Fucking My Dog Story

Fucking My Dog Story


Fucking My Dog Story
After Got thru fucking those guys dogs i asked for the pictures they told me whole story
how my hubby set it up come there at camp site and gangbang me after he went to sleep
they didnt expext find me fucking our dog, so they told my hubby they chicken out and didnt come over there
told them I really enjoy fucking the bigger dog and asked if maybe could fuck him again sometimes they said sure
let us know when and where they could tell i liked it alot . never though in million years i would fuck a dog
until you try it you have no clue what you missed out on, its best fuck you will ever get
after couple day i was trying to think of way to tell my hubby was thinking maybe
let Coley fuck me before hubby got home let him catch me Knotted with him
he fucked ok but his knot was not as big as i wanted dreamed of the bigger dog
several time wanted to fuck him again drove by there several times
never seen anyone there. one day drove by doggy park on way home seen lady with two Great Danes
so i parked and walked over to her said wow those are some nice big dogs she said she got them to breed with sell pups
told her i would love get one. she told me her brother had one that was Brother to her Male and he
was going to move to California soon need find good home for him
ask if she would tell her brother give me call if he still had not sold him.
gave her my number asked her call me if he had already
9am next morning phone rang coley was knotted on me had wait
call the number back it was her brother he said he had not promised the dog to anyone as of yet
told him i was interested in him how much was he asking for him
he said nothing He needs good home and i cant take him with me
only problem he likes to sniff women crotch and laugh
told him that a dog for ya they do that crap
asked him when would be good time see him. he said this morning would be perfect if
If I didnt have any plans. I said sure give me time change and put on my face
Really was needing time for clean up my pussy i was still swollen from coley fucking me
he gave me address drove there and ring door bell, heard loud Bark you would tell was a big dog
he opened the door introduced himself as lance and the Dog was Champ
soon as step inside champ came over to me stuck his nose under my skirt
i was shocked he did that so fast lance said i warned you. and laugh
glad i didnt wear panties i wanted to see if he would sniff me
guess he could smell where Coley had fucked me
lance showed me his bed and what he like to eat
then lance said need go bathroom took the
opportunity let him sniff me some more he started to lick me made me so damn
horny cloesed my eyes and heard lance step back in kitchen
he seen champ licking my pussy and said maybe good idea wear panties around him and laugh
i asked him if it would be ok take him to the house see how he acted around my dog
he said sure take him couple days see how it goes so we loaded his bed and food
headed home......... Now I was Like how I going to tell Hubby
so as we got home put Coley In garage and took Champ in den
stretch out few mats let him start licking me see his rod starting to poke out of his sheath
i could tell hes alot Bigger than Coley reach up stroked him few time his knot was starting to swell that quick
got up on all fours and he moved in behind me reach back and guided his cock in my pussy
he started hammer my pussy so hard look between my legs and seen his knot
i was OMG cant let him knot right now My hubby will know I been fucked.
hes Huge help my hand between his knot and my pussy he filled me with cum
Im lost control and almost let go of his knot it went half way in before
i could pull away his Knot at least 10 inches circumference i was like damn wait till it swells up
and knots inside me he fuck me hard .. got up and cleaned the mess up cum was dripping out of me
took long hot shower and was hoping my pussy would go down before hubby got home
he still love me run around in sun dress without panties and bra you get lot of looks out in public
hubby came home and was scared shitless he said WTF is that horse
i laugh said no its a friends dog wanted me keep him couple days
he said OH asked him put Champ in Garage let coley outside do his business
he did after dinner we sat down started watch movie we started last night
after 30 so minutes he said going in den look on internet.
went up staires and checked my pussy see if the swelling went down any was still
huges was affraid he would want fuck
her him call for me so i went back down stairs and he said come here look
i said what am i looking at his said look
