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Funny Parody


Перевести · 26.07.2013 · Song parodies have existed for centuries in one form or another. We won't be travelling that far back through the swirling mists of time, but what follows are 10 of the funniest song parodies you can watch on YouTube right now. And because we're too good to you all you can watch them right here on this page thanks to the power of embedding.
Перевести · 29.04.2017 · 15 Of The Most Hilarious Parody Films Ever Made. Some of the best and most memorable comedies to ever be produced. By Brandon Zachary Published Apr 29, 2017. Share Share Tweet Email Comment. Parody films have a twofold problem: First, they have to be strong examples of the subject they're mocking in their own right.
Перевести · 29.05.2019 · Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Millie Bobby Brown, Barack Obama and more are making a special appearance in this “Funny…
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Перевести · 28.02.2019 · Sad beats can be made funny by replacing the lyrics with some funny words. Any kind of entertainment can be parodied but we love song parodies the most. In case you don’t know what parody songs are, they are a funny take on a popular song. But here’s the best part about parodies- they are funny while giving some kind of social message.
Перевести · Like us on Facebook for more updates and uploads. Salamat! clips are property of the FlipTop Battle …
…and then comes parody songs. In case you don’t know what parody songs are, they are a funny take on a popular song. And we love parodies! So, we went and unearthed the best parodies available on the internet. And we came up with the best! So, without further ado, let’s get this party started! 1. The Party Song- AIB
How many song parodies are there on YouTube?
How many song parodies are there on YouTube?
This list includes just 10 song parodies and their accompanying music videos, but there are thousands more available to watch on YouTube. Simply type in the name of your favorite (or least favorite) artist and the phrase " Song Parody " and you should get plenty of results.…
What are the problems with parody movies?
What are the problems with parody movies?
Parody films have a twofold problem: First, they have to be strong examples of the subject they're mocking in their own right. The movie has to be compelling on its own as an entry of the genre it riffs on. And secondly, it has to be funny.…
What is the best parody song in India?
What is the best parody song in India?
There aren’t a lot of Indian parodies out there. And AIB (now defunct), came out with the best parody song! It made fun of all “party songs”, which are full of misogyny, sexism and mindless addition of weird props. It took the tune of “ Party All Night” and went on to diss every party song ever! We love it! 2. The Bollywood Diva Song- AIB AIB feat.
Перевести · 12.12.2019 · This hilarious parody of entrepreneur Johnny Cupcakes brand plays on the classic Coca Cola wordmark logo. …
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Some of the best and most memorable comedies to ever be produced.
By Brandon Zachary Published Apr 29, 2017
Parody films have a twofold problem: First, they have to be strong examples of the subject they're mocking in their own right. The movie has to be compelling on its own as an entry of the genre it riffs on. And secondly, it has to be funny. When a movie can succeed and do both those things right you end up with some of the best and most memorable comedies to ever be produced.
Full disclosure: I was this close to putting This Is Spinal Tap pretty high on the list. It's hilarious. But with two other music parodies on the list (and both of them criminally unappreciated), I felt it was probably better to not feature This Is Spinal Tap, in the name of a broader spectrum of comedies. Also Mystery Men almost made it onto the list, not because it's a great film or anything, but because I love it completely unironically. Ben Stiller, William H. Macy, Hank Azaria, Janeane Garofalo, Pee-Wee Herman AND Good Burger's Kel as terrible super heroes fighting Geoffery Rush? YES PLEASE.
Kung-fu movies are, typically, already fairly ridiculous. They have a casual acceptance of the impossible, and gleefully trade realism for style. But what happens when one of the movies embraces the inherent silly nature of the genre? You get this 2005 comedy/action hybrid, directed by and starring Stephen Chow (who also made the pretty great kung-fu/sports parody Shaolin Soccer). Chow plays Sing, a destitute wannabe gangster for the local leading group, the Deadly Axe Gang. To gain acceptance, he has to try and kill the land lady of a tenant who refuses to pay protection - inadvertently revealing her and many of her tenants to be martial arts masters. It plays out like a classic "bad guy becoming a good man" story, but is never afraid to play loose and drop a joke. The best probably being an early assassination attempt on the landlady involving throwing knives, which each and every single one missing the landlady and - somehow - getting embedded in Sing. It's also an impressive martial arts movie, with beautiful staging and choreography.
Mockumentary - the style of comedy that was introduced with This Is Spinal Tap and became a cultural norm with shows like The Office and Parks & Recreation - have rarely been as immediately funny and compelling as the supposed documentary about vampires that forms the core of Takia Waititi's 2014 film, What We Do In The Shadows. The film centers around the apartment where four vamps - the uptight Viago, the cool Vlad, the "cool" Deacon, and the Nosferatu-esque Petyr - live together in suburban New Zealand. When one of their victims survives their attempts to feed and becomes a vampire himself, the four roommates are dragged into the 21st century. The movie manages to be a spot-on parody of vampire lore with a delightfully mundane tone. They have roommate meetings over Deacon refusing to the dishes, and then get into a flying shoving match. It manages to be outright hysterical at times, especially when we get to see the rival gang of magical buddies in the area: the werewolves.
