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Популярные блоги на тему "friendly-fires"
your daily dose of sadness spoilers will be tagged by book
Friendly reminder that Jorah Mormont probably doesn't know his father is dead ✿◕‿◕✿
friendly reminder that "cat" and "alayne", arya and sansa's aliases, together form "catelyn" ✿◕‿◕✿
Friendly reminder that we do not much about Allyria Dayne, but we do know her older brother died, her older sister committed suicide, the man she was promised to died (several times), and her little nephew, the Lord of Starfall, is in a war-torn region of Westeros ✿◕‿◕✿
"If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid." -George Patton 23. A Triplet. In college for Electrical Engineering. ____________________
Hi everyone :) This blog is actually just a complete mess but I still hope you kind of enjoy your stay. :)
August 2019 UPDATE: Hello! Well, after 8 years, the third album is out! Still Mike here, just an FF fan. I basically didn't blog anything between 2014-2019 for various reasons. I'll pop a few updates in here and there. Here's the old bio: New Friendly Fires videos found then shared. I'm Michael: just a fan. But members of the band have OK'd this blog. To contact, email The videos take a few seconds to show up. Worth the wait! The numbers indicate how many times they've been shared by others.
BBC Radio 1 - Live Lounge, Friendly Fires
I'm Kayla. This is my music blog. Coming soon.
A bullied engineer and an insufferable Ala Mhigan. Albrecht Beringer AND Martin Adler because I'm too lazy to refine this blog, much less make two. Balmung server. Follow backs are through Talaiga!
Focus, and release. Focus, and release. Focus, and –
there's nothing friendly about getting shot at. molly. 24. this tumblr is my life at random.
"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours." ~Lucas Scott "Don't pity the dead Harry, pity the living. And most of all, pity those who live without love." Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
"Do not go gentle into that good night; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." ~Dylan Thomas
"All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power, not truth." ~Friedrich Nietzche
// made in china, woke up in manhattan, left my heart in the bay
Simply because we loooove Friendly Fires ! I created this tumblr as I wanna gather and share everything that I can find about that marvelous band. All I'm going to publish is obviously not my property (I'll tell when it is). All sources will be cited, and I expect you (at least, those who wanna reblog it) to do the same ! Enjoy, mates !
I personally have a huge crush on Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs' remix of Hawaiian Air !
Hey gurl you're doing a sterling job with this tumblr, collecting all the pics into photo sets for nice n easy reblogs - love it! I can't get enough of Ed in general, his body and his sexalicious moves so, keep up the good work!! xxx
A blog dedicated to the Friendly Fires! Feel free to submit anything you'd like!! None of the material on this blog is mine, unless I say so.
Defeated No More (ft. Ed Macfarlane
#TeamJesusSaves, Christian is my race! Everything Scandal LOVE Kerry Washington , The Mindy project, Big Bang Theory, GH and my guy Kobe Bryant
This post is most likely not going to be as coherent as my previous posts because I am fresh off the high of that season finale but did y’all peep all the Olake parallel scenes and how hard Olivia played Fitz which is exactly what her daddy wanted her to do in the first place? Truly, I am hollerin’.
Let’s start with the ‘family is a weakness’ line of Rowan’s that Olivia internalized and sat to the side not because it’s bullshit but because she refuses to let it get in the way of what she needs. This ~lone wolf thing that her father had going on for the longest time is not who she is. Olivia needs people; she needs a family and she’s worked hard to develop her own and that’s not something she’s willing to let go. Interestingly enough though she is willing to let Fitz go, and I believe it’s because he’s not her family.
