Fucking My Baby Cousin

Fucking My Baby Cousin


Fucking My Baby Cousin
My 13 year old cousin raped me when I was 9. I feel personally responsible for her suicide.
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First off, obviously this is a throwaway. I am a 20 year old male and I'm having a bit of a hard time in my life right now. I have never told anyone about what happened when I was younger. I am finally able to seek the thoughts of anonymous strangers on the internet.
It started off innocently enough, I was hanging out with my cousins Kristina (the abuser, also not using real names) and her older brother Carl (he was 17 at the time) at my house. My dad was at work and my mom was looking for jobs pretty intensively, so I was put into the care of Carl as a babysitter. I fondly remember playing a Starwars game on the playstation 1 with him. Carl worked at Burger King and his shift was starting soon, so he called my mom and asked when she would return home. She said it would be about an hour before she came home, but it was fine if he went to work because Kristina could watch me for what little time she would be gone.
This is where the memories become really vivid. Carl got his clothes from his car, got dressed, and left for work. Kristina was pretty happy that he was leaving and I wasn't really sure why, but I kept playing Starwars and having a good time. I was stuck on this impossible level where you have to fly the imperial falcon through this series of pipes, and I couldn't beat it. Kristina suggested we play a different game.
She led me to the guest bedroom in our house and told me I had to lay in the bed and she climbed in too. She ducked under the covers and pulled my shorts off. I asked what she was doing and she said I couldn't tell anyone what was happening or I would get in a lot of trouble. I believed her. I was scared and I knew what was happening when she began giving me a blowjob. I asked her to stop and I told her it was bad and that we shouldn't be doing it. She crawled back up the covers and laid on top of me.
Of all the things I remember from that day, the weight of her body pressing down on my chest is the most painful. I felt like I was being punished. I couldn't move from under her. She took her underwear off and pressed herself down on my tiny 9 year old manhood. She continued to have sex with me for a few minutes and at one point I specifically remember crying between my pleas for her to get off of me. She told me to stop being a baby. At this point she flipped over and pulled me on top of her. I seized my only opportunity and jumped out of the bed. My dick was covered in blood, and I didn't know enough about sex to deduce where it was coming from. I thought she hurt me very badly. I screamed and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I jumped on the counter and started washing my penis in the sink.
Through the door I heard her yelling that it was ok and completely normal. I know now that she must have been a virgin and the blood was from her hymen. I also knew that what happened wasn't normal. I felt dirty and ashamed of myself. I didn't know everything about what happened but I was scared enough not to tell anyone or ask any questions.
She went home later that day and it was never spoken of again. I didn't see her for about a year after it happened, and when I did it was to say goodbye to their family when they moved to another state.
Fast forward to 2010. My life is pretty normal at this point. I've had my fair share of girlfriends, and beyond some mild sexual repression, I feel like a pretty normal guy. I don't really ever think about that particular part of my past. I get home from school one day and my mom tells me she has some bad news. I was not expecting to hear what came next.
"Your cousin is dead." I still don't know why she said it so bluntly. Maybe there was no other way she could say it, given that her sisters child had taken her own life.
"Who? Kristina? She's dead? She was only 19!"
"She committed suicide. She was found in bed with a bottle of pills."
My mom began to cry and I hugged her. I was fairly emotionless at this point, trying to take it all in. I hadn't seen her in years and we weren't close after what had happened. I didn't cry. Not the first day. I was shocked and I didn't believe it. All those repressed memories came back into my head, and all I felt was guilty.
Two days later I received a box in the mail with my address on both the send to and return address sections. It contained a teddy bear, and in it's sewn together arms, a single sheet of paper folded in thirds. It contained her senior picture from high school.
The note read: "Im sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me. I love you."
I broke down and fell into a depression that seemed to last weeks. I wasn't sure entirely if the apology was because of the suicide, the rape, or probably both. All I knew is that I had forgiven her. I feel guilty that she felt she had to end her life. I feel terrible I resented her for so long, and that I missed out on all the time I had to miss her. Why did it have to happen like this? If she had reached out to me I know I would have forgiven her... Anyway, It's been 5 years today and it still isn't easy. I'll live today with her picture burning a hole in the back of my mind, the teddy bear staring at me from my closet.
I miss you K. I'm sorry it had to end this way. <3
I'm really glad to get this off my chest, talking about it was very cathartic. I'm sorry it was graphic, thank you for reading my story.
TL;DR: Female cousin raped me when I was 9, she later committed suicide and sent me an apology in the mail posthumously. It's been 5 years since her death and I wanted to get this story off my chest.
I'm so sorry for what happened to you. What she did was unquestionably wrong. It's good that you were able to forgive her for this, and I'm so glad you weren't mentally damaged too badly by the event.
I just want you to know and understand that there is never one reason for a person to commit suicide. She likely had many demons that she battled, and found that suicide was her only option. You are in no way responsible for any of the choices she made.
Thank you for your kind words. They really do help.
Wow, I don't have a clue what to say. That had to be incredibly rough to deal with. How are you holding up?
Today is going to be rough, but I'll get through it. Other than that I don't think I have too much lasting damage. It all gets better with time.
You were nine my friend. How can a nine year old be responsible for - literally - anything ? They cannot.
There were some major things going on with your cousin. She had no right to do those things with you, and she knew they were wrong as she immediately pressed you never to speak of it. I'm glad you've forgiven her. That shows a lot of maturity and selflessness.
Anonymous thoughts from us internet strangers might be nice, but don't underestimate talking to a professional counselor or therapist. They can really help you frame things like this and make sure they don't continue to eat away at you. I wish you the best and I hope very much that you're at peace.
I suspect that as a 13 year old, she was abused by someone else before this happened to you.