80's sports flick parodies have become their own genre by this point. The sarcastic and put-upon underdog, leading his team of slobs to victory over the arrogant and rich bad guys. Only, Dodgeball doesn't follow the usual children or teens these movies typically cast. Instead, every member of the cast is in their late 20's/early 30's. It adds an extra level of pathetic realism to the story, so the sarcastic slob is barely employed and kind of terrible. And the rich arrogant kid? Well, here he's Ben Stiller with a crazy handlebar mustache, an escalation of the petty jerk that usually stars in these movies. But instead, he's this crazy over the top jackass who masturbates to pizza. Seriously. It transforms the on paper simple film into a shockingly quotable and memorable film. Plus, this is the movie where Alan Tudyk plays a character named Steve the Pirate. He thinks he's a pirate.
Macgruber might be the best movie based on a SNL sketch ever produced. And while Wayne's World might end up being a little bit better thanks to the heartwarming and adorable script, Macgruber manages to be non-stop hilarious. An expansion of the bomb diffusing moron Will Forte played on Saturday Night Live, the movie follows Macgruber and his mission to stop Val Kilmer from destroying Washington DC. As the movie progresses, we get to see more and more of Macgruber and his pure psychotic stupidity. And Ryan Phillippe - in probably his best role - is stuck playing the straight man against him and the charming but inept Kristen Wiig. It's such a funny movie, Ran Phillippe comes out looking pretty good. It plays like a late game Rambo flick that actually knows what it is, and it's hilarious for it. Any movie that features so many throat rips (seriously, it's his signature move, grabbing a guard by the throat and then ripping it out) deserves a watch.
The only reason this isn't a fully Mel Brooks list is because I figured you'd all get pretty bored of that one pretty quickly. Suffice to say, Mel Brooks is the king of the comedy, and one of his finest cinematic skewerings came at the expense of sci-fi films. Spaceballs might not reach the dizzying heights of Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles (we'll get to them), but it's still a quirky and silly romp through space. And while the plot gets a little muddied by the finale, the comedy itself never grows stale. It even goes meta on occasion, allowing the characters to try and find out where they need to go by literally just fast forwarding through their own copy of the movie. But the best moments are literally ever scene where Rick Morranis is on screen as the requisite Darth Vader parody, Dark Helmet. Playing him as the complete opposite of Vader, Morranis makes his ridiculous anger and ineptitude almost as memorable as the character he's a spook of.
Seriously, how are we not all talking about this movie? A delirious satire of music throughout the 20th century and the biopic in general, Walk Hard centers around the titular Dewey Cox. A musical genius but a complete idiot, the movie follows his career over the ensuing decades. That means a broken heart, lots of sexual innuendo, a machete fight between father and son (seriously), and a whole host of broken sinks. On top of everything, the music boasts and expansive and impressive soundtrack, showcasing parodies of all the kinds of music that came out in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's. It's MASSIVE, and has a blast with all the clichés. Seriously, the bit about the dark period of his life is great, and is depressed acceptance of it is even better. Add in Tim Meadows continuously trying to keep Dewey from taking drugs, and you have almost a perfect parody film.
The Other Guys, written and directed by Adam McKay aka the genius who brought us Anchorman, presents a simple question: what if the cops who have to try and save the day end up being complete and utter morons. Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell are the two cops in question, an explosive jerk and a boring dork respectively. They are some of the most unpopular cops on the force, and end up causing more problems than they solve. But when they stumble upon a criminal conspiracy that might just bankrupt the NYPD, they have to ignore all those preconceptions and become the heroes they think they are. The two manage to play off each other incredibly well, taking the tropes we're used to seeing with those kind of characters and turning them into wonderful little character moments (Mark Wahlberg turning out to be great at ballet because he learnt it as a child to make fun of kids who took ballet is the perfect kind of unexpected gag that this movie does so well). It's crazy and surprising, but with a terrifying kernel of truth at the center regarding the 2007-2008 housing crisis. That's right, the movie with ballet Wahlberg is one of the best movies about the financial crisis.
