Fresh Cuts For The Sluts

Fresh Cuts For The Sluts


Fresh Cuts For The Sluts
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Eleanor carefully guided her cart down the hallway. The two young women were unconscious after sipping her special lemonade. Susan and Nancy were their names, not that it mattered. Edmond had carefully piled them onto the cart for her, but had not offer to take them downstairs for her. He wasn't keen on going down to her little "butcher shop." They were pretty girls, she thought as she pushed the cart onto the old elevator which would take them to the basement. She was in an elated mood. It was fall and she loved crisp weather. The leaves were changing and that always reminded her of the holidays.
Eleanor herself was a refined looking middle aged woman. She could easily pass for someone's kindly aunt. Her kindhearted demeanor had certainly disarmed both Nancy and Susan. She studied the two girls. They looked so sweet and innocent as if just sleeping. Too bad they would be butchered at such an early age. They were only nineteen or twenty. But then that's when their meat was at its juiciest. They were ripe for harvesting - prime specimens, both of them. Eleanor figured they would dress out at sixty pounds or so. It had been a while since they had such nice supply of their favorite meat. Susan was a real prize. Eleanor was looking forward to the tasting her delicious looking flesh. Eleanor and Edmond had caught and eaten more than a few two legged veal over the years and Eleanor knew good meat when she saw it. The young woman was "Grade A Prime" she was sure of that!
The old elevator stopped at the basement level with shudder and a clunk. Eleanor opened the scissor gate door and pushed her cart out toward her secret little "butcher shop". The sticking and cleaning of a couple of long pigs would be a messy affair, to messy to be attempted in her upstairs kitchen. Besides it wouldn't do if someone happened to drop by in the middle of everything. Most folks would just never understand.
After so many years, Eleanor didn't consider butchering two young women to be any different than butchering a pig. Meat was meat, whether it had two legs or four. She and Edmond had long ago justified cannibalism in their own minds. To them it was just a thinning of the herd. There were too many people about these days anyway. Besides everyone had to die sometime. Wasn't it better that their meat be enjoyed rather than wasted. The girls were lucky in a way, Eleanor thought, they would never know the pains of old age. Anyway, they should never have been hitchhiking on the coast highway, Eleanor told herself. It wasn't the kind of thing young women should be doing.
When she and Edmond came along they had happily climbed right in the van. "Like lambs to the slaughter" Edmond had whispered. They didn't even object to stopping by the house for some lemonade and cookies, poor dears. It just wasn't going to be their day, giggled Eleanor, to herself. Instead of tanning on the beach they're meaty young asses would be roasting in her oven.
The thought brought a smile to her face. Eleanor and her brother had eaten a lot of people over the years. They knew that attractive young women were the best meat - their "forbidden delicacy" Edmond liked to say. Eleanor eyed Susan's long shapely legs. She adored good legs. A young man would think them sexy, but she saw two succulent joints of delicious meat. She reached down and squeezed Susan's thigh, relishing the suppleness of her flesh - the soft layer of fat and the succulent muscle beneath. A lot of girls were too thin these days, she thought, but Susan was ready for the butcher! Eleanor unconsciously licked her lips. The poor girl was going to be very upset to learn she was going to be cooked and eaten!
Eleanor considered herself a good cook and a skillful butcher when it came to dressing a two legged carcass. That wasn't something they taught at cooking school. But processing both women in one evening would be too much for her. She had already decided to clean one of them and let the second one wait until morning. Just then Susan moaned. Eleanor realized the effects of her special tea must be wearing off. She scooted her victims into the little abattoir, flipping on the lights as she went in. She managed with some effort to roll Susan's limp body off the cart and onto the butcher-block table.
She rolled the cart toward the cage at the far side of the room. She pushed the cart inside and shut the door. The second girl was a fine specimen as well, Eleanor mused. Her succulent young body was well advertised by the skin-tight jeans. Locking the door she paused a moment. Edmond said he wanted to smoke a couple of hams when the weather was cooler. The thought made her mouth water. What better way to prepare a meaty pair of female hind quarters.
