Frequent thrush, a sign of certain diseases?

Frequent thrush, a sign of certain diseases?

health equiptment
thrush mouth

Health problems in the mouth area will certainly bother you. Especially when you want to eat food. No exception to canker sores. In fact, this mouth disease can strike everyone regardless of age limits you know! Buy health equipment cheap here jual alat kesehatan.

Thrush is an inflammation that occurs in the skin of the inside of the mouth. This disease can appear on the inner lips, tongue, gums, palate, and inner cheeks. The shape is round or sometimes oval with white or yellow in the center and the reddish edges.

Types of thrush

 You need to know, not all canker sores are the same. Each type of canker sores can require different treatments. Thrush is divided into 3 types based on the following characteristics and sizes:

Thrush minor type

 Sprue with a small size of less than 1 cm, oval-shaped with a reddish edge, and will heal within 7 days to 2 weeks by itself without leaving a scar.

Thrush major type

 Sprue with a size larger than the minor type, oval-shaped with clear boundaries and feels deeper. It takes 4 weeks or even more for the healing process to leave scars due to the long duration of healing.

Thrush herpetiform type

 These canker sores can amount to 10 to 100 wounds in the mouth, are small and thin so that sometimes these sores form into one large wound.

Causes of canker sores

 Some oral activity can cause thrush. For example, such as gums or tongue that accidentally bite, brush your teeth too tight, or consume foods with a hard texture. Besides canker sores can also be caused by:

1. Lack of vitamin B12

2. Lack of good nutrients such as zinc, iron and calcium

3. The use of braces

4. Not maintaining oral hygiene

5. Consume acidic fruits (oranges, tomatoes, apples) when the tissues are in the mouth

damaged or injured

6. Weak immune system

Generally canker sores can heal by themselves. But if its existence is very disturbing, you can use the natural canker sores Aloclair Plus which is made from aloe vera extract. Aloclair comes in 3 variants based on how to use. You can choose to use Aloclair Plus Gel, Mouthwash, or Spray to treat thrush.

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Symptoms of certain diseases

 In some cases, the symptoms of a certain disease resemble or even take the form of canker sores. So there is no further examination because it is considered a trivial matter. The following types of diseases that have symptoms resembling or in the form of canker sores:


 Thrush can be a sign that you have a lack of blood or decreased hemoglobin levels. Though hemoglobin is important for tissue resistance by carrying oxygen in the blood.

Mouth cancer

 Oral cancer has characteristics that can not be lost and excessive pain. Also a sign of oral cancer can be seen from the various patches of color. Can be white, red, brown, even blue.

Autoimmune disease

 Autoimmune shows the many kinds of systemic diseases that are chronic and affect the metabolism of the whole body, including the mouth. One of them is lupus. Symptoms of lupus are characterized by thrush in the oral cavity.


 Steven Johnson Syndrome is one of the rare allergies caused by serious disorders of the skin and mucous membranes. Symptoms include flu, red eyes, and the appearance of red or purple rashes on the skin including the mouth. This rash in the mouth is similar to canker sores.

After knowing the explanation, hopefully you should not underestimate thrush huh. Try to do the initial treatment using Aloclair. If canker sores don't go away or look suspicious, don't hesitate to consult a doctor immediately.

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