From Logistic Networks to Social Networks — Jean-Paul Bourrieres, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

From Logistic Networks to Social Networks — Jean-Paul Bourrieres, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

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As a result of its widespread implementation in economic and social structures, the network concept appears to be a paradigm of the contemporary world. The need for various services – transport, energy, consumption of manufacturing goods, provision of care, information and communication, etc. – draws users into interwoven networks which are meshes of material and immaterial flows. In this context, the user is a consumer of goods and services from industries and administrations, or they themselves are part of the organization (digital social networks).<br /><br />This book examines the invariants that unify networks in their diversity, as well as the specificities that differentiate them. It provides a reading grid that distinguishes a generic level where these systems find a common interpretation, and a specific level where appropriate analytical methods are used. Three case studies from different fields are presented to illustrate the purpose of the book in detail.

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