Fucking Monsters Pt. 03

Fucking Monsters Pt. 03

Hello, thank you for stopping by on the third part of this story, I really wanted to give the reader a little information about Jasmine before I move this plot forward, so, in this chapter, you will get a bit of background on our heroine and get to learn about our Creature's possessive behavior.

My eyes had a hard time adjusting to the sunlight after being shut-in for five days, but my skin felt amazing under the sun. When my vision adjusted I gasped in surprise, we emerged from a small shed near the majestic mountains. We were surrounded by tall trees and the sounds and smells of nature. Before I could take in our whereabouts, the beast leaped in the air, causing me to hold on tightly. It quickly cleared a great distance stopping in front of a clear river at the base of the mountain. A stream of water flowed down the mountainside.

I felt excitement course through me as the beast set me down, and I promptly ran toward the river, dipping my foot in, before taking the plunge. It was cold but I didn't care, after spending so many days cooped up in a small little room I needed the freedom that swimming provided. Coming up from the water laughing I started floating on my back and felt the flow of the water caress my naked skin.

The creature stood at the riverbank looking down at me, its silver eyes following my every move.

I wasn't clueless when it came to the monster, it was dangerous and caused harm to many people but when it looked at me that way, I felt warm inside.

You should be thinking about escape, not frolicking about I thought, feeling conflicted. It hasn't been a week and I felt some sort of connection with the monster, I didn't want to be away from it. I wanted to...protect it in some unreasonable way.

Shaking off my worries I started kicking my legs, letting my body flow with the river. I heard a splash and the beast was treading next to me, and I couldn't help myself, I splashed it with water and swam in the other direction feeling myself laugh. Before I could get far the beast grabbed me with its tentacles lifting me in the air above the water level.

"Put me down," I demanded.

A look of something like mischief crossed the beast's face and I frowned down at it.

"Don't you do it," I said shivering. The beast lips pulled back, showing its teeth.

Is it smiling right now?

Suddenly I was dropped in water, and I breathed it in, causing me to sputter when I came back to the surface.

You're not getting away with that, I thought, climbing on the monster's back, trying to use my weight to shove it down by its large shoulders to no avail.

Dipping back in the water, I gave up the fight and started floating on my back, enjoying the sun rays. I felt the beast hand grab mine, while it floated next to me.

My heart grew warm and I felt as if I could enjoy the moment forever. The beast pulled me into its arms, against a warm hard chest and kissed my forehead tenderly.

I'm in trouble, I thought, extending my arms as much as I could to hug the beast.


Several hours passed and Riley was nowhere near locating Jasmine's whereabouts. His team of catchers was drawing up short as well. The tracking monitor was not working and Riley feared the worst.

The creature is not prone to killing, he thought reassuring himself, frowning down at the blank monitor,what could be jamming this up?

All TRACE's employees were microchipped two years ago for security reasons. A three-tier scientist was abducted causing the higher-ups to panic about a potential harmful leak that could shut the compound down. The scientist was eventually recovered and it was discovered that his kidnapping had nothing to do with work, but for a personal reason involving his soon to be ex-wife.

Sighing Riley glanced over at one of the catchers, "Did you happen to bring a scent detector?"

"No, sir," said the catcher, glancing down at his watch, "I could head back to the compound's equipment center but it will be dark by the time I get back."

Another lost day, thought Riley, trying not to let the guilt sink in. Leaving Jasmine was eating at his conscious after bearing witness the damage that happened to Jennifer. Never in a million years would he have thought the monster would capture Jasmine and take her away.

What is he doing to her, he thought imagining the worst.

"Be back by sunrise," Riley told the catcher, turning to the rest of the team. "We will camp here tonight, take extra precautions, the beast could be anywhere, we will sleep in shifts."


We returned to the small shed and the beast left and quickly returned with long strips of fabric, a blanket, some packaged goods, and what appeared to be fresh clothes. It walked over to me and started wiping me down carefully with the fabric, starting with my hair and working its way down.

Where is he getting this stuff from, I paused on the thought, surprised at myself. So, it is he now?

