Fucking High School Girls

Fucking High School Girls


Fucking High School Girls
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Eve Peyser
Eve Peyser is a writer from New York City whose work has been featured in The New York Times, VICE, Rolling Stone, and New York Magazine. 

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1. The prolonged makeout sessions. You'd make out until your mouth hurt, and then you'd make out some more. TBH, I miss this.
2. Over-the-pants hand jobs. In class. In the backseat of a car. At parties. On the bus. Anywhere. Everywhere. Always. Forever.
3. Speaking of which, you'd make out in the weirdest places. In the stairway at school. Behind the bleachers. In your friend's parents' bedroom. In the bathroom at a party.
4. But the best makeout spot was in the back of movie theaters. That is, unless the usher caught you.
5. When you'd make out at a party, somebody would always take a picture. Or point and laugh. Or both.
6. And when you saw your weekend hookup at school on Monday, you'd both pretend nothing happened. Why acknowledge that you made out when you could just make uncomfortable small talk? Or better yet, say nothing at all!
7. How guys were so bad at taking off your bra. And for some reason, the idea of you taking it off was inconceivable.
8. When a guy would give up on taking off your bra, but still try to feel you up. His hand would always get caught in the underwire, and it was soooo awkward.
9. That feeling when you know a guy wants to hook up with you — because he told your friend who told you — but he hasn't made a move . Or given any indication IRL. Or ever held a conversation with you. 
10. Grinding at school dances. Feelin' all those boners!
11. Having to make small talk with your hookup's mom before you guys went upstairs to "watch a movie." So awkward!
12. And then getting home and having your mom ask, "How was the movie?" It was, uh, fine. Let's talk about something else. Anything else. Please.
13. The terrible fingering. PSA to any teenage boys reading this: Don't just shove your fingers up a girl's vagina. Instead, focus on this thing called the clitoris .
14. Tolerating the smell of Axe while you're going at it. Really kills the mood!
15. All the dry-humping. So, so much of it.
Sometimes I feel like I could just dry hump forever
Follow Eve on Twitter and Instagram .

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Warning: This viral video of high school girls might make you blush

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Japan to drop pre-arrival testing for vaccinated travelers next month

Japan weighing end to pre-departure COVID testing, report says

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We need to talk about how good AI is getting

‘Bullet Train’ proves that Hollywood hasn’t lost its knack for topsy-turvy visions of Japan

72% of survey respondents blame border controls for not visiting Japan

You're crying! Study shows dogs get teary-eyed when they reunite with owners.

Time between COVID infection and symptoms shorter with newer variants, study shows
Episode 86: Twenty-five years of Pokemon
Is the eel industry on the slippery slope to extinction?
Dwindling domestic population threatens a centuries-old tradition.
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Japan to drop pre-arrival testing for vaccinated travelers next month

Japan weighing end to pre-departure COVID testing, report says

Hong Kong migrants seek to build a new life in Japan

In Japan's 'random travel' trend, Lady Luck chooses the destination

72% of survey respondents blame border controls for not visiting Japan

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We need to talk about how good AI is getting

‘Bullet Train’ proves that Hollywood hasn’t lost its knack for topsy-turvy visions of Japan

72% of survey respondents blame border controls for not visiting Japan

You're crying! Study shows dogs get teary-eyed when they reunite with owners.

Time between COVID infection and symptoms shorter with newer variants, study shows
Episode 86: Twenty-five years of Pokemon
Is the eel industry on the slippery slope to extinction?
Dwindling domestic population threatens a centuries-old tradition.
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