Eleanor remembered the time they served some of Edmond's special ham to some friends. They had simply raved about the wonderful flavor of that meat. She had been an exotic dancer and had a marvelously well developed set of hams on her. Edmond had met her in the city and convinced her to come home with him. She still wasn't sure how he had managed it. She had done the butchering, of course, and Edmond had cured and smoked her best parts. Their friends assumed it was Ed's special curing process that resulted in such delicious meat never realizing how special the meat really was! But that was another story.
Returning to Susan, Eleanor took the precaution of applying a piece of tape to her mouth. She didn't need a hysterical girl screaming in her ear. Retrieving a pair of scissors from a nearby shelf she began snipping through her clothes, dropping each article into the nearby trash can. Susan wouldn't need them again. Within a couple of minutes Susan's luscious body lay sprawled naked on the large butcher block. Eleanor couldn't resist running her hands over the supple flesh. "So sweet and juicy", Eleanor mused, testing and squeezing here and there, anticipating the feast to come. Her hands traveled over Susan's thighs and milky breasts. Her skin was nicely tanned except where her bathing suit had been.
The white, nearly translucent, skin of Susan's breasts and pussy served to emphasize the delicate quality of those portions of her meat. The white flesh of her breasts contrasted deliciously with the large pink nipples. She would have to cook the tits up special for Edmond. He was inordinately fond of breast meat. Eleanor rolled a stiffening nipple between her thumb and forefinger gently tugging it as if she was removing the skin. As tempting as they looked Eleanor considered the meat a little rich for her taste. She preferred a thick slice of meat cut from the inside of the thigh. Nineteen was such a tender age Eleanor thought to herself as her attention moved to Susan's tenderloin - so delicate and tender. Still, the rump and thighs were almost as good and there was a lot more meat on them!
Susan moaned again when Eleanor guided the overhead hoist into position. Edmond had constructed it a few years ago. He was handy at such things but not much help when it came to the messy work. He was quite content to let her do that. Eleanor slipped a small noose around each ankle and pushed the switch that started the machine. The small motor whirred, slowly pulling its load of succulent flesh toward the ceiling. First the legs, then the hips lifted off the table. Eleanor watched attentively as Susan's limp form was hauled into the air. The sight of a handsome young woman hung by her heels always excited her. She stopped the motor at the correct height. Susan swayed gently, her legs widely spread by the bar held the loops of rope.
Grasping the soft flesh on the inside of a thigh with one hand, Eleanor probed the plump folds of Susan's labia. She liked to sauté the fleshy lower lips and clit in butter and cream sauce.
Just then Susan groaned and opened her eyes. Her ankle ached. The last thing she remembered was sipping some of Eleanor's lemonade. It took her a moment to realize she was naked and hanging upside down!
"Well my dear" Eleanor said "It looks like you didn't get quite enough of my special lemonade."
The terrified girl's expression was one of total confusion.
"I bet you're wondering why you're hung up like a plump porker in a slaughterhouse?" Eleanor said softly.
Susan tried to speak but could only make a muffled sound because of the tape on her mouth.
"Truth is I was just getting you ready for butchering. I guess I forgot to mention that Edmond and I were cannibals didn't I.
Susan shook her head in disbelief. A second wave of terror and nausea washed over her.
"Haven't you ever wondered what human meat tastes like Susan?" "I bet you've thought about it haven't you", giggled Eleanor? "Well I can tell you it's very, very good. Especially when it's soft tender meat like you and your friend," Eleanor said with a wicked wink. You know I think more folks would try it if they knew how good it really was."
Continuing to shaking her head slowly, Susan's mind rebelled at the horror that was upon her.
Eleanor continued her little game. "I'm going to cut your throat in just a minute. Sorry, but that's the first step in the process. Then I'll split that sweet belly or yours to about here", Eleanor said, tracing a line down Susan's middle with her finger.
"Then I'll take out everything that isn't meat, you know what I mean. You've cleaned a chicken before haven't you? Well it's about the same."
Susan felt dizzy; her blood was pounding in her ears. Nothing made sense to her. The women had seemed so kindly, she thought. How could she be so horrible!
Eleanor continued chatting as she slipped on her white apron. "Do you want to guess what part of you I've planned for dinner Susan?"
Susan's eyes refocused on the women, fighting back the panic.