Olivia’s family accepts all of her even the dark scary parts, the parts that are evil, the parts of her that are ruthless and vindictive. They accept her which is why it was laughable that Fitz ever believed Rowan actually wanted him as the head of B613. Totally in character of course but utterly laughable. I actually guffawed when I watched that scene because B613 is a shadow organization. Their hands are stained with blood, and they do what they have to in order to preserve the republic. They are duty bound and they serve at the pleasure of the nation not the president. Fitz, a man that was willing to go to war for love. A man who was willing and able to carry on a relationship with a woman whose father killed his child. A man who has time and again put the nation in jeopardy because of his ~feelings could never be Command. No one is ever given that position. It’s not handed to you; you take it. How could a man whose favor and beliefs shift with the changing of the wind ever be formidable or fortified enough to withstand the demands and costs of Command? So, yes, Olivia did save him but she also reaffirmed what and who he is to her. A fantasy.
Their kiss on the lawn of the White House was picture perfect. Pristine in its beauty. Honestly, the stuff of romance. I applaud the show for it even as I giggle behind my hand because it was a masterful move. It’s telling that Olivia yelled, “Mr. President,” instead of Fitz. It’s telling that she told him that she wanted him to stay but he couldn’t if he was going to be Command and that even after he rescinded the order, Olivia still sent him on his way. She said goodbye. It wasn’t an ‘I’ll see you later’ or ‘I’ll see you soon’ but goodbye because Fitz is not her family and he does not fit into her world. He loves an idea of who she is just like she loves an idea of who he is but unlike him, Olivia’s love is tied to the White House, the seat of American power. You vacate that seat and her love vacates itself with you. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t care just means she has different priorities.
That’s not how family works though. Family has a seat at the table. Family knows where the bones are buried. They may not know all of the story but they know more than others and that’s a weakness Olivia is willing to have. It’s also something that Jake understands and Fitz never could. Fitz wants to live in an idyllic vision of what he believes to be true about people. The world is black and white to him but he’s also willing to be led by his nose in situations that he doesn’t want to deal with. Olake believe in shades of grey. They head straight through the realities of life no matter how ugly they are. And Olivia has something with Jake that she’s never had in a partner; the ability to be herself, to not pretend. She doesn’t have to be better than she actually is. All of that darkness she has sitting inside her; all of that anger can be all the way at the surface. It can lash out; it can strike and Jake won’t turn away from her. He may not always like it and he will certainly tell her about herself if needed but he won’t turn away. Olivia knows this because Jake has actually seen her at her worst, and he’s still here. Talk about ride or die.
The devil’s greatest weapon is not convincing us there is no God, but that we have plenty of time.
february lasted 8 years but march is already half over even though it started 3 days ago
— Sonia Johnson, WILDFIRE: Igniting the She/Volution (via sisterwitchconspiracy)
ever think about how unfeminist it is to tell women that smoking causes lung disease … what happened to “my body my choice”?? hypocrites. stop emphysema-shaming me
"she looks like a girl but she's a flame; so bright, she can burn your eyes -- better look the other way."
a.j. moto | 21 | botany major and biology major
It can be a Bad Dream if you want it to be // {Norah & AJ}
—You feel that the world is a neurological trap into which you somehow got caught
Paul Dierden. I served in the military a couple years ago and now my life is a bit of a mess right now. The things you do for love, right? Can I help you with anything? Or are you just going to stand there staring at me? (Indie RP for Paul Dierden from Orphan Black. Don’t be afraid to talk to me please! The big guy might be a bit of a hard ass but I’m not, I swear!)
It's been far too long since my character last went to sleep. How do you try to get them to?
megapussydestroyer69 is my tumblr best friend.
just a blog to collect oc aesthetics
none of you fucking know how to act normal so this post is about Hemaris thysbe now
Whatever may cross my mind - interesting, funny, weird, whatever...
A group of friends who are decent at video games up until the moment the cameras start rolling. Current series: Left 4 Friendly Fire
Sometimes you can find a fluffy fire dog here. There will be an "about" tag for mobile app users.