he had this Grat dane pic pulled up with his cock showing
he said any woman that could take that would need horse fuck her again
and staterd to laugh.. he turned and look straight at me said would you fuck Dog
I was like are you serious that some kind trick qusetion
he said no serious would you
i said HELL NO you would leave me if i did.
he said i would not leave you
i asked him how long you been wanting this watch me fuck dog
i was starting to get turn on and my pussy juice was starting to flow
he said long time even dream about me fucking dogs
I said did you like it he said you damn right I did enjoyed it
told him no again i didnt want fuck a dog that was kinda sick
he said eve lady that fucks dog always wants do it again its best fuck they ever had
told him if i did would he not tell anyone he said it our secret i want you try it
i agreed but if he told anyone i would chop his cock off
he said your serious i said damn right i am You agree to that
he said yeah i agree... told him let me do it my way he said ok
hows your way
told him get Coley ill try fucking him but he must stay in kitchen up i called him
he said ok i could not let him see my pussy until coley was fucking me
let coley start licking me hubby was standing in kitchen he could not see my pussy from there
got up got mat laid on floor got down on all four coley moved in told hubby come in he did
coley was already in me humping away juice was dripping from me he was like damn he already knot on you i was like its not that big
was moaning so loud wanted him know i loved it say good boy fuck me Fuck Me lost count of time I cum 4 or 5 times as coley was Knotted
i would pull against his knot make me swell even more and evertime i pulled it my Gspot made me cum
coley has alot of cum and it was starting to flow out of my pussy started to rub my clit i was in Heaven
moaning and lost control humping him back was big turn on for hubby coley keep stretching my pussy i knew
he was about hop off soon was still cumming I cant stop and hubby seen that he said damn you like fucking him
i said yessss feels great dont let him stop hold him in me
he started hold coley ass in me made me cum some more i was shaking so hard thinking of champ next
told him let him go and he did few minutes he pop out and hubby was like damn your pussy huge
told him it swelled up silly
he said want try other dog. i said his name champ
he said try him if hes to big its not problem but try please
said i dont know if i can he said we can go easy
told him get him
I almost cum when i said that
champ came in ran straight to me started to sniff coley was put back in garage
he licked me few time and tryed to hop on
you could see his cock starting to peek out of his sheath and he was already bigger than coley
guided him in me and had to grip the mat he was jack hammering me so hard scoot me across the floor
head was againt the love seat i was screaming hes biggggggggggg
my hubby was like hes almost half way in you his knot big look see if you can take it
looked thru my legs and he was Huge he was punding me hard was moaning so fast and hard
hubby asked if im ok said yessssssssss he feels great hes said continue then
he had have 11 or 12 inches to the knot and that thing was 2 times as big as baseball
he keep going deeper and deeper felt his knot hitting my pussy lips
his cum coley cum and my cum was pouring out of me
couple more hard pushes and i started push back i was that knot deep in me
pop in it went i almost passed out it hurt like hell but felt great at same time
my hubby was like damn he just tore your pussy up
i lost control humping him trying get him hump me back he just stood there draing his cum sack in me was Hot Hot
Hottttttt all i could do was moannnnnn his knot got bigger and bigger i could feel it growing felt so great
bet i cummed 10 times with Champ
he would pull back his knot with push against my G spot make me start cumming agin i shook and shiver for the longest time time
lost all track of time i was in haven my hubby was like told you you would love it
after longest of time felt him getting soft and started to pull out made me cum even more tighten up on him u could feel him starting to swell again
another 15 to 20 minutes it was over he pulled out and his knot was still huge my hubby said damn you took all of that huge thing
he wanted to look at my pussy its was swollen huge and hole was large he said you could put a 2 liter coke bottle in me cum was gushing out of me
i was in heaven he had help me up told him clean mess up jumping in hot soapy bath soak went up start keep rubbing my clit i knew right then im not giving this dog back
If i had Buy him stay tuned for me