Feeling confused I tried stepping away from the beast, but it pulled me closer and stuffed me into a bright yellow dress.

A dress? I thought,I never wear a dress.

It wasn't that I never wanted to wear a dress, but my gender has always been a huge question mark when I went out in public. My mother thought it best if I wore gender-neutral clothing because it would draw less attention and after one awful experience during my schooling period I agreed with her. I thought back to the way the mojo-operator that hopped us to the mountains looked at me with confused eyes, trying to determine my gender.

Although I was named as a female, my gender became questionable even to me as I grew up and was faced with my sexual identity. It didn't help that my genitalia seemed to always morph depending on who I was attracted to. When I tried to describe this to my mother she laughed it off, telling me that I was imagining things and pleaded with me not to discuss the problem out in public.

I lost my virginity later in age to a man I met at a barstop, outside of my third-schooling house.

"Hey man," he slurred, sliding on the stool next to me, "you look like a woman." He was staring me up and down, his eyes resting on my flat chest.

"Your face is really pretty," he continued, "and those eyes are killer, what color are they."

I couldn't tell him, my eyes were prone to change colors depending on the mood. Ignoring him I took a sip of the toxic-brew and allowed the burn to travel to my chest. I felt my cheeks grow warm as my shoulders started to relax. I just had a conversation with my parents about becoming a tactical agent for TRACE and they didn't support the idea at all. They argued that the job was too dangerous and I needed to go into something less demanding like a visual-holographic planner, or a dental technician.

"Is that the Toxic you're drinking," he said sounding surprised, "you're just a little bitty to be tasting that fire."

"I could hold mines," I said, finally giving the man some attention. "Unlike some people..." I trailed off.

This drunk is frigging hot, I thought examining him. Although he was sitting, I could tell that he was quite tall. His dark hair hung around his shoulders, and he was quite muscular under a sweater. I felt my underwear getting wet as I shifted on the stool.

"You're horny aren't you," said the man knowingly, with a glint in his eyes.

"What makes you say that," I asked, feeling my clit pulsate.

Am I drunk or what, I thought, feeling desire coarse through me. My hormones are never this bad.

The guy winked at me, "I could always tell, man."

He reached out and touched my thigh, sending signals to my brain that I wasn't able to control.

"Do you want to get out of here," he asked.

"Yeah...sure," I said slowly.


We didn't get too far before we were tearing off each other's clothes. We were behind a large recycling container by the barstop, under a light post. The weather was cool but my body was still warm from the drink I consumed. I did not have one thought about being a virgin as my desire was uncontrollable.

The man lips were kissing my bare chest, and trailing down my navel, licking the inside before continuing lower.

"What is this," the man exclaimed. I looked down and the man was examining my privates in fascination.

"That's not a dick," he said with certainty, and without warning used his tongue to lick it. "Oh my god, you are a woman with a huge fucking clit!"

Embarrassed, I felt my desire wane a bit, but it was instantly turned up when the man started sucking my clit, moving his tongue all over it. I moaned loudly, throwing my head back when the pleasure hit me like a brick. I felt juices running down my legs as the man continued to suck my clit. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down further and the man took out his fingers and shoved two up my pussy.

Legs buckling, I slid to the ground and the man crawled on top of me.

"You are ready for this dick," he said and with one thrust he entered me. I was not ready for the pain and my legs kicked out a bit. The man paused and looked down at me with drunken eyes.

"You are tighter than an asshole," he said, slowly moving his hips.

I felt as if my skin was on fire as the man took his time fucking me. My internal walls were wrapped tightly around him as he moved in and out.

"Oh yes," said the man, "this is some good pussy."

I was turned on by the dialog and I started meeting his slow strokes.

"Oh I want to lick that sweet pot again," he said slipping out of me before I could protest. He started in on my clit again but paused.

"Is it me or did this thing get shorter," he asked confused.

"It's just you, get on with it," I said impatiently.

"Looks like you're bleeding," he continued, swiping his fingers between my thighs and pulling them out to examine.

"Are we doing this," I said, feeling my desire burn out.

"Of course," he said leaning over me, he thrust his cock back in me, speeding up the pace.