So much this. I'm so sorry, OP. You didn't cause this. I shudder to think what happened to her that caused her to rape you, and then commit suicide years later. Poor girl.
The majority of rapists, male or female, are themselves sexually abused. They are conditioned at a young age to think this is normal behavior. When society tells men that it's impossible for them to be raped by a woman or high five them when their hot female teacher rapes them (even if they want it, they are not old enough or psychologically developed enough to know the emotional implications of what they are doing) we are ensuring the next generation of future rapists.
Obviously no one knows what had happened to her and I don't doubt that something like that could have happened to her but when the very first reaction to this is it is not her fault because of "fill in the blank" is tired, old and no longer thrown out as an excuse. Please allow all genders to take responsibility for their actions and realize the huge double-standard in the room and please do not extend a free-pass for illegal actions for anyone for any reason. That is a really cool way to approach illegal behaviors.
You know OP, I grew up with similar circumstances. I also had cousins that are female that did the same to me. There was no intercourse but I was molested by older cousins. I was a bit younger I'm not sure how old but I remember it greatly. There were other instances where my aunts would touch in a not good way and say things that made me uncomfortable. As I'm older now I realize why I have such issues with women who come on to me too strongly or say things out of no where.
It sounds dumb but it is what it is. This shit happens and people may not see the affects of it all at once or even immediate affects but they do show. My gf tells me I'm angry I told her why I think so and we are working taking steps to working on it. To this day I barely even see my family and hardly interact with them.
My younger sister repeatedly raped my youngest half brother for about a year. She also molested (possibly also raped) several other young boys in the neighborhood during that time too (one of them took his own life in his teenage years). She was only caught when one of the boys told his parents, and the father came knocking on our door. When he tried to discuss it with my mother, my mother told him to leave and then basically told everyone never to speak of it, ever. She beat and punished my younger sister, and then nobody ever talked about it. I didn't even know my sister did that to my brother too, until he told me when he was in his thirties, and he said I had helped put a stop to it. All I remember is that I had walked into my brother's bedroom when he was little, and saw my younger sister in bed with him and the covers up to their chins, and she was scurrying under the blanket, like she was pulling her pants up, and her face looked red and all. It made me feel so uneasy and also scared, because I honestly wasn't sure what exactly was going on. I suspected it wasn't good though, and told her that if I ever saw her in the bed with my brother like that again, that I would tell on her. I'm not sure why I didn't tell at the time, but maybe it was because I really didn't see anything, and maybe also because my mother has NBPD and she was very abusive, especially to my younger sister, and I guess I was scared of my mom killing her or coming close to it (my mom went completely savage on her once in the past). I really didn't know the extent of what happened to him until he told me that she did indeed rape him, several times a week, for about a year. I think maybe he was about 6 or 7 and she was about 14. To this day, nobody in the family is supposed to talk about it. My step-father, my half-brother's father, still has relations with my younger sister, which upsets my brother deeply, because to this day she acts like it doesn't matter. I mean that has to really be the biggest kick in his face about all of it. My younger sister comes over for holidays and what not and my brother has to endure that. My parents had forced her to apologize to him when he was older, which she did, but he knew it was a forced apology and not genuine. And just because she said she was sorry, she acts like it erases everything and that nobody should ever talk about it. I think the hardest part for my brother is that everyone acts like it never happened now and that he shouldn't talk about it, and if he does, then he is the negative person, full of hatred, and causing trouble and waves. I have talked to my therapist about my family and all of this, and he suspects that something sexual happened to my sister for her to do what she did. I don't recall anything ever happening to her and she never mentioned it, so I really don't know. I know she's never ever going to apologize for what she did and feel real, true remorse for all of her victims, because she only cares about nobody knowing about it and keeping it all a secret. Anyway, you are not alone... and at least you know your cousin felt true remorse in the end.
Nothing she did was ever your fault. Nothing. Not her rape of you. Not her personal emotional misery. Not her suicide.
I hope that knowing you have forgiven her, and knowing how tormented she clearly was, will allow you to find some peace and compassion that will act as a balm for your pain.
I strongly suggest you find a therapist to work through all this also.
What a horrible thing for you to go through. Sending you a million blanket-wrapped warm, safe hugs with a cup of hot chocolate for good measure.
You are not responsible. She chose to hurt you and if that was a thing that weighed on her conscience then she brought that guilt on herself. You've done nothing wrong. Your cousin was really fucked up. I'm sorry if the wording offends you but from what you said its true. You have done nothing. A person's suicide is their choice. She chose. She obviously had a lot going on and you are a symptom of that, not a cause of the disease. Don't blame yourself. Do get some counseling.
Well I wouldn't immediately judge her, since there is a relationship between people who are abused and those who abuse others. Especially when she was just 13 years old when this happened, you can't rule out that she was a victim herself and dealt with it in this unfortunate way.
And even when she wasn't abused and simply did this because she wanted to experiment or something like that, given her young age it's hard to imagine she was fully aware of the implications of her actions.
I'm so very sorry for what happened to you. I just want to reiterate that you were not responsible for the abuse you endured or her suicide. I'm glad you were able to talk about it here and feel better. You may also want to look into professional counseling to help you continue to move past this.
It's not your fault. Please release yourself from your guilt. For her to have done that to you, someone else had done it to her. Sexual abuse follows a long, convoluted string of blame. Please consider grief and rape counseling to help you process all this in a healthy manner. I wish I could offer more than an internet hug.