I'm disappointed in each and every single one of you who didn't see this film when it first came out. Produced by the guys who brought us Lonely Island, Popstar is non-stop hysterical art from start to finish. Tracing the post-boy band career of Andy Samberg's Conner and his lackluster second album release, the movie indulges in the same absurd sense of humor that the SNL produced sketches did. This is a movie that interrupts a dramatic conversation between an artist and his manager with a bee attack - including the appearance of the massive Queen Bee that Tim Meadows then has to kill with a flame thrower. On top of that, the music might actually be the best parody songs to come from a movie in decades. They're legitimate ear-worms, catchy pop ballads about stuff like the Mona Lisa being ugly and how Conner is so humble that he has to tell everyone. It's a perfect parody of the music, the artists, and impact of pop music.
Galaxy Quest is the kind of movie that's tailor made for nerds and fanboys. The movie centers around the cast of a forgettable 80's Star Trek kinda show, who are now washed up actors stuck on the convention circuit. But an alien race saw the tapes and thought they were "historical records", and recruit (i.e. kidnap) the crew to help save their species. The cast is overwhelmed within seconds, but are forced to try and survive through the experience. The movie has fun with all the preconceptions about sci-fi shows played with a touch of realism - turns out teleporter technology is WAY more tricky than you thought - and heart. The movie even turns some of the weirdest and best jokes from early in the film into emotional through lines for the cast. Plus, come on. Sam Rockwell, Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver, Tim Allen, and Tony Shalhoub all in the same cast? Trying to not die in space? That's a great movie no matter what script you give them.
One of the three Mel Brooks films on the list, and probably the most culturally important. The film doesn't just play the race card, it fills the deck with it and explores a whole host of elements that African Americans had to and still have to deal with - all played against a ridiculous and cartoonish take on the wild west. Bart escapes an unjust execution by the state because it's assumed that an old west town would kill their first black sheriff in no time and all. Working with local drunk and gunslinger Jim, Bart makes a real try to save the town from all the threats coming their way. Whether this means quick thinking on his part, and sometimes even just a giant Looney Toons style bomb, Bart will figure it out. And in-between all the wonderful comedy moments comes some amazing moments of social consciousness, especially in our day and age where race is still such a hot button issue.
The golden standard of over the top parody films, Airplane is fantastic. All the scenes of the crashing plane are great, sure, but what really sells the movie are the smaller moments. The airport intercoms arguing amongst themselves for the rest of the airport to hear. The catty comments of the ground crew. The little girl who prefers her coffee like her men - black. While the brunt of the movie is a strong enough parody of the disaster film that it could carry us for the entire run time, it's the tiny moments of hilarity that help elevate it above and beyond the rest of the pack. This is the movie where a man has to rush off to help guide the plane down to the ground, and it's revealed his wife is having an affair... with a horse. It's ridiculous, and that nature allows it to go as far as it wants with the comedy. There's a reason that David & Jerry Zucker have been allowed to make however many bad parody films as they want, and it's all because of how amazing this movie is.
Probably one of the most underseen films on this list, OSS 117: Cairo Nest Of Spies is a deliriously funny parody of the classic James Bond spy flick. Only the heroic secret agent - here played perfectly by The Artist star Jean Dujardin - is a giant dumbass. He's racist, sexist, and thinks he's the perfect man's man. Only, it turns out that no one is really all that big of a fan of him, and his own antics are in part the cause of the international crisis that he finds himself trying to solve by the end of the flick. It's a French film, but it justifies the subtitles if you're unable to understand French. Just the scenes of Jean trying to mansplain why religions are dumb or being an unbelievable jerk to his fellow agents justify every second of the movie. There's a sequel that I actually haven't seen yet, but if it's anything like the first? With ballroom dancing Jean Dujardin? I'm 110% on board.
Alright, so we're officially entering "best comedies of all time", and the third and final Mel Brooks entry. And while it may not have the broad appeal of Spaceballs or the relevance of Blazing Saddles, damn if it isn't just the funniest. Following Fredrick, a genius and kind of insane heir to the Frankenstein - sorry, Fronkensteen - name, he is forced to embark to the old country to collect his inheritance. There's no way around it. This might be one of the funniest films ever produced: mixing absurd comedy (the escalating problems having a wooden arm presents), pitch perfect parody (the reveal of the monster only to turn into a dance routine), and strong comedic timing and writing (everything from the bookcase bit to the collection of the corpse to the game of charades to try and get a sedative). It indulges in almost all forms of comedy, and with a cast led by the never better Gene Wilder, it never hits a mis-step... except for the bit with the monster and Elizabeth. That... uh, that didn't age as well as we could have hoped.
I know every bit from this movie. You know every bit from this movie. It's one of the most iconic comedies of all time, and it's because it's amazing. The adventures of King Arthur and his brave (but fundamentally weird) knights of the round table is side-splitting from literally the opening credits on. This is a movie that opens with the man creating the credits being fired. And then his successor ALSO being fired. But every single scene is played deathly serious, and that's what makes the movie as good as it is. That commitment to the comedy
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