"MMM," I moaned, getting back into the mood. I felt a pleasant pressure gather at my lower regions and while he rocked faster, a flood rushed out of me and my hips started to shake.

"Oh that's hot," he said, pulling out of me and cumming on my stomach.

I stared down at the wet mess and groaned.

What the hell was I thinking.


I was pulled out of my thoughts from the low growl behind me, I turned around to face the beast. His lips were pulled back and his sharp teeth were exposed, his long nose was in the air and his tail was pointed straight out.

He looks mad, I thought backing away slowly. I knew that the beast wouldn't harm me but I didn't want to take any chances just in case I was wrong.

"What is it," I asked, knowing that I would not be able to communicate with the beast.

Silver eyes squinted at me and I felt the tension in the room rise.

What is he about now?

The beast circled me slowly and I turned with him to see what he was going to do.

"What is it," I asked again.

Before I knew it, I was stripped naked and wrapped up in the beast arms while he aggressively kissed me. It's long tongue invaded my mouth and started swirling around. His kisses were intoxicating and I wanted to feel more. I pressed my body closer to his, but he stopped the kiss and laid me gently on the floor. He took his arms and spread my legs and he crouched down and peer at my pussy.

He buried his long nose between my legs and he started sniffing.

What now? I thought, feeling my juices running.

The beast stood up and glared down at me. All six of his tentacles extended from his back and started caressing me all over. Two roamed over my highly sensitive nipples causing me to arch my back, two more was stroking the folds of my pussy and the other two gripped at my thighs.

"Oh yes," I said feeling turned on.

The beast was stroking his massive cock, while playing with my body. I could see precum start to ooze out of the head.

The beast howled and I felt it in my bone and my body shook all over. My skin was getting hot and I could feel beads of sweat collect at my temples.

"Are we doing this," I asked breathlessly.

The beast stopped his attention abruptly and leaned over to growl in my face. His tentacles retracted and he howled again.

What is it

The beast was gripping his cock and his balls looked unbelievably full. His continuous howls were getting to me and I started to sit up but the beast gently pushed me back down with his free hand. Laying on the hard floor, I watched the beast stoke it's massive cock until I started getting impatient and begun playing with myself too. My now much smaller clit stood at attention and I was rubbing it vigorously.

Wasn't this beast hideous a couple of days ago, I thought,He's completely hot to me now.

The beast howling stopped and when I glanced at his eyes I was surprised to see that they were golden now. Before I could process the change the beast stood over me with its cock and started squirting me with some kind of clear, warm liquid. It was all over my face, down my neck, on my breast and belly.

The beast pushed my legs further apart and he squirted more liquid on my pussy, making it extra slippery, I felt my body heat up and it was getting to be painful.

"Stop," I cried out, but the beast ignored me and flipped me around and started shooting streams of the weird liquid on my back.

Is it marking me, I thought before I felt the pain intensify. "Oh god, no more," I screamed, feeling on fire. My whole body shook from the pain and I felt as if I were about to die.

The beast propped me up on my knees and entered my pussy quickly, I could feel it's tongue licking my neck and back and the pain subsided instantly.

The relief was so sudden that I collapsed on my belly and the beast followed me down, his cock still in me.

That was the worst pain I felt in my life, I thought, before blacking out.


When I woke, the beast was staring at me, hhttps://bitbucket.org/tiduhiku/tiduhiku/src/master/










is head down in a submissive position. His long tail was curled and his body was lowered to the floor.

As it should be, I thought back to the unimaginable pain he put me in. I sat up and glared at the beast.

"You hurt me," I said feeling angry with myself expecting anything different from such a monster. The beast let out a couple of whimpers and inched closer to me.

Why does this beast look kind of cute right now, I thought, letting go of my anger. Think Jasmine, think, you can't be fooled by this beast, you must stay strong.

"I want to go home," I told the beast, but I wasn't sure if that was completely true at this point, but I knew I couldn't stay locked up in some shed forever. The creature innocent expression turned hard after hearing my words. Standing on all four legs, the beast looked down at me, his hand reached down to stroke the side of my cheek.

"No," he forced out.

I froze.

Did I misunderstand?

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