From red 🚩and green now comes beige: TikTok’s ‘beige flag’ trend explained

From red 🚩and green now comes beige: TikTok’s ‘beige flag’ trend explained

In the realm of modern dating, people typically use color-coded systems to identify potential partners in order to sort out which should be pursued and which should be ditched.

Realm - область, сфера
In order to - чтобы 
Sort out - понять, разобраться 
To pursue - преследовать 
To ditch - бросать

For instance, individuals labeled as red flags are partners one would likely avoid getting involved with. In sports, a red flag signifies that the game has been halted due to a foul committed by some players. Red lights on traffic signs also mean stop. 

For instance = for example 
To halt - остановить 
Foul - грязный, неприятный, мерзкий

This is also true in relationships, whether romantic or platonic. These are deal-breaker behaviors and traits that would likely push people to end a relationship before it got messy.

Deal-breaker - камень преткновения в отношениях/ Deal-breaker behavior - поведение человека в отношениях, которое может послужить причиной для разрыва
Messy - беспорядочный, запутанный

red flag is often a trait or behavior that serves as an indicator for people to cease or back away from a relationship. While this can be subjective, red flags often pertain to deceit, violent displays, controlling nature, gaslighting, a lack of emotional intimacy, love bombing, and breadcrumbing.

To cease = to halt = to stop
Deceit - обман, ложь 
Violent displays - проявления жесткости 
Love bombing - бомбардировка любовью 
Breadcrumbing - переводится как "Разбрасывание хлебных крошек». Синонимы: вводить в заблуждение, играть чужими чувствами. Очень часто этот вид манипуляций встречается в on-line отношениях на сайтах знакомств, когда человеку «кидают» крошки внимания, флиртуют, делают комплименты, ставят лайки и в итоге, заставляют поверить в искренность чувств того, кто на них, в принципе, не способен. Мало того, манипулятор бежит от них, как от чего-то страшного эмоционально и физически невыносимого для него.

Green flags, on the other hand, are positive qualities and characteristics that often denote a healthy relationship. This could include open communication, honesty, validating one’s emotions, providing assurance, fostering a safe space and healthy boundaries, and respect.

To validate - подтвердить, утвердить
Fostering - создание

According to University of the Philippines sociology assistant professor Samuel Cabbuag, these relationship flags in the online context pertain to habits and traits that people use to identify how they would act around a particular person.

However, flags in modern relationships aren’t just red and green. TikTok proves it could be beige, too! But what exactly is the beige flag trend in TikTok?

What is a beige flag?

Beige flags are typically described as traits that are not as concerning as red flags but are also not exactly as positive as green flags. These are people’s odd or weird attributes that would give one a reason to pause and then continue the relationship after a little pondering.

Odd - странный, необычный 
Weird - странный, причудливый 
Pondering - размышление

According to TikTok users, a beige flag could be one’s weird way of not putting their phones on silent because they fear their alarms won’t go off, or when someone would not charge their phones even when they have plans to go outside for a date and complain about their dead batteries.

While beige flags are subjective, these traits can either fall into the charming quirks category, like remembering everyone’s birthday, or weird recurring inside jokes these partners share (like wearing underwear with holes and showing them off).

Quirks - причуды 
Recurring - повторяющийся 
Holes - дырки
Show off - выставлять напоказ (или понтоваться)

Why is it so popular?

TikToker @itscaito, who also calls herself “CEO of beige flags,’’ claims to have coined this new dating term. But contrary to the current trend, her beige flag definition is a little different.

According to her, beige flags are boring traits that people possess.

In a TikTok video posted May 2022, the user said beige flags could range from hating coriander, liking pineapples on pizza, using a massive amount of “reference to extremely mainstream sitcoms, to using their love for puppies as their personality.

But regardless of its most accurate meaning, people have been joining the trend nonstop, maintaining its spot as one of the most famous trends on the social media app.

CEO - главный исполнительный директор
To coin - создать слово 
Accurate - это ложный друг переводчика! означает «точный».

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