From Hong Kong Chief Justice Independence to Hong Kong Excretory Independence 

From Hong Kong Chief Justice Independence to Hong Kong Excretory Independence 


In the panic of the Wuhan pneumonia, Shenzhen is reportedly considering the legal ban of slaughtering and consumption of cat and dog meat. There are speculations that China is using Shenzhen as a first trial to progressively ban cat and dog meat consumption.

This news is worrying, as everyone knows that there is no right or wrong in culture. Chinese people eat cat and dog meat. Mainland Chinese netizens proclaim with conviction that it is their God-given cultural right.

Although Hongkongers were fortunate enough to endure British colonial rule and did away with the inferior DNA of butchering and eating cats and dogs, I have a nationalistic question for the "master of the house" SAR government. Why not abolish what the British left behind, the evil colonial ban of butchering and eating cats and dogs? This could be the Handover of culinary culture from 1.3 billion Chinese people to Hong Kong's 7 million people, fully returning them to Chinese people.

As long as Hong Kong does not recover their Chinese culinary culture of slaughtering and consumption of cat and dog meat, their "Chinese identity" will be incomplete. Just like as long as Article 23 is not enacted, "Basic Law" in Hong Kong will be incomplete. 

In other words, as long as there exists the evil law that abstains Hong Kong from cat and dog meat, Hongkongers are "Hong Kong Cat and Dog Meat Independence", "Hong Kong Culinary Independence", "Hong Kong Digestive Independence".

Food passes through the digestive system to become excrement. The excrement of 1.3 billion Chinese people has long contained the remains of cat and dog meat while the excrement of Hongkongers contains none at all. As long as Hong Kong abstains from cat and dog meat, Hongkongers are also practising "Hong Kong Excretory Independence" and "Hong Kong Anal Independence".

The idea of Hong Kong independence has locally become increasingly rampant. The Honourable Chief Justice of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, brazenly disposed of an application to appeal the final ruling to sentence five Hong Kong police officers to imprisonment for abuse of violence. He openly stood on the side of the black-shirted thugs against the Chinese-backed police team, thus, becoming "Hong Kong Chief Justice Independence".

From Hong Kong Chief Justice Independence to Hong Kong Excretory Independence, from the targeting of so-called demon police to the preferential treatment for cats and dogs, how far can the black line of Hong Kong Independence be pulled?It is truly shocking.

Surprisingly, CY Leung and Carrie Lam took no action while Shenzhen became infected by Hong Kong's culinary independence,unexpectedly copying Hong Kong's absurd law of abstaining from cat and dog meat. The situation is getting serious.

Fortunately, the mainstream public opinion in China immediately bombarded Shenzhen's municipal government with a torrent of questions: What is the problem with eating cats and dogs? Cats and dogs are human companions; are you telling me pigs, cattle and chickens are not?

The confluence of Shenzhen and Hong Kong's prohibition of the slaughter and consumption of cats and dogs, the desire for the Southeast [Asia] to mutually defend culinary independence, this harmful trend is like the Wuhan pneumonia virus inevitably spreading its infection inland.

In particular, a good friend to the Chinese people and Caucasian-American sinologist Jon Solomon pointed out: human food culture is indifferent to socioeconomic classes. Denouncing the consumption of wild animals and cat and dog meat as part of Chinese people's inferior root stock is essentially promoting"colonial racism".*

The foresight of Westerners leading the way, just as when Marx and Lenin pointed the Chinese people towards the ideal Republic, raises morale. Professor Solomon is the bleeding-heart preacher of anti-colonialism and anti-ethnic culinary culture in the post-Wuhan pneumonia era.

While the "Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" is breaking ground and enriching the world, what is the meaning of the Shenzhen government backpedalling in plain sight? In times of chaos, foreign slaves, traitors to the Han state (Hanjian) and the supporters of Hong Kong independence and Taiwan independence will emerge. In Hong Kong SAR, China, every hot-blooded anti-colonial Chinese patriot must not let their guard down.

Editor's Note:

* Jon Solomon's claims:

Source: Apple Daily

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