"A nice plump thigh steak with mashed potatoes and gravy. Doesn't that sound delicious?" To tell the truth, I can hardly wait to taste you. Eleanor said."
Susan's eyes glazed over as if in shock. The pain from her ankles was worst than ever. Her feet were completely numb.
"Now don't be too upset my dear, Eleanor continued, we all have to go sometime don't we?" At least none of your precious meat will be wasted, I promise you that", Eleanor patted Susan's hip. "Edmond and I are really very appreciative of succulent young ladies like you."
Susan vainly tried to twist away from her tormentor.
Eleanor picked up her favorite boning knife. "Well its time to get to work!"
Dangling helplessly, Susan's attention was riveted to the knife in Eleanor's hand.
Arching her back in sheer desperation, Susan managed only a muffled gasp as Eleanor's blade sliced into the soft flesh of her throat, cutting easily through the tendons, muscles and arteries. Almost before she realized what had happened her blood was pouring into the tub below her head and Eleanor had split her open from pubic bone to breast bone. Her body quivered all over as her blood pumped out onto the old washtub. She knew she was killed, but remained vaguely conscious as her butchering continued.
Eleanor's hand slipped inside her to grab a handful of her intestines. Bewildered and disoriented Susan stared at the horror of her own entrails being dragged out of her belly and dumped into the tub beneath her. As the darkness closed in she was dimly aware that her anus was being cut away. She jerked for one final time as Eleanor's flashing knife freed the dangling mess of offal which fell with a wet plopping sound into the old tub.
Susan didn't feel anything when Eleanor split her breast bone with a small cleaver and pried open her rib cage like a purse. The still beating heart and the spongy bags of tissue that were Susan's lungs were dragged out and dumped into the tub. Finally Susan's head was cut off and dropped into the bloody scraps tub.
After pausing to admire her work she rinsed out the body and wiped it clean with a damp cloth. When Eleanor finished, the interior was pink and shinny and Susan's ribs and backbone could easily be discerned. It was a fine piece of butchery if she did say so herself. Eleanor was sure a professional could not have done any better. But she still needed a cut of meat for dinner. Taking up her knife again she began a cut at the crease between Susan's vulva and thigh. She sliced down toward the joint. The knife easily cut through her leg crossing tendon and the soft meat beneath sinking to the hip joint.
Continuing the cut all the way around Eleanor thoughtfully included some of Susan's rump meat. A skillful twist separated the joint with a popping sound. Susan's leg was surprisingly heavy but Eleanor managed to gently lay it on the nearby counter. The rest of the meat had to be hung in the cooler. Even in her present condition Susan was a little heavy for Eleanor to handle by herself. But she didn't want to go looking for Edmond and managed to maneuver the meaty prize into the cooler and onto a meat hook. She resolved however to make Edmond to help her with the next one. She paused to catch her breath before carrying the meaty joint that had been Susan's leg upstairs to cook.
The thigh meat was still warm when Eleanor arrived upstairs. She was anxious to get the meat trimmed and into the oven. She turned the leg over and attacked the back of the knee with her boning knife. Cutting the tendons she worked the knife deeply around the joint. Grasping the ankle she twisted until the shank and round separated. She set the meaty calf aside. It would make some very tasty soup. The boning knife worked well for trimming too. She liked to french the end of the thigh bone like a leg of lamb. It made the roast more attractive she thought.
Turning the joint over she made a cut along the back of the back of the thigh and carefully peeled off the skin in one piece. She trimmed off the fat but left a half inch or so on the top half to baste the roast as it cooked. The flesh was pinkish in color and well marbled. Eleanor jabbed the meat in several places and inserted slivers of garlic. Finally she rubbed it a mixture of salt, pepper and thyme and slipped it into the oven to cook.
After cleaning up a bit she began peeling some potatoes. Both she and Edmond were fond of mashed potatoes, especially with a roast thigh. By the time the potatoes were peeled and in the pot the wonderful aroma of Susan's roasting meat filled the kitchen. Eleanor could hardly wait for dinner. She put the potatoes on to simmer and went to check on Edmond.
ovenfetishman425 June 29, 2020 @ 9:05 pm
I Loved it I want to see more great story
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