Happy Humping

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This is a true story that really happened to me. Here is the very first time I was ever with a dog.
I was less than a month away from being 16 years old and I just started back to school that fall. Both my parents worked and I’m an only child so when I got home I had the house to myself for about 3 hours till my parents got home from work.
I was always horny and I had lost my virginity about 6 months before. I would fantasize about my current boyfriend while I masturbated. This day, I went up to my room to change out of my school skirt. I had been feeling extremely horny all day, so after I got undressed, I layed on my back on my bed with my feet hanging to the floor off the edge. I started playing with my breasts and pinching my nipples. Soon I let my fingers wander down to my wet pussy. I loved to tease myself for as long as I could. I would rub a finger up and down my wet pussy lips, but I wouldn’t let it enter me untill I was good and hot.
I had my eyes closed not paying attention to anything, just working quickly to the point of being over heated, when I felt something lick my fingers on my pussy. I jumped up and was a little irritated that I was brought out of my masturbation trance. I looked to see that it was my dog. He was an older Golden Retriver that I had since I was a baby. I pushed him away wanting to get started back to what I was doing. I layed bacd down and continued where I left off. My pussy and my body were on fire and I was working two fingers in and out of me and making little circles around my clit. I felt my dog lick me again and I yelled at him to get away and pushed at his nose with my fingers. His tongue lapped at my fingers licking my juices off and the tip of his tongue hit my clit one time and it sent a shock of pleasure through me.
I decided to let him lick me for a minute. After all it did feel good and maybe he would get bored and go away. I opened my legs and let him lick me and my god! his tongue went right up inside my pussy and in and seemed to be sucking the juices out of me. He licked from my ass to my clit and he was really getting me hot. Hotter than my fingers could have ever made me. My juices were really flowing as I felt his hot tongue reaching inside me and rubbing over my clit. He would lick my asshole for a minute, his tongue almost going inside and then move up and it would reach inside my pussy and then over my clit sending shudders through me.
I spread as wide as I could to give him access and soon I could feel an orgasm coming. I was hissing ” Thats it Toby, lick me, lick me good, make me cum Toby” I felt like a dirty little slut and I wanted to cum so bad but all of a sudden he jumped on top of me and started humping. I could feel the tip of his cock poking at my thighs near my pussy and I could feel hot spurts of wetness hitting me. I got scared and pushed him off me. He looked at me for a minute and then he went back to licking me. He licked all of his spurts off my thighs and ten went back to my pussy. I layed back down to enjoy his tongue again but he only licked for a minute and then he jumped back on top of me.
I was so hot and so close to having an orgasm. I suddenly got this thought in my head. I knew it was taboo and dirty but that turned me on even more and made a hot flush go through my body. What if I let him stick his cock inside me? I was super hot and I needed to cum really bad.
Instead of pushing him off, I let him continue to hump me. I could feel the tip of his cock humping against my crotch but he couldn’t seem to find the hole. I reached down thinking I would help guide him in. This was so dirty and soo kinky I thought. I found his cock and it was really hot to the touch and wet too. As my fingers wrapped around it, he humped faster and more of his wet stuff was squirting out getting my pussy lips wet. I finally guided the tip of his cock to my pussy. Once he felt the tip of his cock enter my wet pussy, he humped really hard and shoved it almost all the way into me. The feeling of his hot dog cock entering my pussy and the feeling of it being so nasty made an orgasm race through my body. He only was inside me a couple of strokes until he pulled it out to far and it fell out, but that was enough to push me over the edge.
He was busy tring to get it back inside me and I wanted to feel it in me again. Before I could reach his cock again, he managed to get it in me once more. God! his cock felt so hot and he pounded it into me. I was so excited and hot that I would have cum again if he had stayed in me just a minute longer but in his over eager ness to fuck me, he fell out again and this time he jumped off of me and started licking again. It only took a minute of that and I wa convulsing with another orgasm. A huge one this time. I must have squeezed his head between my legs when I came because he jumped out of the way and layed down to lick his cock clean.
From that day on, Toby was my new sex partner. Almost every day I would call him up to my room and I would let him lick me and penetrate me to fantastic orgasms. The more we did it the better he got at it. After a few months I could take his small knot inside me. I never knew what pure pleasure was until I took his knot the first time.
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Brenda had recruited another young dish as a potential member of our sorority. This twenty year old peach was named Amy. She and her mom of 42, a newly divorced woman named Elizabeth and called Beth, had moved into the smart looking Spanish style home at the right hand curve of the Monterrey drive cul-de-sac.

The source of this story is Storiesonline
Sex Story: This is how I got started having sex with dogs. In order to understand why and how this came about you should read "My First Gang-bang" it all started from that
Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft 
True Story 
Gang Bang 
Anal Sex 
Well to understand this part of my young life you need to read about the first time that I had my first Gang-Bang. Otherwise this part of my confessing all my little dirty secrets will not make much since at all. Let's see how do I start this out? I know from the next day.
Bill and I went back to the abandoned house the next day after school just like we always did. When we walked inside there where the boys from the day before and they had brought another boy. It did not take much time before the big boy was giving orders again. He told me to strip, which I did. This time I was not scared at all. In fact I was very excited, I had hoped that the boys would come back one day so we could do the Gang-Bang again. You could not understand my excitement when we found them in the house waiting for us and then to have the big boy telling me to strip. I knew I was going to have them all fuck me again. As I remember it, my head was swooning with excitement. I had no idea that they had anything different in mind than yesterday; that is until one of them started to take Polaroid pictures of me taking off my cloths. Bill objected but the big boy told us not to worry, no one would see them but us. To be honest, I really did not care, in a way I kind of liked it. Bill kept objecting and the big boy finely told Bill that if I did not want them to take the pictures that they would stop. They all looked at me and I told them that I wanted to see what I looked like being fucked by them.
If I remember right they called the big boy Henry, (I am not sure but what the heck.) Henry had me lay down and told Bill lick me as they took pictures. Then he had Bill stop long enough and move out of the way so he could put his cock in me first. That day I did all the boys real quick. I mean they would put their dick's in me, make a few pumps and shoot their stuff in me, jump off and another boy got right back inside of me. It was all real quick and I think I only climaxed maybe 3-4 times with all of them the first time because they all seemed like they were in such a rush. It seems I had one in my mouth and one in my pussy the minute Bill got up. The next time that Henry fucked me he had me get up on all fours, then they started in one after another doing my butt hole. When I turned over one of the boys crawled under me and started to lick me as I went to work on his dick. We
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