioners, and inconveniences with messaging systems and blah blah. It's no ones fault, a lot of these sites are entirely volunteer work, of course they won't be perfect. But Furry Network has something a lot of these sites don't have, and that's treating it a bit more like a business. And by that, I mean, paying people full-time to provide the features that would be most convenient to us. One of the creators mentioned a while back, that they wanted a good way to give back to the community. What better way then an entirely new fresh site, with none of the bullshit/hoops we have to jump through, with a reliable system, with unique features. This entire endeavor is first and foremost, for the furry community. That being said, we do still have to remember where we are and why we are here. (US. as in Inkbunny.) I wish I had a solid number, but it's fair to say A LOT of people don't like cub stuff. And if they happen to enjoy it, they most likely aren't going to publicly admit it. I think it's pretty fair to say that people who enjoy cub content, combined with the people who don't mind it, are still vastly outnumbered by the people who don't want it on whatever site they're on. FurryNetwork is a site FOR the community, and if the majority of the community doesn't want anything to do with it because it has cub on it, then FN cannot fulfill its purpose. And I want to bring a reminder to you all about Business. The higher up you go, the more people's livelihoods at stake, the less risks you can take. The less obtuse you can be. The more you MIGHT have to listen to your audience, and flex for them. As a creator, it's frustrating to get push back on something you've done, especially if you're only getting push back because people do not agree with it. However, as a creator, you must also distance yourself, from your product. And if the product needs to be given a chance in order to succeed, you can't always be so stubborn. I initially thought this was unfortunate to see. Such a push back from the community, so many people supporting these really close-minded comments. But one particular comment said A LOT. Someone mentioned the possibility of FN becoming "Another InkBunny." Nothing negative against inkbunny, just that, a lot of users don't come here solely because there is cub content. And since this is one of the only sites that allows it, it's full of cub. I've seen a bit of FNs path/work in progress, and honestly, I would absolutely hate to turn people off of that site because I posted a bunch of cub stuff. All the rough cub stuff I've done? Fawk, that would ruin some of the people there xD. I don't know what FNs going to do. But I can only assume, if they want people to give this place a chance and stick around, they're going to ban cub. And I don't blame them. Harder fetishes are a VERY "advanced"(?) niche. A lot of these kinks may seem so psychotic, insane, crazy, and wrong. But when I talk to everyone here, I've pretty much never gotten that impression. A lot of the people I know with the craziest kinks are some of the most down-to-earth, level headed people. It takes a bit of out-of-the-box thinking to grasp that, fiction is just that. And it takes A LOT more to find solace knowing you like something crazy fucked up, but you have the self-control to never subject anyone/thing to your pleasures. What I'm saying is. I think a lot of people are just scared. The stank of certain fetishes is too much. They might even like some of it. But the thought of them being associated with it is scary. For one - the "legal grey area" of all this NEVER helped. I totally understand not wanting to be associated with riskay material for the sake of your career. But then the rest is social stigma. Which unfortunately just propagates itself. People think it's wrong, so people will keep thinking it's wrong. I do think that a move like "Banning Cub" ends up giving a similar propagating effect. But again. The sites intent is to provide a better Furry experience for the entire community. And again, people's jobs can be on the line. In any case. People don't like cub. It's unfortunate, but that's the hand we're dealt. There's nothing wrong with liking cub, and there's nothing wrong with disliking cub. Everyone's free to like/dislike whatever they want. But this makes the "business" decision pretty painfully obvious. But hey. After today. I think it actually settles a lot for me. For the past... year? I've never been to sure if I should be posting cub stuff on FurryNetwork. No one really did, and I didn't wanna be the person to do it xD. So I waited. And whenever I uploaded anything, I'd always consider, should I be posting cub? Well this makes it very clear. Regardless of what will pass, I DO NOT feel comfortable posting cub content on FN. The user base it has already accumulated has decided it for me. Y'all know me, I'm not the kind of person to censor my works, or "not draw" things because people don't like it - but I'm not going to post stuff on a site who's users detest it. And the best part is, we don't need to >o> WE in particular, don't need a better site. Inkbunny's always been solid~ I've always said it, we're the shit-bucket of furry. But this is why we're so awesome. We're OVER the sensitive boundaries of kinks. We're past all that. If you're here reading this, you like your porn with SPUNK. And that's totally ok. Pat yourself on the back, because for all the sites that can't have us, we still have our own thriving community and a place to call home. Currently, with recent FurAffinity events (which, very unfortunate for that to happen. Also pretty unfortunate for peeps to just abandon it after that xD, but hey, some people were forced to abandon it, or just make a new account and start over from scratch with the whole "password recovery" methods (anyways, this is off-topic)) Things look a bit bleak for FA users. A lot of them need a new place to settle down. Furry Network. We understand the pickle you're in. And we understand the best decision to make. We hoped things could be different, but we get it. Ban cub. We'll be ok. Give everyone else a new place to call home :3 (Also, worth noting. All these sites can totes co-exist. I plan on being on IB/FN/FA)

I personally would have liked a site that allowed both Human and Cub and thats what I was hoping for

I mean a Community site like FA and IB not a Gelbooru like site. e621 is a community site but not in

Naw totes I feel ya~! SB seems to know though :O vvvvvvvvv

Had them take down my human loli/shota several times already.

Yea I'm pretty sure SoFurry allows both human and cub.

Had them take down my human loli/shota several times already.

That's odd. I know they allow human stories but idk, that site confuses me sometimes xD Pixiv has be

ahh ok, i was probably thinking about those separately. but yea, e621 is your best bet

They allow human, adult, and cub, but NOT human loli or shota. It has to have fur if it's underage.

