Frost Cosplay

Frost Cosplay


Frost Cosplay

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Emma Frost is both a formidable and sexual character in the X-Men universe. These cosplayers managed to exude every aspect of her just right.
X-Men cosplay is one of the best parts of attending comic book conventions. Sure, there are lots of other great franchises to celebrate, but Marvel's X-Men is uniquely special, given all of the amazing costumes each character has.
One of the most interesting of these characters is Emma Frost . Frost started out as a villain and then later joined the X-Men. She has been a leader of both the Hellfire Club and X-Men. Because of that fact, Frost has had many great costumes over the years. Here are ten Emma Frost cosplay that look just like the comics.
In the Avengers Vs X-Men comic book storyline, several X-Men characters were granted the powers of the Phoenix Force. Among these characters was none other than Emma Frost herself. Alongside her boyfriend Cyclops, Frost used these powers to battle the Avengers.
Uncanny Megan decided to use this version of Emma Frost as her inspiration. Her portrayal is spot on to the Phoenix Force Emma Frost from the comics. The strange cape and golden outfit are perfect replicas of the character's one-time costume.
Giving her own unique take, Ana Bertola decides to play on the fact that Emma Frost was a member of the X-Men. In order to communicate this fact, Bertola decided to wear an X-Men emblem on the chest of her costume.
Everything else about this costume is perfect in regard to recreating the White Queen in cosplay. The X-Men emblem is really nice because it distinguishes this version of Frost from the former, criminal leader version of the character.
Yaya Han is by far one of the best cosplayers in the game. Having gone on to reach incredible mainstream success due to her cosplaying skills, its no wonder that Yaya's interpretation of Emma Frost would be one of the best out there.
One of Emma's abilities in the comics is to turn her skin into a diamond-like substance that is incredibly hard to penetrate. Reflecting this with some makeup on her face, Han shows through her cosplay some in-depth knowledge about the character that other cosplayers either don't know how to incorporate or are simply unaware of.
Emma Frost has also been an inherently sexual character. Whether it be through her attitude, mannerisms, or costumes, the character has a way of simply exuding strong sexual energy. Without going too far, cosplayer Ana Aesthetic has fully captured this aspect of the character.
The classic white gloves and long white boots are essential to Emma's character. In the comics, those parts of her costume help give a sense that she's an upper-class individual. Showing off a little extra skin is something Emma does in the comics quite a bit, perhaps too much so. Ana Aesthetic noted this aspect and in her own way, explored it with her costume.
Chiquitita clearly is a big fan of the X-Men character. Her cosplay has some serious similarities when compared to the Emma Frost that Marvel fans are familiar with. Every piece of the costume fits together quite nicely and comes together to make a great whole.
What Chiquitita really nails is the top. The way it slants and connects to the cape is something very reminiscent of the character from the comic books. Overall, just another great interpretation of the character.
Aptly named for this specific cosplay, Sveta Frost does a great job at recreating the character that so many comic book fans are familiar with. Everything about the outfit is pretty much perfect.
What takes her specific cosplay above and beyond are the blue lips and deep blue eyes. They pop a lot against the white costume, just as they should. This leaves you fixed on her eyes. Also, her pose plays with the fact that Frost is a skilled telepath in the comics.
If anyone knows how to fully embody the White Queen, that person is cosplayer JJ Dreamworldz . As she is seated on that chair, this version of Emma Frost almost looks like royalty. As a leader of the Hellfire Club, the White Queen is royalty in a way.
This picture is overall is a perfect representation of the character. She appears to be using her telepathy and the reflection on the floor reflects the fact that Emma Frost can fight on two planes: the physical and the mental.
Clearly, Lily on the Moon is a cosplayer who knows exactly what she is doing. Her costume reflects many aspects of Emma Frost from the comics. From the gloves to the cape, and even the hair, Lily on the Moon is exactly on point.
One amazing touch is the makeup on the face. There were a few previous entries on this list that decided to emulate Frost's power to turn into diamonds by using makeup on their face. Lily the Moon does the best job at replicating this by far.
Amaya 's Emma Frost resembles the character at a time when she was leading a team of X-Men. During this phase of Frost's career, she was actually working to seduce Cyclops away from his longtime love Jean Grey.
Clearly, this version created by Amaya is both ready to defeat powerful bad guys and seduce mutant superhero leaders simultaneously. We hated to see Cyclops and Jean Grey break up, but he and Frost made for a great couple as well.
No cosplay on this list better represents Emma Frost's time as a member of the Hellfire Club than in this rendition by talented cosplayer La Esmeralda . The corset with the fluff at the top leading to a long, white cape is perfectly representative as the former X-Men villain.
In addition to those accessories, everything about the main outfit that La Esmeralda chose also fits in line with the popular Marvel character. Her attitude and mannerisms also match the elusive, sexual, mysterious energy that Frost is constantly putting out in the comic books. Overall, a perfect cosplay with absolutely no mistakes.
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Thats a really fucking good cosplay. Go to the next invitational or major when you can go in person. I bet alot of content creators will see how fuc accurate and good this cosplay is.
Wow I legit thought this was just a screenshot from in game and that this post was a troll. Basically I'm saying that this is very good
I thought it was some sort of really well made and rendered model in SFM or Blender before I read the title. This is extremely impressive, both the cosplay and camerawork.
Whenever I see a random playing her I protecc him with my life
Me and my friend had a tactic where I would go kapkan and he would go frost, if anyone walked through the doors it was instant death, we would also use castle in that tactic if my other friend was online
Where did you get the jacket from? I've been looking everywhere for something like that!
>Frost Cosplay, but flair says Buck Main, hmmmm
Without any jokes tho, it's a very nice cosplay. 10/10
I didn't think it was a cosplay until i saw the title
i deadass thought this was actually frost. good job.
Just need that Underarmor logo on the toque!
Wish I could see snow once more. Haven’t gotten it in years now her
Sexual innuendo alert! ⚠️ Lock up your Cav and hide your Frost, this person is gonna fap at the lot
Very good and that you took the picture in the snow perfectly sums it up
I’d definitely love more pics showing the full outfit! Great job
Edit: clicked on your profile and see there are more. Nice!

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