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From time to time, I spend the holidays with my mum’s elder sister and I used to get on well with my cousins. But early last year, I woke to feel the hand, of my eldest cousin under my nightie.
I was so frightened though curious that I pretended to still be sleeping. After this, he tried to have full sex with me, but I pushed him off. Then he started being very nice to me, introducing me to his friends and giving me presents.
I was having such a good time that when next he came to the guest room, I let him have sex with me. He now thinks he could do that any time he wants but I’ve told him to stop.
Recently, he’s been forcing me to have sex with him whether I like it or not. I enjoy the sex but I’m only 16 and he is my first cousin. How do I make him stop?
What you’re doing is incestuous. First you are not at all legally allowed to have any sexual relationships because of genetic problems it could bring, if pregnancy occurs. Moreover, you’re too young to be playing with adult emotions. You are having unprotected sex which could either result in unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
You have to be firm with your cousin and put an end to this nonsense. Threaten you’ll tell his parents or yours if he doesn’t stop. When next he crawls into your bed at night, say no and mean it. Leave the room if need be.

Home » Relationships » ‘I woke to feel my cousin’s hand under my nightie’
[Pics] Here’s What 30 Historical Figures Actually Looked Like Gloriousa
10 reasons I can’t be Peter Obi’s running mate – Aisha Yesufu
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[Pics] Photos Show The Difference Between Meghan & Kate's Parenting ArticleSkill
[Pics] William And Kate Have Been Told Their Fate After Charles Finally Becomes King Interesticle
Disclaimer Comments expressed here do not reflect the opinions of vanguard newspapers or any employee thereof.
From time to time, I spend the holidays with my mum’s elder sister and I used to get on well with my cousins. But early last year, I woke to feel the hand, of my eldest cousin under my nightie.
I was so frightened though curious that I pretended to still be sleeping. After this, he tried to have full sex with me, but I pushed him off. Then he started being very nice to me, introducing me to his friends and giving me presents.
I was having such a good time that when next he came to the guest room, I let him have sex with me. He now thinks he could do that any time he wants but I’ve told him to stop.
Recently, he’s been forcing me to have sex with him whether I like it or not. I enjoy the sex but I’m only 16 and he is my first cousin. How do I make him stop?
What you’re doing is incestuous. First you are not at all legally allowed to have any sexual relationships because of genetic problems it could bring, if pregnancy occurs. Moreover, you’re too young to be playing with adult emotions. You are having unprotected sex which could either result in unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
You have to be firm with your cousin and put an end to this nonsense. Threaten you’ll tell his parents or yours if he doesn’t stop. When next he crawls into your bed at night, say no and mean it. Leave the room if need be.

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