From Start To Finish: What Can You Do With A Linux Server?

From Start To Finish: What Can You Do With A Linux Server?

Do you want to host a website for company information plus an e-commerce site? Do you need to host both a public website and an internal one for your organization? You can make either scenario happen within the same hardware via Linux and Apache.

This resource explains the process of hosting multiple websites on a single server using the Apache web browser. Apache is free and open source web server software enabling you to deploy websites to the internet. And it’s the most commonly used web server on the Linux operating system.

How to create a database server on Linux to be used on remote machines

Many platforms depend on databases to work, including your cloud tools, content management systems (CMSes), your HRM software - even your in-house applications and prebuilt tools. As a result, you need to know how to deploy a database server.

In this walk-through, we explain the entire process of installing a database, configuring the database for remote access, creating new databases and giving users access.

How to deploy an LDAP server

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) allows for the querying of a directory service over a network, making it useful for things like authentication. Using , users can log into their accounts from any machine on your internal network. But LDAP can do more than just authenticate desktops. You can also use it to validate usernames and passwords via Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, OpenVPN and Samba.

This guide will walk you through installing OpenLDAP on Ubuntu Server 20.04, setting up a management GUI and getting computers to authenticate to the server.

How to deploy an application with Kubernetes

Kubernetes describes itself as “a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation.” As you might guess, it takes serious admin expertise and developer skills to get the most from the technology. However, the result is an application capable of auto-scaling, preventing you from needing to manually provision resources when your needs change.

In this resource, we’ll walk you through the process of deploying the Kubernetes cluster. Then, we’ll explain how to deploy an app to the cluster and connecting to that app from your LAN.

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How to use Git on Linux

Git is the most popular version control system, loved by developers in all industries and used for projects of all sizes. It tracks changes made to code, which makes it an invaluable tool for developers who are collaborating on projects. And luckily, Git was developed specifically for the Linux operating system.

While Linux and Git work seamlessly together, the installation and use of the tool can be a bit challenging for new users. In this resource, you’ll learn how to use Git, from installation to pulling changes from the remote repository.

We’ll cover how to create a local repository, how to add files, how to commit and push files, how to connect Git to a Github remote repository and more. It’s the only guide you need to take full advantage of everything Git has to offer.

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