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Celebrity · Posted on May 15, 2018

MJ Rymsza-Pawlowska


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"What is a twink?" —straight people, yesterday.
*It was honestly called "bob apple," which sounds pretty gay to me!
Look, I’ve lived in Illinois and seen a lot of Lincolns in my time but this is maybe one of the most unusual? C. 1940 sexy New Deal Lincoln at the DC Office of Public Records
Now excuse me while I hang out in the comments watching all you gays argue about who is and who is NOT a twink.
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Your coming out stories. Any gender identity or sexuality. Happy, sad, serious, successful, funny or however it went. You can share your own experience, or the experience of someone else coming out to you, or talk about your lack of need to come out. A side project of LGBT Laughs . To submit anonymously, log out of tumblr, use a different browser, or just indicate somewhere that you'd like to remain anonymous.

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When I was 15, I came out to my older brother (who was 18 at the time). Starting with him & ever since, nobody has ever guessed me to be gay I guess. I like sports, so I’m not very “girly.” But anyway, my brother was the first person I ever told.
We were watching tv one night in the living room & during a commercial, he asked me if I knew who I was taking to my upcoming school dance. I shook my head no;
Him: you don’t know who you’re taking? or you’re not going?
Him: why not? you’re, ya know…handsome (i remember being flattered by that) haha. just ask a friend.
Me: i dont like any of them like that…
Him: fine, then go with kevin for all i care (he laughed when he said it. kevin was, and still is, my best friend).
Me: i dont like kevin like that (i must have said it too seriously)
He looked at me kind of funny. It was really awkward at that point & I just KNEW that it was going to lead somewhere
I remember looking right at the tv & feeling really numb, but I didn’t answer him.
I was breathing a little hard there & I didn’t want to be there anymore so I just got up & went to my room to be there for a little bit. But maybe like 10 minutes later, he came in, asked me again if I was gay & I said yeah, I am (I was SOOOO uncomfortable when I said it) & all he said was oh. But then he sat down at my desk & we talked for a little bit, about the usual stuff. Who else knew, when did *I* know, etc.
Anyway, after a little bit, he got up to leave & then I went over to him & hugged him for a long time. He hugged me back & said it’s all good.
And ever since then, it’s been better than good. He’s actually REALLY cool with gay things (with a LOT of persuasion, I actually got him to come with me to a gay pride parade like 2 years later. how cool is that! he might come with me to another one NEXT year).
But the best time was when I came out to our parents (well, best time for having my bro be there for me).
We were eating dinner one night & I don’t remember what we were talking about, but it lead into gay stuff & I remember my brother actually just kind of letting his foot rest against mine, to just let me know he was there for me if things turned ugly.
Well, they did. I ended up coming out (don’t quite remember the conversation) & my parents were really unhappy about it. But the whole time, my brother was defending me, sticking up for me & just there for me, which I was so grateful for.
Well anyway it’s been a few years since then, my parents are…“BETTER” with it, I guess you could say hahaha. But I still have my bro, who I just love so much because he’s so supportive. He’s the best.
He was also the first person I introduced my boyfriend to, who I’ve been with for two years now (I’m 20 currently). But that’s for another story.

February 26th, 2018 Views: 188163
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