Indie Nyssa Barrera RP Written by Ezzy
I’m a very private person. You don’t ask, I don’t tell.
when you listen to a song you used to listen to ages ago and you get that weird as fuck spine chilling feeling as you remember how your life was at that point in time
A Let's Play Trio We play games and have a laugh while doing it. Sometimes we play well and other times we fail miserably. It just depends on the weather.
hey. my name is katherine lever. i'm 15 years old, brown-ish hair, green eyes. 5"6. nothing new. ♥ josh bentley lifes pretty good.
to die by your side would be a heavenly way to die.
My name is Cameron. Teacher, yeah, but honestly, I wish that was all there was to me. I've seen a lot of red in my days, and I guess it's time to replace the trigger with something I can control. At least that's what I tell myself. 'Cause hell, it sure beats prison.
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No worries, Cam. I have no intentions in shining the light on your malicious plans. Your secrets safe with me…As long as I get a castle of my own of course.
I'm 30 and I still have no idea how to adult
This time was different. Right wrong who cares. 4 letter words don't mean anything this year. It's all about what you mean. I didn't say what I said when I said it, sorry. I believe you were my world, but now I know that you were my worst. This pillow still has your dent from the side of your head. These sheets still smell like you were here yesterday. But you weren't. It's been weeks since I've seen you, but your thoughts keep me awake longer than they should. Im pretty sure I'll get over you.
The moon was out late tonight. A litte later than usual I know. I know It's not your style but I believed you. Waiting for you to walk all over me. Step by step I made my own grave Make sure they knew I cared I hope it states that here lies a man who cares.I know that the shore turns into the sea. All the questions never get the right answers. We will SeeWe will see. The waves will always subside I hope this doesn't flood your house.
Side blog for all things Dragon Age main blog: @zaniasky
Ed Macfarlane's dance moves appreciate post Part 2
Silhouettes by Friendly Fires - Director: Tom Dream
Friendly Fires - Love Like Waves (Lyric Video)

Zoro, Nami and Vivi are being burned alive. This much fire wouldn’t just burn them, it would immolate their bodies. It’s even worse since they are covered in highly flammable candle wax. By the time they can move they’re already on fire. Unless you can immediately put it out or you’re in proper protective clothing, being on fire kills you. Even if you can put it out, you will get third-degree burns. The process of dying of burns nauseates me so much I don’t want to describe it. Me, a person who regularly describes bones being liquefied.
Not only that, but the big danger our candle trio was in was that they were suffocating. Fire make hot. It is harder to breathe when it’s hot. It’s especially hard to breathe when you’re inhaling smoke and especially if that smoke is coming from the wax inside your throat. Melting wax inside your body is also probably a bad idea. This would not help you survive.
A normal person would’ve died doesn’t even begin to cover it. Unless you can immediately retrieve the three severely burned bodies and pump their respiratory systems full of magic oxygen that somehow doesn’t make fire worse, they are all very dead. Even if you do that, the pain from second-degree burns would be unbearable. The permanent nerve and tissue damage would severely disable you. You don’t survive being set on fire while suffocating under flammable substances. Honestly, this is probably the cruelest way to die via the Wax Wax Fruit.
On the plus side, your ears would get candled. Ear candling is bullshit pseudoscience, which is good anyway cuz this is a big enough candle that if it did work your brain would get sucked out.
art fight attack / friendly fire no. ? hmm Sierra for @chatemure shes so cute i love her design <3
For the BTHB, maybe friendly fire with hero x villain making a team together but somehow hero just go confused and stabs villain?
If you are uncomfortable, please ignore it! Be safe <3
Circle for completed, heart for requested
Thank you for the ask! I am comfortable with everything other than rape/sex things (being on a farm makes you see some very icky things). But thanks anyways!
This is an example of not doing the multiple parts because 1.) it is an event and 2.) the ask was anonymous.
Warnings: stab wound, unconsciousness, breaking in, major character death, family feud, attempted murder, grief, crying
Hero sat at the cafe, idly sipping at her hot mocha and watched as the costumers walked in and out. She didn't exactly pay attention to them for she was looking for someone with more notable features.
"Hey Hero." The person she was waiting for slid into the seat ahead of her.