Got spoken to for making a pic poking at that once, after an admin put it that way. (Titled it '‌Fur

Human children are not allowed on SoFurry.

Would be nice to have another site to post the lewder pics, but IB has served me well :3~!

Yeah no real point, right? :O We're already all right here. In theory, FN could potentially be what

Edited 6 years, 4 months ago by Owner

Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here next Tuesday!

I'm never leaving IB <3 Unless Disney kidnaps me and forces me into a place where I get to work for

That's what fake names and accounts are for Carrot. Might have to change your art style as well thou

I wouldn't chance it tbh. Not the first year at least.

Inkbunny is a good place for people who are sexually attracted to children but either have a conscie

i do understand where people are comeing from on the anti cub topic... but I think Rape is far wor

Yeah but then people have to be rational X3 Asking so much! :p

Well technically, just us, a small minority lose. But what are we really loosing? When we've alread

well we are a part of the camunity, the same camunity to has EMBRACED every weird twisted even sick

I think a stronger thing to compare it to, is like, rape, or snuff. If you look at things on a "mo

KevinSnowpaw, this has always been my argument as well. Those dangerous and immoral fetishes are som

UM, the option to expand our viewerbase and make more cash?

This is a reasonable point. InkedFur restricts cub art, among other topics. That has knock-on effect

Naw, from what I heard, you couldn't use their services for any pieces with illegal material. So snu

Most don't even allow the purchase of adult stuff, period, from my understanding.

but that's what I'm saying, we're already here. I'd rather people genuinely get the idea/interest t

I think it is backlash against the child pornography industry. I can just imagine how people would r

Amen. You nailed everything I struggled trying get explain. I'm starting to get at that stage where

Ooph~! That gets tough! Always do you, boo~! If you like both, then submit certain things to certa

Thanks for replying. Yeah. I've come to terms with posting some stuff here and others there. With li

Edited 6 years, 4 months ago by Owner

I love inkbunny so FN can ban that on there site, and i will keep this as my main site.

If FN bans cub, I'll just drop it. I already unwatchable anyone on FA that I notice has an account h

That's pretty much my sentiments on it as well, at the end of the day it'll come down to a business

Going against the rules is never fun. But I don't know an artist out there who doesn't already xD. T

Considering that Paypal still prohibits adult goods, including furry porn, with my understanding bei

While that is a fair point those kind of "rule" breaks don't carry the threat of upwards of 10 year

Yeah I mean Weasyl banned cub and they were just flooded with relieved users! Oh wait it's a ghost

Well, weasyl feels like it had very little thought put into it. There are many many aspects of it

I think IB's pretty solid all around >o> I really don't have any complaints. Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe an ap

Yeah, but they can implement media queries for IB to behave differently on mobile devices inside the

There was an Android app years ago, worked very well, but the developer dropped it and it no longer

Actually, I know someone who was playing with writing his own app for inkbunny. I should see how he

It'll be a while until we get a properly responsive interface, but we've been working on a few tweak

I would gladly volunteer to help make the site responsive. I have moderate experience with html5, cs

I don't know. Maybe Inkbunny would be more popular if it decided to do what the gay rights movement

people are just trying every possible reason to shoot down furry network it seems. first with the wh

Edited 6 years, 4 months ago by Owner

Oooh I don't think so? I think everyone wants it to work :O Cub stuffs always just such a tricky top

i just mean like. it seems like a lot of furries try to drum up drama for no reason or try to find f

Haha oh ok yeah I see. Yeaaah, peeps have issues with stuff all the time. It must be so tiring and

Edited 6 years, 4 months ago by Owner

Unfortunately just like some people feel like their mere existance means they own the places they wa

Eh~! I've heard lots of rumors of a lot of friends that I have, and I just don't see it in their act

This is a very reasonable look at the situation.  I'd say this is a great read for people on either

I'm honestly not surprised, it was only a matter of time before the 'cub haters' crawled out of the

~~~ Quote:     Maybe a better solution would be to have cub art be uploaded under a special separat

Look at how people tag stuff on this site. I couldn't possibly identify all the tags people use on h

That was why my suggestion was to have a separate upload section for it, so that the whole section i

That is what Eka's Portal does. I still think the owners of that site are taking an unnecessary lega

I feel ya dog, and I think that's a lot of the consensus that everyone sees. One could say one thin

For how much I feel that Furry Network needs to honor it's objective in becoming a commerce website

I totally get ya, but it's so much more complex when there's more at stake than yourself, y'know? T

I still wonder if, in actuality, a significant enough portion of people would stop using the site ov

That's a good question~! I saw that WereMagnus changed their icon to basically "I'm leaving/not post

I also feel like it necessarily wouldn't be bad to have a flashy new website with some NEW faces on

lmao! Also true! In a small (but still large) community, it's often that popularity snowballs into p

Have you seen all the journals on Furaffinity about how this site is a magnet for pedophiles? I am s

The comments kinda got my blood boiling. I too was up for a new site for cub art and no it does not

I don't think they really want gay furry porn banned, it's just that it fits the same excuses given

With all that is happening here where I live passing such laws as bisexuals and gays have no rights

I hope you don't mean North Carolina, that place seems so messed up right now. Wherever you are good

My state adopted the same law. So is surrounding states. Its how it is. But its why I am not surpris

Edited 6 years, 4 months ago by Owner

~~~ Quote by torchlight:     I don't think they really want gay furry porn banned, it's just that i

So your site can't have any rules because you might be tempted to make more of them? Why not just al

Hey, you were being so civil up until this one xb.

I am hesitant to endorse that analogy. Even the gay rights movement finally had it with NAMBLA. Gran

I feel the numbers are a little skewed because of http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7599730/ A not

Ah~! Could be true. But still, those numbers are actually
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