"Villain," Hero nodded her head and took a long sip. Villain waited, his piercing hazel gaze glowering.
"Are you done?" Villain asked after a while. Hero smiled and swallowed.
"Yup," she replied, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
"This is serious Hero," Villain groaned. "Supervillain has taken over half the city and is stopping my operations."
"Sounds like a problem for you to smooth out," Hero replied. "Not me."
"If Supervillain over powers me, the whole city is in peril."
Hero was silent for a moment, thinking of Villain's words. He was right- Villain might be ruthlessly cruel, but Supervillain was devilishly evil. To him, killing was a hobby, whereas Villain thought of it more as protection.
Not that Hero agreed with Villain's actions or sympathized with his reasons, but if she had the choice to choose between them, it would be Villain.
"Okay why do you need my help?" Hero pushed aside her drink.
"The power that flows through your veins is pure energy, not diluted or an off-brand. It is indestructible and unattainable. Between my ability to travel through the shadows and you, we can kill Supervillain in his sleep."
Hero scrunched her forehead. She knew that Villain wanted Supervillain off the streets, but not dead, and based on the distant look on Villain's face, it seemed that he wasn't entirely certain either.
"You sure about this?" Hero asked softly. Villain's eyes seemed to snap back into the present.
"Yeah," he said, pushing himself out of the wooden cafe seat. "Meet you tonight at the park."
Hero found Villain leaning against the swings after ten minutes of walking around, searching.
"You could've told me when are where exactly," Hero pointed out in a joking manner. Villain looked at her and half-smiled.
"Should've, you're right. Look, the plan is to turn off the power to Supervillain's base. We need to get onto the room and shoot it down with your energy. That'll shut off all the electricity and open the doors also known as the Emergency Blackout Initiative. It's a safety hazard. Then, we knock out a couple henchman and change into their uniforms. We put the guards in a dumpster then galvanize it. Your powers should be able to melt the polyethylene. Should be, you'll have to get them up to 230 degrees. Can you do that?"
"Yeah, but give me some Mountain Dew afterwards."
"Check," Villain said, patting his backpack. "I know your preferences. Okay, next we are to need to get to the top floor. There are sensors throughout to record our molecular data and DNA, so we'll have to move fast. I can't take you through the shadows- you could get sick and that would be worse than getting shot by a taser. The doors to Supervillain's bedroom are fingerprint operative, but I met with Supervillain the other day to exchange surveillance data- apparently there was a breach in one of his laboratories. Anyways, I collected his fingerprints so we are good to go. Then, we..."
Villain's voice trailed off. Hero stepped forward a foot, confused. Villain seemed to be suffering from some sort of mental breakdown.
"Then we kill him. He has umbrakinesis which is sort of like mine, but he manipulates shadow. He can, and will, conjure an illusion. I will harness that energy and you, with your power, will use me as a reflector."
"Won't you die?" Hero asked. Villain shook his head, a real smile dawning on his lips, as he tapped his chest.
"I'm wearing an absorbing vest to dull your powers the second they hit me," Villain replied.
"I thought you said mine couldn't be obtained?"
"They can't be, but they can be absorbed and used. It's really their only fatal flaw."
"That's the same thing," Hero crossed her arms, eyes twinking, but Villain didn't seem to be in the mood for light teasings.
He just shrugged and adjusted his backpack.
(Skipping the break in so it won't get too long)
"Okay," Villain said as he ran the piece of tape over the small, black box. It illuminated into a neon green, showing the crevices and swirls of the scanned fingerprint, before disappearing with the lock clicked.
Of course Supervillain's room wouldn't be unlocked during the Emergency Blackout Initiative. Just had to make things so much harder.
The pair stepped into the clinical room, weapons raised. Hero held a dagger while Villain was equipped with an electric gun.
The supervillain was slumbering on his bed, snoring softly, with his whole body splayed out. He looked so comfortable that Hero felt like it was illegal to wake him.
"Okay, maybe if
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